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与 had it not been 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

China"s stock markets had made a great progress after 14 years" development, their functions of financing, resource disposal, liquidity providing and company management bettering had got well exerted. This means the function efficiency had been improved.2.As for the market structure, operating method and regulations conditions, the participants" structure and quality had been increased fast, the transaction cost had been greatly reduced, and issuing and liquating method had become more fair and effective, the relative laws and regulations had been better and better, the operation efficiency had been improved.3.Compared with other stock markets, China"s stock markets" indexes had performed a good random walk property, which means that the pricing efficiency had been improved.4.Compared with other advanced markets in the world, by and large, on the basis of China"s rapid improvement on economy recently, China"s stock markets" efficiency was relatively low.

根据分析研究,本文的主要结论和观点如下: 1、中国股市14年来的发展取得了重大进步,其融资、资源配置、提供流动性以及改善公司治理等功能都得到了良好的发挥,功能效率程度得到提高; 2、从股市结构、运作机制和体制环境来看,股市主体的结构和质量有了快速提高,交易成本大大降低,发行和流通方式更加公平、有效,各项法律法规也不断得到完善,其运作效率程度得到提高; 3、与世界主要股票市场相比,中国股市指数的随机游走特性逐渐良好,说明14年来,中国股市定价效率得到了快速提高; 4、中国股市与世界先进市场相比,综合来看,考虑到中国股市的发展背景和近几年国民经济的快速发展,其效率还是较低的。

Thx! Demi Lovato - Everything You'Re Not I've been bruised and I've been broken Can't believe that I put up with all this pain I've been used and I was chocking on the promise I would never fall again I used to sing to your twisted symphony The words that had me trapped inside your misery But now I know The reason why I couldn't breathe 'Cause all I want is everything you're not So go ahead and slam the door 'Cause you can't shut me out And no i don't, I don't care what you say 'Cause all I really, all I really want Is everything you're not Everything you're not not not Your darkness was my weakness but it turns out That it only went so deep,deep A meaningless diversion that is all that you Ever meant to me And I am done with your twisted symphony The words that had me sound like stolen poetry I tore the pages and I can finally breathe 'Cause all I want is everything you're not So go ahead and slam the door 'Cause you can't shut me out And no i don't, I don't care what you say 'Cause all I really, all I really want Is everything you're not I want a gentleman who treats me like a queen I need respect, I need love nothing in between I will not spell it out for you if you can't see 'Cause you're not worthy, you don't deserve me A now I'm gone Everything you're not, not, not Everything you're not, not, not 'Cause all I want is everything you're not So go ahead and slam the door 'Cause you can't shut me out And no i don't, I don't care what you say 'Cause all I really, all I really want Is everything you're not Never gonna break my heart again Never gonna see your face again Never wanna feel this way again Never gonna break my heart again Never gonna see your face again Never wanna feel this way again


Major content of this work includes five aspects as follows:(1). Oxygen sensitive materials had been prepared by carrier covalence method, and the preparation mechanism of the materials had been investigated by FI-IR, SEM, and the detection experiment of oxygen. Then through the detection of oxygen, the sensitivity and stability had been estimated, and it was studied that the properties of materials would be affected by the various factors.(2). Oxygen sensitive materials had been prepared by carrier covalence-cross linking method, and the preparation mechanism of the materials had been investigated by FI-IR, SEM, and the detection experiment of oxygen. Then through the detection of oxygen and spectrophotometer, the sensitivity and stability had been estimated, and it was studied that the properties of materials would be affected by the various factors.(3). For the detection of gaseous oxygen, the fiber optical sensor on basis of oxygen sensitive materials had a respond time of 10s, detection limit of 5ppmand detection precision of 0.5%. The sensor had good repeatability and stability, a less delay and at least 1 year life-span.


