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half an hour相关的网络例句

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与 half an hour 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

November 4, 2009, Xiao Xuelian confirmed that morning 10 o'clock, Min Han, Longlin plantago, Rui Hu and Fu Yuan-chi by the river, she and several other students playing cards in the more distant half an hour later, a sudden heard someone shout "involved in!"


If it is exclusive breastfeeding, nursing mothers can serve calcium, milk-fed babies have a calcium deficiency symptoms should calcium agents, such as calcium gluconate, milk half an hour after feeding, a sub-fed two or three times better absorption and also cod liver oil should continue to serve on weekdays Rideau sun 9:00 choose a more moderate after the sunlight, as much skin exposed limbs, to the best of direct sun to sun, the sun through the window glass was not effective, it should also be noted, In addition, when the sun of the need to protect your baby's eyes, not straight into the sun.


Project leader Rogan Pepper says medical or aid workers would know in less than half an hour if a person is infected.


Dr. Sarkar arrived the following noon and pronounced that life had departed not more than half an hour before.


He got paint on his hand; he has scrubbed away for half an hour .


With our eldest, we have that last half an hour at night; Shiloh tends to be the first up in the morning.


Gandhi consistently advocated that Hinduism and Muslim should solidarize to fight against the strategy.In January 13th,Gandhi started in fasting when he was 79 years old,until when they were willing to cooperate.In January 30th,Gandhi was gunned suffering serious injury by Hindoo radical right,and passed away after half an hour.


Results The prevalence of sleep abnormality related symptoms was 39.3% in children of 7-12 years old in Wuxi. Among them, the prevalence of being asleep more than half an hour was 7.3%, frequent sleep snoring 10.9%, mouth breathing 5.8%, waking because of choke 0.5%, sleep apnea 0.2%, somnambulate or nightmare 2.1%, limber spasm 11.8%, enuresis 0.2%, difficulty of waking in morning 0.9%, becoming worse in study 17.2%, being impatience 20.3%. There was difference in symptoms between genders.

结果 无锡市538例7~12岁肥胖儿童睡眠障碍发生率为39.9%,其中入睡时间超过0.5 h的报告率为7.3%,睡眠打鼾为10.9%,张口呼吸为5.8%,憋醒为0.5%,睡眠呼吸暂停为0.2%,梦游或做噩梦为2.1%,睡眠中肢体抽动为11.8%,遗尿为0.2%,清晨起床困难为0.9%,近0.5 a学习成绩下降的为17.2%,性情急躁的为20.3%;不同症状的发生率存在性别差异。

Spontaneous afferent nerve discharge and gastric distention-induced afferent nerve discharge of subdiaphragmatic vagus nerve were recorded half an hour before and after intravenous injection of different doses of erythromycin and azithromycinin.

经颈静脉注射生理盐水、红霉素、阿齐霉素,观察记录注药前和注药后30 min内膈下迷走神经传入自发放电和扩胃诱发放电两种状态下的变化。

97Dhe job Was HO sweal;we finished it in half an hour.


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Anything Can Happen In The Next Half An Hour
Half An Hour

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
