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与 gynoecium 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Gynoecium of 1-5 distinct 1-loculed carpels or 2 to many partially to completely connate carpels; placentation axile ; ovules 1 to many per locule.


Fruit baccate; endocarp membranous or fleshy; seeds without endosperm; flowers bisexual or bisexual and male; stamens at least 2 × as many as petals or rarely fewer; functional gynoecium 2- to many loculed, syncarpous

果浆果状;内果皮膜或者肉;没有胚乳的种子;花两性或两性和男性;雄蕊至少2 *更少的花瓣或很少的同数;职能雌蕊群2-到多室,合心皮 14

We also measured the content of indogenous IAA in different nodes in monoecium and gynoecium, and the variation of indogenous IAA and gibberellic acid at the different developing stages in cucumber after being treated with exogenous GA〓: the variation of ethylene release and the activities of ACC oxidase at the different developing stages after being treated with exogenous IAA and GA〓.


Disk pulvinate. Gynoecium 4-loculed,± completely syncarpous ; ovules 2 per locule; stigma punctiform or capitellate.

花盘枕状;雌蕊群 4室,多少为完全合心皮;每室胚珠2;柱头点状或小头状。

Gynoecium 4-loculed, rudimentary and minute in male flowers; ovary syncarpous; ovules 2 per locule; style of 4 coherent stylar elements; stigma capitate.


Gynoecium (2 or)3-5(-15)-carpellate, gynophore present or rarely absent; ovary superior, entire or deeply lobed, generally long styled; placentation basal, axile or parietal, rarely laminar; ovules 1 or 2 or numerous per locule; stigma entire or sometimes shortly divided at apex. Fruit fleshy or non-fleshy, generally a septicidal capsule, rarely a nut with accrescent sepals or a drupe, or separating into up to 15 blackish drupelets on a colored accrescent receptacle.

雌蕊群(2或者) 3-5 (-15)具心皮,雌蕊柄有或有时无;子房上位,全缘的或者深裂,通常有长花柱;胎座式为基底胎座,中轴胎座或者侧膜胎座,很少片状胎座;胚珠1或每子房室或许多的2;柱头全缘或者有时在先端短裂。

Differentiation of female flower is also separated into four periods, flower bud differentiation prophase, formation of inflorescences rachises, formation of involucrum, and development of gynoecium.


With tile ovary maturing, the orifice was narrowed because of tile ovary growth at last fused completely. The gynoecium is composed of a single carpel.(1) In tile series developmental sections of ovary, the ovular primordium was initiated on the adaxial meristem when tile mouth of ovary was formed.


Disk pulvinate. Gynoecium (2 or)3-5-carpelled; ovaries connate in ± their basal half, otherwise contiguous; ovules few or several per locule; style lateral, of (2 or)3-5 contiguous or connate stylar elements; stigma punctiform or capitellate.


Gynoecium 4-carpelled, rudimentary or lacking in male flowers; ovaries connate at base, otherwise contiguous ; ovules [1 or] 2 per locule; style apical or subapical, of 4 contiguous, coherent, or connate stylar elements; stigma usually punctiform, capitellate, or capitate.

雌蕊4心皮,在雄花内不发育或缺如;子房在基部合生,或邻接;胚珠 [1或者 ]2每室;花柱顶端或近尖端,具4枚邻接,连着,或合生的花柱单体;柱头通常点状,小头状,或头状。

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