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guard against相关的网络例句

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与 guard against 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Simultaneously,we should guard against the materialization and the Philistinism resulted by the consumptive culture and the des.


Also need to guard against the attempts to politicize the work of Habitat,"Home Rule Charter" such things, this is opposed by more and more countries.


Moreover, commercial banks should assist their customers to guard against the fraudulence risk by helping customers prudentially select trade partners and properly sign trade contracts, timely monitoring the execution process of contracts and L/Cs, and instructing customers to train their employees.


To remind more people to guard against AIDS, he played a pseudonym for himself, called the Housing love.


Either they do this out of pusillanimity and a natural defect of spirit; then you must make use especially of those who are of good counsel, because in prosperity they bring you honor and in adversity you do not have to fear them; but, when by art and for an ambitious cause, they are not obligated, it is a sign that they are thinking more for themselves than for you; and the prince must be on guard against them, and fear them as if they were open enemies, because in adversity they will always help ruin him.

有的人 生性优柔寡断,天生就缺乏热情。君主尤其要启用那些能忠言直谏的人,因为他们会在繁荣期给君主带来荣誉,而君主在逆境中时也不必担心他们拆台。但如果大人物工于机巧,野心勃勃,而没有感恩之心,那就是一种征兆,证明他们更多的是考虑自身的利益,而很少为君主着想。对这样的人必须像对待公开的敌人一样提高警惕,因为他们在君主遭殃时往往会落井下石。一个人在民众的拥戴下当上了一国之君,就应该善待民众——这是轻而易举之—事,因为民众对他的要求只是不受压迫而已。

When it becomes articulate, it takes the form of wishes that these attractive young products of ours had more intellectual depth and force, more at-homeness in the world of ideas, more of the firm, clear, quiet thoughtfulness that is so potent and so needed a guard against besetting humbug and quackery.


Young people must e quip themselves for life's duties and guard against its temptations.


At present Chinese and foreign market well known, the majority newborn family Still was the diaper which does with the rag piece And disposable paper urine trousers.With diaper when In order to guard against infiltrates catches ,Also in diaper most outside Wrapped to model the membrane .


You would like to study in the future to guard against arrogance and rashness, continue to work hard to make our goals higher and farther more!


When I made progress in studying,he told me not to guard against conceit and rashness and keep on studying hard.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
