英语人>网络例句>guarantee 相关的网络例句

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与 guarantee 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Its technology fetures include adopting plug-in technology and modulized structure to guarantee every component can be upgraded and added/removed alone; implementing 'push' mode backup by self-described data file structure to support light weight backup window and to visit backup client safely; adopting various kinds of standard TCP/IP-based internet agreement to guarantee it's expansibility; adopting XML-based message format to guarantee it's compatibility with previous versions; adopting unified resource management agreement to simplify the management of plug-in package and guarantee opening of functions.


Article 4 The term external guarantees used in these detailed rules refers to guarantees provided by institutions within the Chinese territory (hereinafter referred to as the guarantor) by way of producing guarantee letters, stand-by letters of credit, promissory notes, checks and drafts, mortgages by properties stipulated in Article 34 of the Guarantee Law of the PRC, hypothecation by moving properties according to provisions stipulated in Section 1 of Chapter 4 of the Guarantee Law of the PRC or by rights stipulated in Article 75 of Section 2 provided by institutions within the Chinese territory to institutions outside China or foreign-funded financial institutions inside China (creditors or beneficiaries, hereinafter referred to as the creditors) with the pledges that when the debtor (hereinafter referred to as the guaranteed) fails to repay the debts in line with the contract, the guarantors shall perform the obligations of payment or the creditors may put the mortgaged or hypothecated assets to auction according to the Guarantee Law and enjoy priority in getting compensations from the proceeds there-from.

第四条 《办法》所称对外担保,是指中国境内机构以保函、备用信用证、本票、汇票等形式出具对外保证,或者以《中华人民共和国担保法》中第三十四条规定的财产对外抵押或者以《担保法》第四章第一节规定的动产对外质押和第二节第七十五条规定的权利对外质押,向中国境外机构或者境内的外资金融机构(债权人或者受益人,以下称受益人)承诺,当债务人未按照合同约定履行义务时,由担保人履行义务;或者受益人依照《担保法》将抵押物或者质押物折价拍卖、变卖的价款优先受偿。

To ensure their normal interaction,a series of guarantee mechanisms is required,including the user guarantee mechanism to promote communication and cooperation,the resources guarantee mechanism to provide rich knowledge and the platform guarantee mechanism to increase the utilization effectiveness.


Article 27: The financing guarantee liability balance to a single Secured Party by a financing guarantee company shall not be more than 10% of its net assets; the financing guarantee liability balance to a single Secured Party and its affiliated party shall not be more than 15% of its net assets and the financing guarantee liability balance to a single Secured Party for bond issuance shall not be more than 30% of its net assets.


Tender guarantee, advance payment guarantee, project performance guarantee and the payment guarantee of the remaining balance of a project and other performance guarantee businesses.


The five major English commissive words of promise, guarantee, pledge, assure, and swear, and the five major Chinese commissive words of承诺,答应,保证,发誓, and许诺are chosen to be studied on the basis of the English corpus of BNC and the Chinese corpus of CCL online (corpus established by Center for Chinese Linguistics of PKU).

本文以英文BNC语料库和中文CCL在线语料库(北京大学汉语语言学研究中心语料库)为数据来源,对五个主要英文承诺动词promise, guarantee, pledge, assure,和swear及五个中文承诺动词承诺,答应,保证,发誓,和许诺进行了研究。

Subject to the conditions of this section and to such terms and conditions as the Administrator determines to be necessary to carry out the purposes of this title, the Administrator is authorized to guarantee, and to make commitments to guarantee, the principal and interest (including interest accruing between the date of default and the date of the payment in full of the guarantee) of any loan, obligation, or participation therein of any State, municipality, or intermunicipal or interstate agency issued directly and exclusively to the Federal Financing Bank to finance that part of the cost of any grant-eligible project for the construction of publicly owned treatment works not paid for with Federal financial assistance under this title, which project the Administrator has determined to be eligible for such financial assistance under this title, including, but not limited to, projects eligible for reimbursement under section 206 of this title. No guarantee, or commitment to make a guarantee, may be made pursuant to this section—(1) unless the Administrator certifies that the issuing body is unable to obtain on reasonable terms sufficient credit to finance its actual needs without such guarantee; and (2) unless the Administrator determines that there is a reasonable assurance or repayment of the loan, obligation, or participation therein. A determination of whether financing is available at reasonable rates shall be made by the Secretary of the Treasury with relationship to the current average yield on outstanding marketable obligations of municipalities of comparable maturity.

