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与 guarantee 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Seemingly those were typical discreditable actions of morality risk,but in fact there existed serious unbalance risk and profit between banks and guarantee companies,and the exorbitant guarantee was just the non-rational corporation strategies of guarantee companies.


There are three methods of construction guarantee:guarantee, hypothecate ,earnest money,the bank guarantee will become the leading mode.


In the Civil Law Family,the collateral guarantor'srights of defense mainly are related to the invalidity of the underlying contract,the revocability of the underlying contract,the right of offset,the concurrentconditions,"Einrede der Unsicherkei",the invalidity of the guarantee contract.the period of validity,the special terms of immunity from the guarantor's liabilityand beneficiam excussionis.Under the case law of the Common Law Family,thesituations in which the collateral guarantor can claim the rights of defense mainlyinclude the situation of non-fulfillment of the guarantee condition,the situationrelated to the extent of guarantor's liability,the situation under which the creditordidn't perform his obligations,the situation related to the appropriation ofpayments,the situations related to fulfillment of purpose of guarantee,thesituation related to the creditor's laches,the situation related to the loss ofsecurities held by the creditor,the situation related to the discharge of theprincipal debtor,the situation related to the creditor connivance in the default ofthe principal,the situation related to the discharge arising by operation of law andthe situation related to the fiduciary duty.


This research probes the basic theoretical issues related to guarantee period with the method of contrastive analysis. Further investigation is conducted upon the deviations from the nature of guarantee period in the design of guarantee system in the current Law of Sponsion, and suggestions are made for their rectifications.


Construction guarantee ; tender guarantee ; guarantee


This was followed by the assessment of acts of public law, civil security theory, and contractual obligations theory. The thesis assimilates some opinions helpful and divides government guarantee into legal risk guarantee commitment and agreement risk guarantee commitment, and explicitly puts forward that the government guarantee is a general term of government legal obligations and contactual obligations.


Will take into account the different safeguard effect of all kinds of security forms, and designs and selects the security form according to the order of Impawn, Collateral, Guarantee and Credit loan: if Impawn exists, Collateral will not be selected; if Collateral exists, Guarantee not selected; if Guarantee exists, Credit loan not selected.


To achieve these goals, the following actions must be taken.First,the vertical and horizontal connection of city planning must be strengthened;balance be made between market system and local governments in allocating materials;cooperating systems between city governments be intensified;in order to guarantee the balance between internal structures of urban systems.Second,the stability of agricultural production and provisionment must be guaranteed;rural integration be accelerated;system of land transfer be reformed;rural citizens be given equal status in participating urban development and sharing the fruit of urban development;in order to guarantee the balance between rural and urban development.Third,supervision of upper governments must be strengthened;the "personal rationality" of local governments(the choice of short-term benefits for local area) be restrained and local governments be stimulated to bring into play "collective rationality"; scientific development patterns in active improvement of urban quality and steady enlargement of urban size be insisted;in order to guarantee the balance between urban and economic development,and the balance between improvement of urban quality and enlargement of urban size.Last but not the least,considering the crucial status of urban social development in deciding the socialist direction of urbanization of our country,it\'s essential that social development be made a political responsibility of local governments in order to guarantee the balance between the social and economic development of cities.


In respect of the nature of guarantee period, there are a few views in the theory and practice field including period of prescription, period of exclusion, and period of divesting of right. Guarantee period does not conform to the features of period of prescription and period of exclusion, guarantee period should be "the period of divesting of right clause" promised by the guarantee contracting parties.


The net that carry Cheng does not admit guarantee slip " have a holiday ", but also taking out guarantee slip from beginning to end is " true " proof, instead is the written response that bridge gentleman got restful company was issued on December 12, 2008, restful company shows in the reply: Via me department is checked carefully, the guarantee slip that you offer puts in following problems: 1, did not presswork be restricted to make work area; 2, true without the check that print code; 3, mistake of insurance time limit; 4, date of only evidence running water, guarantee slip date nots agree with my department writes regulation.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
