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与 guarantee 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For a lawsuit concerning a dispute over a guarantee contract, if the creditor claims its rights against the guarantor and the warrantee, the people's court shall take the guarantor and the warrantee as codefendants, if the creditor sues only against the guarantor, except that the guarantor shall assume the joint and several liability according to the guarantee contract, the people's court shall notify the warrantee to participate in litigation as the codefendant, and if the creditor sues only against the warrantee, the people's court may only take the warrantee as the defendant.


Construction contract guarantee/bond is an effective credit instrument to guarantee the performance of a construction contract. At the same time, it is a common approach in the international building as well.


In order to guarantee the construction quality of 500 mm×1 900 mm bonded prestress beam,its construction procedure,installation and demolishment of formwork,corrugated pipe setting,prestressed beam baiting,threading and stretching duct grouting and end envelop and other construction points were illustrated,so as to guarantee both quality and quantity.

为了保证500 mm×1900 mm预应力梁的施工质量,对该预应力梁的施工顺序、模板安装与拆除、波纹管留设、预应力筋下料、穿束与张拉孔道灌浆及端部封裹等方面分别阐述其施工要点,保质保量地完成了该预应力大梁的施工。

A mediator should not guarantee results, especially if such guarantee could be perceived as favoring one type of disputant or industry over another.


During the enforcement of this system there exist some problems, such as excursively low standards of guarantee caused by the pure consideration of economic factors, difficulties in the effective guarantee of the basic demand for existence of impoverished city-dwellers, and influences on the effect of enforcing this system on those people.


The result shows that the performance of listed companies is prominent negative correlative with external credit guarantee; debt ratio is prominent positive correlative with external credit guarantee .


Moreover in using the ceramic fire tube took the heatinterchanger of bulk curing barn, certainly must guarantee the connections leak-proofquality is completed, can guarantee the tobacco leaf curing quality.


No one is able to guarantee against loss or guarantee profit.


In order to ensure the realization of the debt to establish five kinds of guarantee ways: guarantee, mortgage, hypothecate, lien and earnest.


But in the guarantee of tax revenue we can use these ways: guarantee, mortgage, hypothecate, lien.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
