英语人>网络例句>hairy 相关的网络例句

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与 hairy 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Herbs annual. Leaves alternate, sessile, linear to lanceolate, complanate, semiterete, or terete, membranous or fleshy, densely hairy.


Stems quadrangular, lightly grooved to nearly winged, glabrous or white crisped hairy.


Panicle scarcely 12 cm in width, branches densely brown long crisped hairy; leaflets usually acute to shortly acuminate at apex

圆锥花序不到12厘米宽,分枝浓密棕色长皱波状有毛;小叶通常锐尖的到短渐尖在先端 1 A。

Leaves distichous, simple, those toward base of plant usually bladeless and reduced to sheaths; leaf sheath open; ligule usually present; petiole present or not, located between leaf blade and sheath, cushionlike in Zingiber ; leaf blade suborbicular or lanceolate to narrowly strap-shaped, rolled longitudinally in bud, glabrous or hairy, midvein prominent, lateral veins usually numerous, pinnate, parallel, margin entire.


Longest spines of lower glume equaling or longer than glume width, 1.5–2.5 mm; nodes of rachis minutely hairy; leaf blades glabrous, apex cuspidate.

更低的颖片等长或更长于颖片宽度,1.5-2.5毫米的长刺;轴微小的的节有毛;无毛的叶片,先端骤尖。 5 E。 zeylanica 马陆草

Any of several Eurasian plants of the genus Cynoglossum, having hairy leaves, small reddish-purple flowers, and prickly, clinging fruit.


Either of two ferns of the genus Davallia having a soft gray hairy rootstock.


Culms to 10(–15) m, to 10 cm in diam.; internodes deep green, 35–45(–55) cm, initially thinly white powdery, sparsely deciduously white hairy; wall to 2 cm thick; nodes flat, white tomentose; branching from basal nodes up. Branches many, main mid-culm branch to 2 cm in diam.


Young culm internodes thinly white powdery, sparsely deciduously white hairy; culm sheath blade abaxially glabrous.

稀少,稀疏白色敷粉的节间的年轻秆白色有毛;竿箨叶片背面无毛。 58 B。 intermedia 绵竹

Stamens 4, didynamous; filaments usually hairy; anthers meeting in pairs, locules transverse, base spurred or mucronate, 2-loculed; 1 locule fertile, other reduced and empty.

雄蕊4,二强雄蕊;花丝通常有毛;花药会议成对,横裂的子房室,基部距或短尖,2室; 1子房室能育,其他退化和空。

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Hairy Christmas
Hairy Trees
Si Senor The Hairy Grill

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
