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与 hairy 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Tabaci was the shortest (19.3 d) on hairy gourd and the longest (29.0 d) on bitter cucumber, the survival rate from egg to adult was the highest (92.85%) on cucumber and the lowest (53.08%) on bitter cucumber, the laid eggs were the most (187.4 eggs per female) on cucumber and the least (30.0 eggs per female) on bitter cucumber, and the longevity was the longest (25.2 d) on cucumber and the shortest (10.9 d) on bitter cucumber. The intrinsic rate of increase r(subscript mon cucumber, hairy gourd, bitter cucumber, and sponge gourd was 0.1453, 0.1429, 0.0616, and 0.1055, respectively.

结果表明,B型烟粉虱在节瓜上的世代发育历期最短,为19.3d,在苦瓜上的世代发育历期最长,为29.0d;世代存活率在黄瓜上最高,为92.85%,在苦瓜上最低,为53.08%;平均单雌产卵量在黄瓜上最多,为187.4粒,苦瓜上最少,为30.0粒;雌成虫寿命以在黄瓜上最长,为25.2d,在苦瓜上最短,为10.9d.B型烟粉虱在黄瓜、节瓜、苦瓜和丝瓜上的内禀增长率r(下标 m分别为0.1453、0.1429、0.0616和0.1055。

So, we can get the properties of growth conditions of ginkgo hairy roots, and supply the large-scale factory production of ginkgo hairy toots with theoretical basis.


Leaves abaxially hairy, adaxially glabrous or hairy when young, but glabrescent when mature

有毛的叶背面,有毛的正面无毛或幼时,成熟时的但是后脱落 51

Seed cones ellipsoid-cylindric, 2.5-4 cm; seed scales obtriangular- or reniform-orbicular, densely long hairy abaxially; short branchlets densely yellow hairy; leaves 1.2-3.5 cm, keeled on both sides

球果椭圆形圆筒状,2.5-4厘米;种鳞倒三角形或肾形球状,浓密长毛背面;浓密的短小枝黄有毛;叶1.2-3.5厘米,龙骨状的两面 4 Larix mastersiana 四川红杉

Stamens 6; filaments free. Ovary usually stalked, apex thickened and hairy; style solid, usually short; stigmas (1–)3, long, hairy, plumose.


Spikelets 3–6, 4–7 cm, glaucous, pedicels hairy; florets 8–13; rachilla internodes 4–5 mm. Glumes 3–5, enlarged upward; lemma ovate-lanceolate; palea longer than lemma, rarely equal in length, ciliate, glaucous and slightly hairy between keels, apex acute.


Mature capsule straight or spirally twisted, usually densely hairy, often with soft setae which are themselves hairy.


Stems subquadrangular, white hairy, apically glandular hairy, pith white.


Leaf blade obovate to broadly so, margin dentate, serrate, or doubly serrate; inflorescence branches and pedicels long glandular hairy; sepals glandular hairy, apex not dentate; petals subspatulate or elliptic.


With the increase of hormone level added into MS medium,callusing frequencies of type Ⅰ,Ⅱ hairy roots were increased,at the same time,the formation of lateral root from hairy root or callus was inhibited.


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Hairy Christmas
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Si Senor The Hairy Grill

I'll try to bring the conversation around to the subject of money.


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