英语人>网络例句>hairy 相关的网络例句

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与 hairy 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Lower culm internodes densely hairy; culm sheath apically subtruncate, larger auricles nearly 3 × size of smaller ones.

更低的秆节间的有密毛;竿箨顶部近截形,大的耳廓差不多3 *更小的的大小。 11 B。 rutila 木竹

Only known species of Cycliophora; lives symbiotically attached to a lobster's lip by an adhesive disk and feeding by means of a hairy mouth ring; its complex life cycle includes asexual and sexual phases.


Only known species of Cycliophora; lives symbiotically attached to a lobster's lip by an adhesive disk and feeding by means of a hairy mouth ring; its complex life cycle includes asexual and sexual phases.


Any of various hairy perennial Eurasian herbs of the genus Symphytum, especially S. officinale, having variously colored flowers in coiled cymes and long used in herbal medicine.


In Anna Christie and Hairy Ape displays Taoistic notion of ivunity with nature.


Leaf blades softly hairy abaxially or on both surfaces; branchlets terete.

叶片软的有毛的背面的或在两面;小枝圆柱状 16

Tarantulas are large hairy spiders that belong to the family Theraphosidae, which are kept as pets mainly by young people.


Stems and undersides of leaves finely yellowish tomentose; corolla lobes hairy on both sides

好的叶的茎和下面淡黄被绒毛;花冠裂片有毛的两面 17 Marsdenia sinensis 牛奶菜

The growth and the nutrient consumption in the culture of Trichosanthes kirilowii hairy root were studied for various inoculum concentrations.

为将毛状根用于根类中药材的工业化生产,研究了在不同接种量的条件下,栝楼毛状根的生长及其对各种营养物质的消耗,同时考查了培养液的p H值和电导率的变化。

Peduncles, stems, and branches densely glandular hairy and hirsute; achenes trigonous.

花序梗,茎和分枝浓密的腺毛和具粗毛;瘦果三棱。 23 P 。 viscosum 香蓼

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Hairy Christmas
Hairy Trees
Si Senor The Hairy Grill

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
