英语人>网络例句>hairy 相关的网络例句

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与 hairy 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Hairy South African or Australian subshrub with blue-rayed daisylike flowers.


Preliminary trials of holy basil leaves and hairy basil seeds have shown that these herbs may help people with type 2 diabetes control their blood sugar levels. 233 234 235 An uncontrolled study reported that 1,000 mg per day of holy basil lowered blood sugar, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides, 236 while a controlled trial tested 2,500 mg per day and found similar changes in blood sugar, but only minor effects on total blood cholesterol. 237 The mechanism of action of holy basil leaf is not understood and it is unknown whether common culinary sweet basil would have similar effects.

在圣罗勒,毛叶和罗勒种子的初步试验显示,这些草药可以帮助二型糖尿病患者控制血糖水平。233 234 235不受控制的研究报告说,每天1000毫克的神圣罗勒降低血糖,低密度脂蛋白和甘油三酯,236而对照试验测试的每天2500毫克,发现血糖类似的变化,但只有轻微的影响血胆固醇总含量。237行动机制神圣罗勒叶不理解,这是未知之数共同烹饪甜罗勒将具有类似的效果。

While sucking excrement and urine of human and livestock, secretion of nose, pharynx and eyes as well as vomits, it's hairy body surface, especially tarsi, pulvilli and labella pollute food and household utensils and thus spread diseases.


The major muscle protei , actin and myosin, convert chemical energy to mechanical work, while protei in tendo bind muscles to bones, skin, hairy fingernails, and toenails are pertinacious protective su tance.


At present, mainly engaged in fresh seafood, including (live conger \ Ankang fish \ fish liver \ Tile Fish \ tiger fish \ Portunus \ hairy \ abalone, etc.)/ vegetables \ fungi \ mushrooms / and minerals used in construction.


Her eyes went to the stubby hairy hand on the floor so close to the sewing box and suddenly she was vitally alive again, vitally glad with a cool tigerish joy.


Timber tree of central and southeastern United States having hairy branchlets and a swollen trunk base.


Culms 2–5 m, 5–12 mm in diam.; internodes terete, 20–32 cm, pith spongy; nodes weakly prominent, sheath base persistent, corky, glaucous, pilose; intranode ca. 9 mm. Culm sheaths persistent or late deciduous, brown, shorter than internodes, fragile, densely setose; auricles falcate; oral setae ca. 5 mm; ligule arcuate, ca. 2 mm; blade triangularly ovate-lanceolate, abaxially slightly hairy at base.

秆2-5米,5-12毫米直径;节间圆柱状,20-32厘米,木髓海绵状;节身体虚弱突出,宿存的鞘基部,木栓质,有白霜,; intranode约晚落叶的9毫米竿箨宿存或,棕色,节间,脆的短于,密被刚毛;叶耳镰刀形;口头的刚毛约5毫米;弧曲的叶舌,约2毫米;叶片三角形卵状披针形,背面的稍有毛在基部。

Combing the advantages of the compact spinning with Siro spinning, compact sirospun yarn possesses good performances of both the compact yam and two-ply yarn, such as high strength, less hairy, compact structure and high abrasion resistance. The principle and features of the compact Siro spinning technology are introduced in this paper.


Before this, she was called "the hairy angel" due to her thick bushy eyebrows and a flock of unaesthetic curly hair.


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Hairy Christmas
Hairy Trees
Si Senor The Hairy Grill

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
