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grow on相关的网络例句

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与 grow on 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Grapes cultivated from Vitis labrusca tend to grow well on the East Coast of the US, yet most modern wine and table grapes were developed in Europe, particularly in Spain, Italy and France.

葡萄栽培葡萄栽培葡萄 labrusca 往往也对美国的东海岸,但最现代化的葡萄酒和表制定了在欧洲,尤其是在西班牙意大利和法国。

High proportion of cells was in Sub-G1 phase of cell cycle and the cells could not grow in soft agar to form colonies. On the contrary, the three breast cancer cell lines, Bcap-37, MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231, are anoikis resistant, as indicated by DNA laddering and FCM assays.


The experimental result shows that after reclaiming the tailings with garbage fertilizer, Leucaena leucocephala Dewit. can grow well on the tin-zinc tailings pond while it is restricted in the tailings ponds without any reclamation; the contents of As, Pb and Zn in Leucaena leucocephala Dewit. are not high, only a little above those in normal plants.


Don't expect love in return,just wait for itto grow in their minute to get a crush on someone,an hour to likesome one,and a day to love someone,but it takes a lifetime toforget someone.


The rapid grow of science and technology makes the requirement on raw materials, lobar, capital, space and time is getting less and less. Therefore, in the new factors that create value, knowledge is regarded the most important resource.


Money does not grow maplestory meso on trees.


My ideal is to invent a pair of miraculous chopsticks when I grow up, one of the chopsticks is thin, the other is thick. The small one can minify everything in the world, on the contrary, the thick one can magnify everything. if one day, there is burglar sneaking into my house, I will minify the burglar as small as a fish, and put him into the aquarium by the thin chopstick.


The fibroblast cultivation revealed that the cells could well adhere, grow and multiplicate on the surface of modified materials.


Based on detecting the datum of microorganism in the soil,the study discovered that the beneficial microorganisms in the test soil were nitrobacteriaceae,nitrosomonads,cellulomoxnas,lactobacillus,actinomycetes and yeasts grow rapidly.


However, it is just the western democracy, the root cause, that decides the inevitable result instead of accidental one that Kuomintang lost its power in Taiwan. But, why so soon? Why the result is so extremely cruel to Kuomintang? The answers lie in the followed Chapter Two, Three and Four:the first is the grow-up of anti-Kuomintang movement and the nonofficeholding dissertations of democratic party; the second is the dirty-money politics of the democratic party, local ingroups and the practice of bribery at elections; the third is the populism of Li Denghui, the three break-ups of Kuomintang and the influence of election system on election result.


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Good Girls (Don't Grow On Trees)
I Can't Grow Peaches On A Cherry Tree
To Move On Is To Grow

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objective:to explore the expression of survivin protein and its mrna in rectal cancer and their clinic significance.


9She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.(SBIII L65)Born means (10)The purpose of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a "dingo".
