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Result:Among total of 80 cases with non-visualized kidney in IVP,renal parenchyma of 37 cases were non-visualized under ~(99m)Tc-DTPA renography,GFR was 0 ml/min,32 cases carried out nephrectomy;Renal parenchyma of the rest 43 cases were visualized under ~(99m)Tc-DTPA renography,GFR were(20.03±9.64) ml/L,among them 9 cases were carried out nephrectomy, 34 cases received kidney-sparing operation;The 34 cases(divided into 4 groups according to range of GFR) recheck ~(99m)Tc-DTPA renography 2 months later after the operation,Preoperative GFR within(1~10) ml/min,GFR were(4.25±2.99) ml/min,postoperative GFR were(4.00±2.94) ml/min,t=0.522,P>0.05,indicated no significant change of GFR after the operation; Preoperative GFR within(11~20) ml/min、(21~30) ml/min、(31~40) ml/min groups, preoperative GFR were(15.38±2.63) ml/min、(24.83±2.92) ml/min、(34.25±2.75) ml/min, postoperative GFR were(17.77±3.79) ml/min、(29.42±3.90) ml/min、(40.25±3.50) ml/min respectively,paired t-test,P<0.05,indicated that 2 months\' postoperative GFR increased significantly,the function of kidneys recovered in some degree.

结果:在80例IVP不显影患肾中,37例患肾在~(99m)Tc-DTPAI肾动态显像上肾实质不显影,GFR为0 ml/min,其中32例行患肾切除;43例患肾在~(99m)Tc-DTPA肾动态显像上肾实质显影,GFR为(20.03±9.64)ml/L,其中9例行患肾切除,34例行保留肾手术;34例保留患肾手术者(根据术前GFR在不同值范围分为4组)在术后2个月返院复查~(9m)Tc-DTPA肾动态显像,GFR值在(1~10)ml/min组(5例),术前GFR为(4.25±2.99)ml/min,术后2月GFR为(4.00±2.94)ml/min,t=0.522,P>0.05,表明术后GFR无明显变化;术前GFR在(11~20)ml/min(13例)、(21~30)ml/min(12例)、(31~40)ml/min组(4例),术前GFR分别为(15.38±2.63)ml/min、(24.83±2.92)ml/min、(34.25±2.75)ml/min,术后2月复查GFR分别为(17.77±3.79)ml/min、(29.42±3.90)ml/min、(40.25±3.50)ml/min,经配对t检验,P<0.05,有统计学意义,术后2月GFR较术前增高,肾功能有不同程度的恢复。

WT5"HZMethods[WT5"BZ] Based on the outcome of genotyping for HLA alleles in massive samples, we presented new Res M according to 10 groups of amino acid residue for classⅠ and, groups of DR/DQ for classⅡ and compared them with HLA six antigen match program.

在大样本基因分型基础上,按Ⅰ类 10个组和Ⅱ类 7个组,确定新的ResM标准;与HLA 6种抗原配型标准比较,回顾性分析 316例首次尸肾移植残基相配对早期肾功能、急性排斥及 1~ 5年存活的影响。

Each patient had more than two somatic symptoms in the two groups and more than 81.0% of them had three somatic symptoms. METHODS: According to the different primary diseases in patients of the two groups, regular treatment was given routinely. Oral thymoleptics fluoxetine of 20 mg/d 5-hydroxyltryptamine reuptake restrainer with 20 mg/d was administered, the dose of which could be added to 40 mg/d according to the pathogenetic conditions.

根据两组患者不同原发病,遵循内科疾病治疗常规,予以正规治疗,同时予口服5-羟色胺再摄取抑制剂抗抑郁剂氟西汀,20 mg/d,根据病情可于2周后酌情加量至40mg/d。

In the rhombohedron, each top site is occupied by a pair of ligand-unsupported Ag atoms which are surrounded by six phenol groups in an ethane-like structure. The phenol groups at another ends of the ligands bridge the rhombohedrons into novel non-interpenetrating three-dimensional network.

在每个棱柱体内,每个顶点由无桥连配体支持的、周围的六个酚羟基以一种不寻常的、类似于乙烷分子结构的扭曲方式排列的一对 Ag 原子占据,配体另一端酚羟基将棱面体连接成新颖的非穿插的具有棱形通道(沿 a 和 b 轴方向)的三维网络结构。

The results of roentgenogram in the He-Ne and CO2 laser irradiation groups were better than that in the control group both on the 15th and 35th days after fracture, and there was no significant difference between the two irradiation groups.


Groups: 2 Groups per Division, except the Fourth Division may have more Round-Robin Match.


Both density and intensity of fluorescence in SVitC and LVitC groups were lower than those of control group. There were much wider fluorescence stripe and strengthened intensity in IVIG and IVIG+VitC groups. The myofilaments were in wild disorder and sarcomere had severe breakage in control group.


Its main goal is to explore information in the K-theory groups of the index C*-algebras, the Roe algebras C*, by using the large-scale geometrical structure of proper metric spaces, including noncompact complete Riemannian manifolds, finitely generated groups, etc., so as to establish connections among geometry, topology and analysis of the geometric spaces, and furthermore, to solve other relating problems, say, the Novikov conjecture, the Gromov-Lawson-Rosenberg conjecture on positive scalar curvature, the idempotent problem in the theory of C*-algebras.

粗几何上的指标理论是"非交换几何"领域九十年代以来发展起来的重要研究方向,它孕育于非紧流形上的指标理论,其主要目标是通过几何空间(如非紧完备黎曼流形、有限生成群等)的大尺度几何结构探索指标代数,即 Roe代数,的K-理论群的信息,从而建立几何空间的几何、拓扑与分析之间的联系,并应用于解决其他重要问题,如Novikov猜测、Gromov-Lawson-Rosenberg正标量曲率猜测、群C*-代数幂等元问题等。

The results showed that the population administered with free adjuvant cholera vaccines,both low dose group and common dose group,occurred the weak adverse reaction with 10 ̄25% rate.The reaction rates between two dose groups of the same vaccine have not significant difference;The reaction rate of the first inoculation(19 ̄25%) is higher than those of the second inoculation(10 ̄15%)(P 05);The inoculating local reaction is very light ,only the very few subject occurred the scleroma with 15 mm of diameter.The reaction of aluminum absorbed cholera vaccine is slightly stronger than those of other groups.


Insulin secretin response to glucose challenge in vitro showed the mean value of insulin in the low-glucose medium was 39.74±2.73mM, while that of high-glucose medium was 128.94±8.72mM, the SI was 3.25±0.26, that means the islets functioned well. The releasing insulin levels of the nine groups responding to 16.7mM glucose at the end of 24h and 48h: At the end of the first 24h, the controlssecretion were similar in two phases, while the G group has increasing tendency;As for oleate groups, the base secretion have no difference,while the stimulated secretion was descending;As palmic acid as concerned,both base and sitimulated secretion was descending(p<0.01) accompany with the elevated glucose.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


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