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guarantee from相关的网络例句

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与 guarantee from 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Article 4 The term external guarantees used in these detailed rules refers to guarantees provided by institutions within the Chinese territory (hereinafter referred to as the guarantor) by way of producing guarantee letters, stand-by letters of credit, promissory notes, checks and drafts, mortgages by properties stipulated in Article 34 of the Guarantee Law of the PRC, hypothecation by moving properties according to provisions stipulated in Section 1 of Chapter 4 of the Guarantee Law of the PRC or by rights stipulated in Article 75 of Section 2 provided by institutions within the Chinese territory to institutions outside China or foreign-funded financial institutions inside China (creditors or beneficiaries, hereinafter referred to as the creditors) with the pledges that when the debtor (hereinafter referred to as the guaranteed) fails to repay the debts in line with the contract, the guarantors shall perform the obligations of payment or the creditors may put the mortgaged or hypothecated assets to auction according to the Guarantee Law and enjoy priority in getting compensations from the proceeds there-from.

第四条 《办法》所称对外担保,是指中国境内机构以保函、备用信用证、本票、汇票等形式出具对外保证,或者以《中华人民共和国担保法》中第三十四条规定的财产对外抵押或者以《担保法》第四章第一节规定的动产对外质押和第二节第七十五条规定的权利对外质押,向中国境外机构或者境内的外资金融机构(债权人或者受益人,以下称受益人)承诺,当债务人未按照合同约定履行义务时,由担保人履行义务;或者受益人依照《担保法》将抵押物或者质押物折价拍卖、变卖的价款优先受偿。

In the Civil Law Family,the collateral guarantor'srights of defense mainly are related to the invalidity of the underlying contract,the revocability of the underlying contract,the right of offset,the concurrentconditions,"Einrede der Unsicherkei",the invalidity of the guarantee contract.the period of validity,the special terms of immunity from the guarantor's liabilityand beneficiam excussionis.Under the case law of the Common Law Family,thesituations in which the collateral guarantor can claim the rights of defense mainlyinclude the situation of non-fulfillment of the guarantee condition,the situationrelated to the extent of guarantor's liability,the situation under which the creditordidn't perform his obligations,the situation related to the appropriation ofpayments,the situations related to fulfillment of purpose of guarantee,thesituation related to the creditor's laches,the situation related to the loss ofsecurities held by the creditor,the situation related to the discharge of theprincipal debtor,the situation related to the creditor connivance in the default ofthe principal,the situation related to the discharge arising by operation of law andthe situation related to the fiduciary duty.


For a two-dollar licence fee and a guarantee from a responsible shopkeeper, any man could come to the reformatory and pick a wife.


This research probes the basic theoretical issues related to guarantee period with the method of contrastive analysis. Further investigation is conducted upon the deviations from the nature of guarantee period in the design of guarantee system in the current Law of Sponsion, and suggestions are made for their rectifications.


Chapter Two illustrates the nature of the international guarantee.At first,the writer analyses the meaning of collateral nature and its theoretical basis.Thewriter points out that in order to reinforce the protection of the guarantor'sinterest,the guarantee is located as collateral guarantee in all countries'traditional legislation.In other words,the validity of the guarantee contract isdetermined by the underlying contract,i.e.if the underlying contract isestablished,the guarantee contract is established,too;if the underlying contract isvalid,and the guarantee contract is valid too.It is true,otherwise.But thedoctrine of autonomy of private law dominates the civil law and commercial lawin all the countries,so the parties are permitted to alter the collateral nature of theguarantee by an agreement under the related laws worldwide.so the collateralnature of the guarantee is not the compulsory nature of the law.This lays a solidfoundation for the emerging of the independent guarantee.The writer thenanalyses the meaning of independence and the cause of the booming of theindependent guarantee.In fact,the independent guarantee was originated fromthe change of the collateral nature by the parties contract.As a result,the validityof the contract of independent guarantee is not determined by the underlyingcontract as the collateral guarantee,But the validity of the independent guaranteecontract is independent from the underlying contract,the establishment and thevalidity of the contract of independent guarantee are not subjected to theunderlying contract.


The article analyzes it from two points of view.lt applies to "guarantee of righf from the point of view of guarantee of obligation while it applies to "the transference of ownership subject to conditions of suspension from the point of view of transference of ownership.


The education popularization in recent one hundred years dominately was based on elements such as the exist of the country, intests of the social classes and economy development and so on, but it never considered the equality of education opportunity from the angle of rights and human. After the late 90's of 20th century, people regularly realized that education is the basic human right which needs the guarantee from the government, the end of the education is right the human and the realization of equal education opportunity needs the state-run education and completely free education.


Mr Hatoyama, who is trying to give Japan a more prominent role in Asia without jeopardising its security guarantee from America, described his proposal as a "medium-term objective".


Mr Hatoyama, who is trying to give Japan a more prominent role in Asia without jeopardising its security guarantee from America, described his proposal as a "medium-term objective".


The net that carry Cheng does not admit guarantee slip " have a holiday ", but also taking out guarantee slip from beginning to end is " true " proof, instead is the written response that bridge gentleman got restful company was issued on December 12, 2008, restful company shows in the reply: Via me department is checked carefully, the guarantee slip that you offer puts in following problems: 1, did not presswork be restricted to make work area; 2, true without the check that print code; 3, mistake of insurance time limit; 4, date of only evidence running water, guarantee slip date nots agree with my department writes regulation.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
