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与 gun-deck 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The house is tiny, and cramped inside; there is barely room for the gun emplacements that face every which way from the second storey, pointing out over sandbags which are being replaced by the concrete blocks.


After spring of gun knife medicine gives a room, want union to change a basin, undertake rectifying shears to plant; Basin earth can use corrupt leaf land 2 portion, pond sludge and arenaceous each 1 portion mixes make up.


But with the development of modern gun-powder and missile technology, the power of all kinds of counter-armor is getting stronger and stronger. This brings austerity verification to the tradition-passive-defense.


In a Word, I gave them every Part of my own Story; and I told them, I would prevail with the Captain to leave them two Barrels of Gun-Powder more, and some Garden-Seeds, which I told them I would have been very glad of; also I gave them the Bag of Pease which the Captain had brought me to eat, and bad them be sure to sow and encrease them.


On Nov. 5,1605, a few fanatical Catholics attempted to blow King James and his ministers up in the House of Parliament where Guy Fawkes had planted barrels of gun-powder in the cellars.

年 11 月 5 日,几个狂热的天主教徒企图在议会大厦炸死国王和大臣,盖伊福克斯已在地窖放了炸药桶。

On Nov. 5,1605, a few fanatical Catholics attempted to blow King James and his ministers up in the House of Parliament where Guy Fawkes had planted barrels of gun-powder in th e cellars.

年的火药阴谋案是最著名的天主教阴谋。1605 年 11 月 5 日,几个狂热的天主教徒企图在议会大厦炸死国王和大臣,盖伊福克斯已在地窖放了炸药桶。

China, a country with a civilization of 5000 years, has contributed to the world its four major inventions, namely, the compass, gun-powder, paper-making and movable-type printing.


Sometime I contriv'd to dig a hole under the place where they made their fire, and put in five or six pound of gun-powder, which when they kindle d their fire, would consequently take fire, and blow up all that was near it


Sometime I contriv'd to dig a hole under the place where they made their fire, and put in five or six pound of gun-powder, which when they kindled their fire, would consequently take fire, and blow up all that was near it


A few fanatical Catholics attempted to blow King James and his ministers up in the House of Parliament where Guy Fawkes had planted barrels of gun-powder in the cellars.


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Grandaddy's Gun
Like A Loaded Gun
Big Gun
Hired Gun
Jump The Gun
Janie's Got A Gun
Gun For The Whole Family
I Need A Gun
Man With The Golden Gun
Pass The Gun Around

Were used by medieval physicians...


Article 19 Where the shareholders of a limited liability company or the directors and controlling shareholders of a joint stock company or the actual controllers of a company maliciously dispose of company properties and thus cause losses to any creditors after the company dissolution, or fail to make liquidation and cheat the company registration organ to deregister the legal person by means of a false liquidation report, if any creditors claim that the aforesaid shareholders, directors and controlling shareholders or actual controllers shall assume the corresponding civil liability for the debts of the company, the people' s court shall support the claim.


Now that he is absent ,you will have to do all the job by yourself.
