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与 hairy 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Scape suberect, usually shorter than leaves, loosely bearing 6-12cm or more flowers; bracts 5mm long; pedicel including ovary 4cm long; flower light yellow-green, faintly fragrant like Osmanthus fragrans ; dorsal sepal nearly oblong, 4.5-6cmlong, 1.2-1.8cm wide, yellow-green ,base tinged purple-brown on back, lateral sepals oblique-oblong, slightly narrow, petals narrower than sepals, 5-12mm wide, light yellow-green, spotted purple-red at base; lip slightly short-clawed, 3-lobed, side lobes erect, striped purple-red, mid-lobe somewhat reflexed, waved at margin, disk pubescent above, with 2paralles lamellae, long-hairy.

花葶近直立,常短于叶,疏生6~12朵或更多朵;花苞片长约5mm ;花梗连子房长约4cm ;花浅黄绿色,稍有桂花香气;中萼片近矩圆形,长4.5~6cm ,宽1.2~1.8cm ,黄绿色,背面基部有紫褐色晕,侧萼片斜矩圆形,稍窄;花瓣比萼片窄,宽5~12mm ,浅黄绿色,基部有紫红色的小斑点;唇瓣略有短爪,3裂,侧裂片直立,具紫红色条纹,中裂片略反折,边缘波状,唇盘上表面被短柔毛,2条褶片平行,生长毛;合蕊柱须长,3~4.2cm 。

Eight - number between 7 and 9,八ate - past tense of eat,吃的过去式 bear - a big, hairy animalbear - to be able to withs...


Any of numerous extinct elephants widely distributed in the Pleistocene; extremely large with hairy coats and long upcurved tusks.


They grow up and they grow down and grab the earth between their hairy tose and bite the sky with violent teeth and never quit their anger.


Sepals 4; stems densely villous-hairy or rarely puberulous; pedicels 1-10 mm; seeds free, with inflated raphe equal in size to body of seed; pollen in tetrads.


The US Goverment swallowed two really big ugly hairy hungry tapeworms, that will possibly each cost an extra $1 trillion in unplanned expenses


"The Hairy Ape"----Yank-brutal, stupid, and profane is the recognized leader of the stokers, who are the ultimate products of a society subservient to machines.


Leaves narrowly ovate to oblong-lanceolate, white hairy on both surfaces, rarely glabrous.


Fruit cordate-ovoid or oblong-ovoid, slightly laterally compressed, constricted at the commissure, glabrous or variously hairy; ribs 5, filiform, sometimes obscured by the indumentum; vittae 1–3(–4) in each furrow, 2–4(–8) on commissure.


East Indian shrub often cultivated for its hairy leaves and orange-red flowers.


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Hairy Christmas
Hairy Trees
Si Senor The Hairy Grill

No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