I not only thought these the pure Productions of Providence for my Support, but not doubting, but that there was more in the Place, I went all over that Part of the Island, where I had been before, peering in every Corner, and under every Rock, to see for more of it, but I could not find any; at last it occur'd to my Thoughts, that I had shook a Bag of Chickens Meat out in that Place, and then the Wonder began to cease; and I must confess, my religious Thankfulness to God's Providence began to abate too upon the Discovering that all this was nothing but what was common; tho' I ought to have been as thankful for so strange and unforseen Providence, as if it had been miraculous; for it was really the Work of Providence as to me, that should order or appoint, that 10 or 12 Grains of Corn should remain unspoil'd,(when the Rats had destroy'd all the rest,) as if it had been dropt from Heaven; as also, that I should throw it out in that particular Place, where it being in the Shade of a high Rock, it sprang up immediately; whereas, if I had thrown it anywhere else, at that Time, it had been burnt up and destroy'd.


Then they had spoken with Miss Frandsen; she knew all about the ballet, and at one time, in Grand-mother's younger days, she had been the most beauti-ful danseuse at the theater; she had danced goddesses and princesses, had been cheered and applauded wher-ever she had gone; but then she had grown older—weall do—and so no longer had she been given principal parts; she'd had to dance behind the younger ones;and when finally her dancing days had come to an end, she had become a wardrobe woman and dressed the others as goddesses and princesses.


When we told them how we plac'd our selves, and the Horses in the Middle, they blam'd us exceedingly, and told us it was fifty to one but we had been all destroy'd; for it was the Sight of the Horses which made the Wolves so furious, Seeing their Prey; and that at other Times they are really afraid of a Gun; but the being excessive Hungry, and raging on that Account, the Eagerness to come at the Horses had made them sensless of Danger; and that if we had not by the continu'd Fire, and at last by the Stratagem of the Train of Powder, master'd them, it had been great Odds but that we had been torn to Pieces; whereas had we been content to have sat still on Horseback, and fir'd as Horsemen, they would not have taken the Horses for so much their own, when Men were on their Backs, as otherwise; and withal they told us, that at last, if we had stood altogether, and left our Horses, they would have been so eager to have devour'd them, that we might have come off safe, especially having our Fire Arms in our Hands, and being so many in Number.


I have been in all my Circumstances a Memento to those who are touch'd with the general Plague of Mankind, whence, for ought I know, one half of their Miseries flow; I mean, that of not being satisfy'd with the Station wherein God and Nature has plac'd them; for not to look back upon my primitive Condition, and the excellent Advice of my Father, the Opposition to which, was, as I may call it, my ORIGINAL SIN; my subsequent Mistakes of the same kind had been the Means of my coming into this miserable Condition; for had that Providence, which so happily had seated me at the Brasils, as a Planter, bless'd me with confin'd Desires, and I could have been contented to have gone on gradually, I might have been by this Time; I mean, in the Time of my being in this Island, one of the most considerable Planters in the Brasils, nay, I am perswaded, that by the Improvements I had made, in that little Time I liv'd there, and the Encrease I should probably have made, if I had stay'd, I might have been worth an hundred thousand Moydors; and what Business had I to leave a settled Fortune, a well stock'd Plantation, improving and encreasing, to turn Supra-Cargo to Guinea, to fetch Negroes; when Patience and Time would have so encreas'd our Stock at Home, that we could have bought them at our own Door, from those whose Business it was to fetch them; and though it had cost us something more, yet the Difference of that Price was by no Means worth saving, at so great a Hazard.


Results In 950 patients with successful cataractous operations,187 eyes(18.4%)had the vision of super-1.0,395 eyes(39.5%)had the Vision of 1.0-0.5,292 eyes(29.2%)had the vision of 0.5-0.3,106 eyes(10.4%)had the vision of 0.1-0.3,25 eyes(2.5)had the vislon of below-0.1.In 950 patients,242 eyes(24.2%)had diabetic retinopathy,15l eyes(15.1%)had aged-related macular degeneration,27 eyes(2.7%)had ischemic optic neuropathy,7 eyes(0.07%)had choroiditis,15 eyes(1.5%)had retinal vein occlusion,12 eyes(1.2%)had cystoid macular edema,5 eyes(0.2%)had traumatic retinopathy.

