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与 gun-deck 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The safety evaluating methods of propellant charge used in gun chamber had been provided. The safety of the high-energy nitroamine used in gun chamber had been analyzed.


Because of the presence of theory about air gun array, the designed technique of air gun array become mature, so it is widely applied in petrolic exploration and geophysics.


Even in the several states that guns are publicly permitted, many shops can prohibit gun carriers from entering,those who say "no" to guns also have policial fights with gun owner.


So the conclusion of quantity analysis is drawn :when target at sea is sinuously moved against gun fire of medium caliber naval gun with director, the deflection of shell impact point should be corrected du...


German Artshturm SP gun with 75 mm gun (Soviet codename for StuG 40) was beautiful outwardly, but conditions for crew were quite inconvenient and physically intolerable because of gas and empty cartridges accumulation.

德国人安装75mm炮的Artshturm自行火炮(苏联人对StuG 40的称呼)外形非常漂亮,但是弹药发射后的气体和堆积的空弹壳会对乘员的操作带来不方便,同时身体也无法忍受。

This weapon in fact was a reverse-engineered copy of Soviet Sudaev PPS-43 submachine gun, adapted to 9x19 ammunition and used Suomi submachine gun magazines.

武器,这实际上是一种反向苏联 Sudaev聚苯硫醚工程副本- 43冲锋枪枪,适应9x19弹药和使用芬兰语冲锋枪杂志。

This submachine gun was developed during 1943-44 at Tikkakoski OY, Finnish arms-making company, as a less expensive alternative to excellent but overly costly Suomi submachine gun .


Despite improvements, it was still one of the most complicated and expensive submachine guns of its time, and less than 10,000 Lmg-Pist 41/44 submachine guns were made in total at W+F before production was terminated in favor of less complicated and more affordable MP 43/44 submachine gun, a license-built version of the Finnish Suomi M31 submachine gun made in Switzerland by Hispano-Suiza.

尽管有了改进,但是仍然是当时最复杂和昂贵的冲锋枪之一,低于1万轻机枪,冲锋枪皮什特44分之41在总提出在W + F在生产前的那么复杂和更青睐终止负担得起的手机43/44冲锋枪,许可证生产芬兰芬兰语M31的冲锋枪在瑞士作出伊斯帕诺枪絮扎版本。

It was far development of the British Carden-Loyd tankette, which was advertised also in a light SP-gun variant, with a short-barrel 47 mm Vickers QF infantry gun.

之前英国人在他们的卡登-路得超轻型坦克上开发了一种装备有一门短管的47mm Vickers步兵炮的自行火炮改进型号。

The later, more sophisticated self-propelled gun model on the tankette base, was the TKS-D. Its development process was not typical, because it was first conceived as an armoured tractor for a modern 37mm wz.36 Bofors anti-tank gun, which was accepted as a basic Polish anti-tank weapon.

之后,在超轻型坦克的基础上又开发了一种更复杂的自行火炮型号—TKS-D,它的研制过程没有什么代表性,因为最初是想象早装甲牵引车上安装一门现代的wz.36 Bofors 37mm反坦克炮,这是波兰最基础的反坦克武器。

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Grandaddy's Gun
Like A Loaded Gun
Big Gun
Hired Gun
Jump The Gun
Janie's Got A Gun
Gun For The Whole Family
I Need A Gun
Man With The Golden Gun
Pass The Gun Around

Were used by medieval physicians...


Article 19 Where the shareholders of a limited liability company or the directors and controlling shareholders of a joint stock company or the actual controllers of a company maliciously dispose of company properties and thus cause losses to any creditors after the company dissolution, or fail to make liquidation and cheat the company registration organ to deregister the legal person by means of a false liquidation report, if any creditors claim that the aforesaid shareholders, directors and controlling shareholders or actual controllers shall assume the corresponding civil liability for the debts of the company, the people' s court shall support the claim.


Now that he is absent ,you will have to do all the job by yourself.
