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与 gun-deck 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If the mold does not take its form easily, use a heat gun to gently heat the Formica to its form.


As for fowling, during the last years that I carried a gun my excuse was that I was studying ornithology, and sought only new or rare birds.


Even the best foxhound is gun-shy the first time out.


All analysis indicated that Index Systematic Frame have laid a foundation for the Integrated Effectiveness Evaluation of the Weapon System with Missile and Gun.


For Integrated Effectiveness Evaluation of Air Defense System with Missile and Gun, the Effectiveness Evaluation Index Systematic Frame is basal tache.


First, we have discussed the designing fundamental of Integrated Effectiveness Evaluation Index System and presented the basic structure frame of Integrated Effectiveness Evaluation Index; thus, the model index frame of Integrated Effectiveness Evaluation was constructed to the Weapon System with Missile and Gun.


From aspects of time and characters of technology,namely from history and history of technology,the process of introduction of western firearms into China can be divided into two phases: Ming and Qing China adopted and copied Frankish and bird gun from 1506 to 1620s;Jesuit preside who was in charge of making cannon and some sch...


As a result of the occurrence of gun-ming stab in the back, exposing the fratricidal bloodshed in the bottom of the pot, she would not even dare to enter the company even did not dare to use the phone!


Well I do this in my slumber summer I ain't none of these half-assed newcomers, you know how I do summer I drop heat, when you bring the sun up The combo make niggaz act up, I pick the gun up Niggaz back up; they know I'm not no fronter I don't talk shit, I just flip it +Un+ ya Sorry Lance, I'm just trying to advance my quotes I ain't making you the butt of my jokes But let's not stray from what I came to say To my beloved, think we need some time away They say if you love it, you should let it out its cage And fuck it, if it comes back you know it's there to stay It's tugging, at my heart, but this time apart is needed From the public, who should've gave me the pulitz' Instead gave me they ass to kiss But you know me, thugging 'til the casket dips But still shine light down on all my peers I know they weird... some queer, I still want them to share And all the success I received, I know you can't believe I still love 'em but they don't love me They like the drunk uncle in your family You know they lame, you feel ashamed, but you love 'em the same It's like when niggaz make subliminal records If it ain't directed directly at me, I don't respect it You don't really want it with Hov, for the record I put a couple careers on hold, you could be next kid Keep entering the danger zone You gon' make that boy Hov put your name in a song If you that hungry for fame, motherfucker c'mon Say when, take ten paces and spin But on another note,'bout to take another vaca' On another boat, goddamn a motherfucker rode His way out the hood, and I pray that I stay out for good But any day you know a nigga could Try and play like he Suge, then I gotta play like Dutch Schultz You pass the dutchie, I blast you, trust me Niggaz can't fuck with me I'm in a good mood, you lucky, I got a good groove And I ain't trying to fuck my thing up But I will lay down a couple green bucks, get you cleaned up Now I'm +Pulp Fiction+, Colt four-fifth and Young niggaz that blast for me/blasphemy, no religion Listen here summer baby, I just believe it's the right thing to do I got a brand new bitch, corporate America She showing me a lot of action right now And I know you put me on my feet and all, but I mean, it's time for me to grow You gotta let me go baby, you gotta let me go I'm done for now, so one for now Possibly forever, we had fun together But like all good things, we must come to an end Please show the same love to my friends Dear summer

好,我做这个,我沉睡的夏天,我不是这些半assed新人你知道我怎么做我夏季降热,当你把在太阳升起的二合一作出niggaz法,我拣了枪niggaz后盾;他们知道我不是没有一线,我不说屁话,我只挑它++联合国娅对不起长矛,我只是试图推进我国引号,我是不会令你天大的笑话我,但让我们不要再流浪从我来告诉亲爱的,认为我们需要一些时间,他们说,如果你爱它,你应该让出它在笼中,他妈的,如果他回来了,你知道它的存在,以保持它的拉着,在我的心但这个时候,除了需要来自公众,谁已经给我的pulitz '反而给我的驴子,他们的亲吻,但你也知道我, thugging '胡麻的椟点头,但仍焕发轻,取缔所有同行我知道他们怪异……有些奇怪,我仍然希望他们能够分享和所有的成功,我刚收到我知道你不相信我还是爱'统,但他们不爱我,他们像喝醉了,在叔叔你的家人你知道他们跛了,你会感到羞愧,但你爱的电磁相同它就像niggaz潜意识作出记录,如果不是直接针对我,我不尊重它,你真的不希望它与hov ,根据纪录,我把一对夫妇的事业停摆,你可以在未来保持跑步进入危险地带,你健在',使男童hov把你的名字一首歌,如果你饿了,对名利,你娘c'mon时说,要花十年的腾飞和自旋,但在另一份说明,'布特采取另空泡的另一条船,福清一娘骑着出路的方巾,我祈求我留出好的,但有一天你知道了nigga可以试着玩像他素,然后推荐我喜欢扮演荷兰人舒尔茨递过dutchie ,我爆你,信任我niggaz不能他妈的,我用我的心情好,你运气好,我有一个好槽,我是不是他妈的我的事了,但我会打下夫妇绿钱,你得到清理,现在我纸浆+小说+, 1485五分之四和年轻niggaz爆我/亵渎的,任何宗教听听这里夏季宝宝我只是认为这是正确的事情要做,我有一个全新的荡妇,企业界她展示了我许多行动,现在,我知道你把我站起来和所有的,但我的意思是,它的时候,我成长你推荐,让我去宝宝推荐你让我走我不行了,所以一人,现在可能永远我们玩在一起,但象所有的好东西,我们必须走到了尽头请你拿出同样的爱,我亲爱的朋友夏天

Pick guitar, fill fruit jar and be gay-o. Son-of-a-gun, we'll have big fun on the bayou.


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Grandaddy's Gun
Like A Loaded Gun
Big Gun
Hired Gun
Jump The Gun
Janie's Got A Gun
Gun For The Whole Family
I Need A Gun
Man With The Golden Gun
Pass The Gun Around

Were used by medieval physicians...


Article 19 Where the shareholders of a limited liability company or the directors and controlling shareholders of a joint stock company or the actual controllers of a company maliciously dispose of company properties and thus cause losses to any creditors after the company dissolution, or fail to make liquidation and cheat the company registration organ to deregister the legal person by means of a false liquidation report, if any creditors claim that the aforesaid shareholders, directors and controlling shareholders or actual controllers shall assume the corresponding civil liability for the debts of the company, the people' s court shall support the claim.


Now that he is absent ,you will have to do all the job by yourself.
