英语人>网络例句>hairy 相关的网络例句

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与 hairy 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Characteristics: Climbing perennial woody vines, stem densely hairy; leaves compound, opposite, consisting of three leaflets or sections, biternate or pinnate, the leaflets 3-9, acuminate at apex, coarsely serrate at margin; inflorescences panicles or cymes, axillary; flowers white to yellowish


Scape erect or slightly slanting, 30cm high, 1-2flowered, flowers large, white ,8-10cm across, fragrant; sepals oblong-lanceolate, 6cm long, 2cm wide, faintly tinted green at base; petals slightly smaller than sepals, lip 3-lobed, side lobes erect, spotted purple-red, mid –lobe pendent, blotched yellow and irregularly spotted purple-red in middle ,wavy at margin, lamellae yellow ,short-hairy .

花葶直立或微倾斜,高30cm ,有1~2花,花大,白色,直径8~10cm ,具芳香味;萼片长圆状披针形,长6cm ,宽2cm ,基部微带绿晕;花瓣稍小于萼片,唇瓣3裂,侧裂片直立,有紫色小斑点,中裂片下垂,中间有黄色斑块和不规则紫红色小斑点,边缘波浪状,褶片黄色,被短毛。花期2~5月。

These bulked up hairy bulldozers are topped off with horns and that's a weapon in weight combination that makes one formidable opponent.


Lightly hairy rhizomatous perennial having aromatic feathery leaves and stems bearing open clusters of small buttonlike ''.


Lightly hairy rhizomatous perennial having aromatic feathery leaves and stems bearing open clusters of small buttonlike yellow flowers; sand dunes of Pacific coast of North America.


The analysis result showed that the contents of total alkaloids in hairy roots were higher than explants and calli.


Stems often more than 20 cm tall, branched from middle or apically; inflorescences, pedicels, and calyces glabrous or sparsely short glandular hairy; calyx lobes lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, more than 1.5 mm wide

20厘米高的超过茎通常,从中间或那里分开;花序,花梗和花萼无毛的或疏生短腺毛;萼裂片披针形到卵状披针形,超过1.5毫米宽 7 Linaria vulgaris 柳穿鱼

Corolla urceolate or campanulate, throat often hairy; lobes twisted to right.


Hairy perennial with yellow flower heads in branched clusters; found almost everywhere in dry places from Canada to west central and western United States; sometimes placed in genus Chrysopsis.


Culm sheaths green, densely glaucous, abaxially glabrous or hairy, densely so at base, margins ciliate and apically orange or withered; auricles obscure; ligule truncate, 1–2 mm, densely glaucous, ciliolate; blade narrowly lanceolate, margins serrulate.


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Hairy Christmas
Hairy Trees
Si Senor The Hairy Grill

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
