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与 guarantee 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Occupy statistic of the meeting that keep watch, these guilty activity expression are illicit seal of quarter insurance company, make and sell false guarantee slip; Use or forge insurance company main bill sells false guarantee slip; With acceptance redound of high specified number is bait " dozen white " and issue the means such as company receipt the gold of diddle consumer.


Criminal law guarantees social justice, and we enacts this crime as the guarantee of the before-mentioned guarantee.


Article 46 Where it is decided in the final awards not to levy the countervailing duty, or it is not decided yet in the final awards to retrospectively levy the countervailing duty, the cash caution money collected during the period of the provisional countervailing measure shall be refunded, and the guarantee letter or other forms of guarantee shall be cancelled.


Where the countervailing duty determined in the final awards is higher than the cash caution money or the amount guaranteed in the guarantee letter, the difference shall not be collected; where it is lower than the cash deposits or the amount guaranteed in the guarantee letter, the difference shall be refunded.


Where the countervailing duty determined in the final awards is higher than the cash caution money or the amount guaranteed in the guarantee letter, the difference shall not be collected; where it is lower than the cash deposits or the amount guaranteed in the guarantee letter, the difference shall


From surveying the advance-booking of our country"s commercial housing, analyzing the mortgage in Hong Kong"s law, researching the present situation and perspective of our country"s mortgage practice, studying specially the discrimination between mortgage and charge as well as pledge, the author deduces that guarantee object of advance-booking of commercial housing is the reversionary right, and the advance-booking of commercial housing should be classified into the cessionary guarantee system in expectation of benefit to the legislation of our country"s property right law.


ABSTRACT The Chinese rural CMS originated from the mutual health guarantee system in rural area which was established in1950s and 1960s, the original health guarantee system in rural area have made a great contribution to change the status of a great lack of medicines and medicals, at that time the guarantee system was sang high praised by the international community as the model of sanitation development in developing countries.


To guarantee the color not being contaminated, the automatic clean system was devised based on compressed air or negative pressure. To guarantee the continuity and stability of the supplyinking system, the automatic supplyinking system based on electromagnetic valve and liquid level switch was proposed. To guarantee the continuity and stability of the movement of printed head, velocity blending algorithm was proposed.


Moreover, with the assistance of grey series forecasting model and the rule of the annual precipitation, the annual average precipitation, groundwater flow field, groundwater level and spring flow in the future under current exploitation circumstances were forecasted. If 2010 is a high flow year (guarantee ratio 20%), or median flow year (guarantee ratio 50%), or even low flow year (guarantee ratio 75%), the underground water level of Heilongdong spring in flood season will exceed 130 m, or reach 130 m, or even below 130 m, and the spring flow in flood season will exceed 10 m^3/s, 7 m^3/s, 5 m^3/s respectively.


Financial institutions should actively provide support to guarantee agencies. They are supposed to create new products in the cooperation between bank and insurance company, like bill guarantee, export credit guarantee and warehousing collateral. We will speed up polit project of small-loan companies.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