依于这个部分的条件和对如此期限和条件象管理员确定是必要执行这个标题的目的,管理员被批准保证,并且做承诺保证,主要和兴趣(包括兴趣累积在缺省日期和付款的日期之间充分保证)的任何贷款,义务,或参与在其中任何状态,自治市,或intermunicipal 或跨境代办处直接地和完全被发布对联邦财务银行提供经费一部分的任何授予合格的项目的费用为公开地拥有的治疗工作的建筑没被支付以联邦经济援助在这个标题之下,哪个项目管理员确定是有资袼这样的经济援助在这个标题之下没有保证,或承诺做保证,可以被做寻求这个部分(1)除非管理员证明发布的身体无法获得在合理的期限充足的信用提供经费给它的实际需要没有这样的保证;并且(2)除非管理员确定有贷款的合理的保证或偿还,义务,或参与在其中。

On the basis of questionnaire survey, interview and comparative studies of domestic and international practices, this dissertation, in terms of the credit financing guarantee theory and the principal-agent theory under asymmetrical information, discusses the necessity of introducing guarantee to GSSL and examines the following questions: why guarantee can solve the problems of high default rate and credit stinting, which kind of guarantee is suitable for GSSL, which body is fit for providing guarantee for GSSL and how to motivate the guarantor to accomplish the guarantee task of GSSL.


Third, this paper theoretically demonstrates and analyzes the four assumptions of the preference theory of guarantee behavior of Chinese listed companies:(1) On the condition of guarantee behavior preference of Chinese listed companies shaped, Chinese listed companies take on the risks, duties and functions on evaluating and supervising the debtors which Chinese banks transfer to listed companies;(2) On the condition of guarantee behavior preference of Chinese listed companies shaped, the irrational financial and investmental psychology of the debtors bourgeons, and then, results in the appearance of irrational behaviors;(3) On the condition of guarantee behavior preference of Chinese listed companies shaped, the security screening system of bank is deformed, the "relation-security system" forms, and results finally that the self-develop system of the debtors becomes flabby;(4) On the condition of guarantee behavior preference of Chinese listed companies shaped, the "guarantee chains" and the "guarantee nets" give birth, and the "tool" function of guarantee,"guarantee chains" and "guarantee nets" forms.


Chapter Two illustrates the nature of the international guarantee.At first,the writer analyses the meaning of collateral nature and its theoretical basis.Thewriter points out that in order to reinforce the protection of the guarantor'sinterest,the guarantee is located as collateral guarantee in all countries'traditional legislation.In other words,the validity of the guarantee contract isdetermined by the underlying contract,i.e.if the underlying contract isestablished,the guarantee contract is established,too;if the underlying contract isvalid,and the guarantee contract is valid too.It is true,otherwise.But thedoctrine of autonomy of private law dominates the civil law and commercial lawin all the countries,so the parties are permitted to alter the collateral nature of theguarantee by an agreement under the related laws worldwide.so the collateralnature of the guarantee is not the compulsory nature of the law.This lays a solidfoundation for the emerging of the independent guarantee.The writer thenanalyses the meaning of independence and the cause of the booming of theindependent guarantee.In fact,the independent guarantee was originated fromthe change of the collateral nature by the parties contract.As a result,the validityof the contract of independent guarantee is not determined by the underlyingcontract as the collateral guarantee,But the validity of the independent guaranteecontract is independent from the underlying contract,the establishment and thevalidity of the contract of independent guarantee are not subjected to theunderlying contract.


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Cowboy Guarantee
Money Back Guarantee
No Promise, No Guarantee
Money Back Guarantee
My Guarantee
My Only Guarantee
No Guarantee
Money Back Guarantee
No Guarantee

I'll try to bring the conversation around to the subject of money.


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