结果 950例患者的l 005只眼中,187只眼(18.4%)视力达1.0以上,395只眼(39.5%)视力在1.0-0.5,292只眼(29.2%)视力在0.5-0.3,106只眼(10.4%)视力在0.3-0.1,25只眼(2.5%)视力低于0.1.950例患者的1005只眼中,242只眼(24.2%)息有糖尿病视网膜病变,151只眼(15.1%)息有老年性黄班变性,27只眼(2.7%)息有缺血性视神经病变,7只眼(0.07%)息有陈旧性脉络膜炎,15只眼(1.5%)患有视网膜静脉闭塞,12只眼患有黄斑囊样水肿(1.2%),5只眼(0.05%)患有外伤性视网膜病变。

But I was not content with this Discovery; but having now more Courage, and consequently more Curiosity, I takes my Man Friday with me, giving him the Sword in his Hand, with the Bow and Arrows at his Back, which I found he could use very dextrously, making him carry one Gun for me, and I two for my self, and away we march'd to the Place, where these Creatures had been; for I had a Mind now to get some fuller Intelligence of them: When I came to the Place, my very Blood ran chill in my Veins, and my Heart sunk within me, at the Horror of the Spectacle: indeed it was a dreadful Sight, at least it was so to me; though Friday made nothing of it: The Place was cover'd with humane Bones, the Ground dy'd with their Blood, great Pieces of Flesh left here and there, half eaten, mangl'd and scorch'd; and in short, all the Tokens of the triumphant Feast they had been making there, after a Victory over their Enemies; I saw three Skulls, five Hands, and the Bones of three or four Legs and Feet, and abundance of other Parts of the Bodies; and Friday, by his Signs, made me under stand, that they brought over four Prisoners to feast upon; that three of them were eaten up, and that he, pointing to himself, was the fourth: That there had been a great Battle between them, and their next King, whose Subjects it seems he had been one of; and that they had taken a great Number of Prisoners, all which were carry'd to several Places by those that had taken them in the Fight, in order to feast upon them, as was done here by these Wretches upon those they brought hither.


But I was not content with this Discovery; but having now more Courage, and consequently more Curiosity, I takes my Man Friday with me, giving him the Sword in his Hand, with the Bow and Arrows at his Back, which I found he could use very dextrously, making him carry one Gun for me, and I two for my self, and away we march'd to the Place, where these Creatures had been; for I had a Mind now to get some fuller Intelligence of them: When I came to the Place, my very Blood ran chill in my Veins, and my Heart sunk within me, at the Horror of the Spectacle: indeed it was a dreadful Sight, at least it was so to me; though Friday made nothing of it: The Place was cover'd with humane Bones, the Ground dy'd with their Blood, great Pieces of Flesh left here and there, half eaten, mangl'd and scorch'd; and in short, all the Tokens of the triumphant Feast they had been making there, after a Victory over their Enemies; I saw three Skulls, five Hands, and the Bones of three or four Legs and Feet, and abundance of other Parts of the Bodies; and Friday, by his Signs, made me under stand, that they brought over four Prisoners to feast upon; that three of them were eaten up, and that he, pointing to himself, was the fourth: That there had been a great Battle between them, and their next King, whose Subjects it seems he had been one of; and that they had taken a great Number of Prisoners, all which were carry'd to several Places by those that had taken them in the Fight, in order to feast upon them, as was done here by these Wretches upon those they brought hither.


第1/500页 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... > 尾页
Bad Girl
Had It With You
I Had A Dream
Hadda Be Playing On The Jukebox
Thinking Of You
Never Had A Lover
Been On
Secret To The End
If It Had Not Been
I Been Around

How can you have this half-baked idea?


Our company main products: a natural adhesive, nitrile adhesive, RU-rubber.


Following a macrobiotic diet means eating food that is not processed and thus conventional methods of cooking are used.
