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grow on相关的网络例句

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与 grow on 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The silkworms, which propagate themselves by ova, grow in the from of larvae and when mature after 4 times of exuviations (about 25 days), they begin to spin silk 0.35g Per worm into cocoons, On completion of this, the worms, having sloughed once again are transformed into chrysalises in the cocoons.

从古代开始,在茂密的桑树中,蚕便一如既往的产卵繁殖,随着一个个完全不同的形态学特征的出现,蚕经历了从蚕卵到幼虫再到成虫的艰辛的成长过程,在整个过程中,蚕将蜕 4 次皮(大约每隔 25 天一次),接着他们开始土丝来完成茧,当蠕虫与茧达到 0.35 克之后,艰难爬行的蠕虫变成为在茧中的蝶蛹。

On the background of hotel collectivized, we have built a lot of state-owned hotel groups. However, these groups didnt grow as expected. The external reason is that we have different economic system and growing process from the oversea countries. The internal reason is the organization structure of the state-owned hotel group.


How to enjoy? The only figures rabachés are those of the "Tibetan government in exile". Yet the Chinese government, if I heard, announces itself a number of injuries and deaths to understand that there has been a grave and serious situation that the authorities admit. In any circumstances try to compare information. We try to understand the sequence of events. Otherwise say that the french government of the time ordered the two young grow into a power transformer in Clichy Sous Bois on the grounds that it had a policy to deal with tough hand suburbs. Nobody would move a mistake as infamous. In the American urban riots repression was also heavy hand. All that condones nothing. But it puts events in relation comparison.

唯一的数字rabachés是那些对&西藏流亡政府&,但中国政府,如果我没有听错,宣布本身是一个受伤人数和死亡人数,以了解有一严重和严重的情况,有关当局承认,在任何情况下,尝试以比较的资料,我们设法了解事件的顺序,否则说,法国政府的时候命令两位年轻的成长,成为一个电力变压器在clichy sous木材日志上,理由是它有一个政策,以应付严峻的,一方面郊区,没有人会提出一个错误,臭名昭著的,在美国城市暴动镇压也是很沉重的手,都表示宽恕无关,但它把有关的事件发生的比较。

But as the grow older,they should develop the habit of saving,so that by the time they reach the end of their craning life, they have savings to live on in retirement...


But as the grow older,they should develop the habit of saving,so that by the time they reach the end of their craning life, they have savings to live on in retirement...

可知,随着人们年龄的增长。他们必须培养储蓄的习惯,这样退休后他们就可以靠积蓄生活。 53.C 本题为观点态度推断题。

On the other hand, by association with nature's enormities, a man's heart may truly grow big also- There is a way ''.


On the other hand, by association with nature's enormities, a man's heart may truly grow big also- There is a way of looking upon a landscape as a moving picture and being satisfied with nothing less big as a moving picture, a way of looking upon tropic clouds over the horizon as the backdrop of a stage and being satisfied with nothing less big as a backdrop, a way of looking upon the mountain forests as a private garden and being satisfied with nothing less as a private garden, a way of listening to the roaring waves as a concert and being satisfied with nothing less as a concert, and a way of looking upon the mountain breeze as an air-cooling system and being satisfied with nothing less as an air-cooling system.


Basin grow fertilizes in those days on fewer.


Ironically I do believe in angels and fairies, I believe that creatures with human bodies can actually grow wings on their backs so that when they get tired of the world they are situated in, they can just expand the white fluffs and escape.


As you grow frailer, you can move to an apartment with more hands-on care, but in the same complex.


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Good Girls (Don't Grow On Trees)
I Can't Grow Peaches On A Cherry Tree
To Move On Is To Grow

We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
