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In poly the chain scission is based on the ozone oxidation of the alcoholic groups of PVAL with formation of ketone groups which in turn are the source of a ketoeenol tautomerism which leads to random chain scission by further ozone attack.


Prof. Hsio-Fu Tuan,a member of Academia Sinica and eminent mathematician in China, has made outstanding contributions in the theory of modular representations of finite groups, algebraic Lie algebras and the study of p-groups,especially their "Anzanl" theorems.


To compare three groups with neurological functional deficit scores china strore scale, the clinical therapeutic effects and Barthel index which was accessed in both groups before treatment and 3 months later .

比较3组治疗前后神经功能缺损评分、治疗效果和治疗后3个月随访Barthel 指数。

The 46 ears classify into three groups on the basis of hearing threshold level,and classified into four groups on the basis of different disorders.Results The amplitude and reproducilbiity decreased as the hearing loss increased.

选择经耳镜检查、纯音听阈及声导抗测试确诊为中耳病变,纯音气导听阈不超过30 dB HL的46只病变耳及对照组正常28耳进行TEOAE测试,病变46耳分别按不同听阈水平及不同病变分组,并对其结果进行分析比较。

MethodsSD rat models by modified Allen s assay for acute spinal cord injury were adopted. Motor nerve function of rat lower extremities in sCR1 group and normal saline group were evaluated by the tiltboard experiment. C3c, C9and CD59 positive expression sites and time phase in injury tissue at 12 h, 1, 3, 7 and 14 d after injury in the two groups were observed and the differences between the two groups were noticed.

方法采用改良Allen重物打击法制成SD大鼠脊髓急性损伤模型,采用斜板实验评定sCR1组与生理盐水组大鼠下肢运动神经功能,观察两组在伤后12 h,1,3,7,14 d时间点损伤组织C3c,C9及CD59阳性表达的部位及时程,并比较组间差异。

A copper-chromium bimetal plate having a surface chromium layer of 2 μ was coated with a 4 percent solution in toluol of a light-sensitive polymer containing light-sensitive aryl sulphonylazide groups and a minor amount of hydroxyl groups attached to the polymer backbone.


Methods Totally 109 normal premenopausal women positive for high-risk factors of breast cancer were divided into two groups,namely periodic and consecutive tamoxifen treatment groups.


Testing directly the hypothesis that the intercept is the risk-free rate when the weekly Treasury bill rate is used for this purpose, we accept this hypothesis at the 5% level for the groups of 30 and 60 stocks but reject it for groups of 90 stocks at the 10% level .


Cellulose diacetate and cellulose triacetate, for example, are not attacked by microorganisms because most of the hydroxyl groups have been converted to acetate groups.


Consequently,all aspects of the society can accept the banning measures against cult organizations;from a perspective of history,it compares the differences of the state and church relations between china and western countries and points out that there is no seperation of church and state in china.what's more,the state power has a leading and controlling influence on religion,which has an impact on the prevention and control policies in china and thus forms the deviation between china and western countries in this issue.secondly,it briefly analyzes the present prevention and control measures in china,and proposes that we should replace "cult" with "dangerous beliefs" in legal documents,and the government should balance the relationship between fighting against dangerous beliefs and safeguarding freedom of religion and prudently adopts the banning measures;lastly ,it gives some suggestions such as establishing the principles of prudently using criminal law against cult behavior,protecting fundamental rights of cult believers,and improving legislation ,sticking to the ultimacy of criminal law,improving registering system of religious groups,helping the religious groups step out the underground situation,and long term research and study on cult,combining fighting and regulating.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
