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与 habit 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Make the student set up self-confidence heart, develop a good study habit and formation have number of study strategy, development from already study of ability and cooperation spirit:"This full elucidation classroom most importance of mission morning stir up a student" my wanting to learn "of motive, development student" me will learnof ability, for life long study the dozen descend good foundation.


The mission of the stage English of foundation education course is:Stir up with development student study English of interest, make the student set up self-confidence heart, develop good of study habit and formation valid of study strategy, development independence study of ability and cooperation spirit;Make the student control certain of English foundation knowledge with listen to, say, read, write technical ability, formation certain of comprehensive language usage ability;The observation of the development student, memory, thinking, imagination ability and frontier spirit;Help student understanding world with medium west culture of difference, expand visual field, development patriotism spirit, formation health of philosophy of life, is their life long study and development dozen descend good foundation.


People to change long-established habit of taste really not an easy task, but it was not so difficult to imagine.


In the past, Charles has been portrayed by various commentators as a dull, slightly loopy eccentric with a habit of talking to his plants.


Get out of the habit of … except for… TV series be good for/ to turn around make an announcement native language be popular among/with… hear of … run after be similar to… in other words be different from… think about tell the differences between… do much more than simply look at come to life even though fill in go on pick up lose oneself in… leave out based on … The stranger, the better.


On the radio play a trick on … get out of the habit of … except for… TV series be good for/ to turn around make an announcement native language be popular among/with… hear of … run after be similar to… in other words be different from… think about tell the differences between… do much more than simply look at come to life even though fill in go on pick up lose oneself in… leave out based on … The stranger, the better.


BEIJING, Aug 3 - Worried that loutish behaviour will shame the nation during next year's Beijing Olympics, police are threatening to detain fans who swear at a football match in the capital this weekend, as a way of stamping out the habit.


They made a habit of lunching together once a week.


In every act of faith this unhesitating assent of the intellect is due to the motion of the will as its efficient cause, and the same must be said of the theological virtue of faith when we consider it as a habit or as a moral virtue, for, as St. Thomas insists (I-II, Q. lvi,), there is no virtue, properly so called, in the intellect except in so far as it is subject to the will.

在每一个信任的行动,这毫不犹豫赞同的智能,这是由于该议案的,将作为其高效的事业,同时必须指出的神学美德的信仰,当我们考虑它作为一种习惯或者作为道德情操,为正如圣托马斯执意(一至二,问: 56 ,),是没有涵养,妥善所谓的,在智力,除非至今,因为它是受意志。

I fired the maidservant because of her bad habit


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Closer To Habit
Out Of Habit
You're Getting To Be A Habit With Me
Just A Habit
Hard Habit To Break
The Nun With The Astrail Habit
Bad Habit
Bad Habit
Bad Habit

It was Napoleon, the immense somnambulist of this dream which had crumbled, essaying once more to advance.


This method alleviates the highly dependent on domain knowledge experts. The quality and efficiency of the KBS were improved.


Imperialism doesn't exist any more, and now there are only capitalism and socialism in the world.
