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与 guaranteed 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Article 71 When the deadline of the creditor's rights expires and the debtor pays off the debts, or when the pledger pay off the guaranteed creditor's rights ahead of the deadline, the pledgee shall return the hypothecated assets.


Article 4 The term external guarantees used in these detailed rules refers to guarantees provided by institutions within the Chinese territory (hereinafter referred to as the guarantor) by way of producing guarantee letters, stand-by letters of credit, promissory notes, checks and drafts, mortgages by properties stipulated in Article 34 of the Guarantee Law of the PRC, hypothecation by moving properties according to provisions stipulated in Section 1 of Chapter 4 of the Guarantee Law of the PRC or by rights stipulated in Article 75 of Section 2 provided by institutions within the Chinese territory to institutions outside China or foreign-funded financial institutions inside China (creditors or beneficiaries, hereinafter referred to as the creditors) with the pledges that when the debtor (hereinafter referred to as the guaranteed) fails to repay the debts in line with the contract, the guarantors shall perform the obligations of payment or the creditors may put the mortgaged or hypothecated assets to auction according to the Guarantee Law and enjoy priority in getting compensations from the proceeds there-from.

第四条 《办法》所称对外担保,是指中国境内机构以保函、备用信用证、本票、汇票等形式出具对外保证,或者以《中华人民共和国担保法》中第三十四条规定的财产对外抵押或者以《担保法》第四章第一节规定的动产对外质押和第二节第七十五条规定的权利对外质押,向中国境外机构或者境内的外资金融机构(债权人或者受益人,以下称受益人)承诺,当债务人未按照合同约定履行义务时,由担保人履行义务;或者受益人依照《担保法》将抵押物或者质押物折价拍卖、变卖的价款优先受偿。

This will become your guaranteed ice breaker in any awkward social situation.


Although this operation can be very time-consuming, and a new color of the image is better than color scanner get closer to the original image, but if necessary, this approach also makes the object's characteristics cannot be guaranteed.


The stability of image on wheels is guaranteed by real-time speed measurement and dual buffed synchronization.


If there are standard and equal regulations for protection of human rights, human rights will be guaranteed impartially.


The experimental results show that the imperceptibility and robustness of these methods can be guaranteed.


Quantity of experiment data shows that both of these two algorithms have good robustness, and the imperceptibility of watermark can be guaranteed at the same time.


The experimental results show that the imperceptibility and robustness of the last method can be guaranteed and its synthetic performance is better than those former methods.


It is almost guaranteed that euroland money supply is about to implode, he said.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
