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At the festival , Zhuang people get together in groups , either in fields or on hillsides , singing folk songs in antiphonal style among members within a group or among members in different groups .


Male patient was prevalent in aphasic groups, but mean age of both gender groups was no difference. The possible explanations may be adduced for our findings; one is related to the cerebrovascular changes of aging- The decrease of cerebral circulation is prominant and disseminated in increasing age. There may be changes in the cerebral blood flow associated with aging, predisposing different brain areas to stroke. The second is possible that changes in cognition, deterioration of memroy and comprehension disturbance may predispose the perception dysfunction of language or advanced language dysfunction like global aphasia in aging group.


With increasing DMFcontent in mixed solvents, the dipolar attracting interactions betweenglycine molecules increase; the attracting interactions arising fromhydroxyl groups between L-serine molecules increase rapidly; the repulsing interactions involving apolar side-chains between L-valine moleculeshave little fluctuate. By the present of ethanol, attractions arising fromhydroxyl groups increase obviously, repulsions arising from apolarside-chains decrease.


Methods 75 cases bronchiolitis were categorized in two groups, therapy group 38 cases and control group 37 cases, conventional oxygen therapy, eliminating phlegm, anti-whezing and anti-virus were given in two groups, Montelukast was appendant in therapy group, to observe the time needed in improving the signs and symptoms of the bronchiolitis.


Methods Wistar rats were fed with highfructose diet for 12 weeks to induce Type 2 diabetes meilitus. Forty Wistar rats were randomly divided into 5 groups: a control group; a diabetic group; and a low (1 mg/kg), medium (5 mg/kg), or high (10 mg/kg) dose of arecoline groups.

采用高果糖饲料饲养Wistar大鼠12周制备2型糖尿病大鼠模型,40只实验动物随机分为5组:对照组、模型组、模型+1 mg/kg槟榔碱组、模型+5 mg/kg槟榔碱组、模型+10 mg/kg槟榔碱组。

Methods 63 cases of coxa arthropathy associated with AS were divided into two groups,experimental group and control group.Both groups received a basal treatment of taking sulfasalazine and nabumetone.In EG intra-articular injection of sodium hyaluronate and was carried out once a week in 33 patients with coxa arthropathy associated with AS.Each case received 5 injections in all,only in first injection combined with compound betamethasone.


Based on Phylogenetic analysis of sequences from these 10 phytoplasmas using PAUP (phylogenetic analysis using parsimony) software, these phytoplasmas could be classified into five groups. These phytoplasmas groups and strains were: group 1, sweetpotato witches' broom, mainland China strain of sweetpotato witches' broom, peanut witches' broom and Ipomoea obscura witches' broom; group 2, loofah witches' broom; group 3, elm yellows; group 4, rice yellow dwarf and sugarcane white leaf disease; group 5, New Jersey strain of aster yellows and western strain of aster yellows.


Methods We analysed 42 patients in different groups, and compared the relationship between the incidence of RMP and the atropine dosage in different groups.

方法对 4 2例不同组别农药中毒病人进行分类分析,比较不同组别中阿托品治疗导致RMP的发生率及阿托品用量间的关系。

Results The tinnitus frequency, severity of subjective tinnitus, audiogram types and some items of function test above hearing threshold were significantly different in the five groups (P.05). Specific features of pure-tone test were found in the five groups: tinnitus frequency was low, whole- frequency hearing threshold high, audiogram even, short increment sensitivity index at 1 kHz high and tone decline at 4 kHz low in the syndrome of invasion of wind-heat; tinnitus frequency was high, high-frequency hearing loss common, audiogram abruptly descending, SISI and TD at 4 kHz high in the syndrome of liver-fire up-stirring; subjective tinnitus was loud, audiogram abruptly descending or gradually descending, SISI and 7W at 4 kHz low in the syndrome of stagnation of phlegm-fire; tinnitus frequency was high, subjective tinnitus low, audiogram markedly descending or hill-like, SISI and TD at 4 kHz high in the syndrome of kidney-essence deficiency; average hearing loss was less, audiogram irregular but abruptly descending or notched in most cases, SISI at 4 kHz low in the syndrome of weakness of spleen-stomach.

结果]耳鸣频率、自觉耳鸣程度、听力图类型及部分阈上功能测试指标在各证型间具有显著性差异(P.05),这些指标在不同的证型中表现出不同的特点:风热侵袭型的耳鸣频率较低,全频听阈升高,听力图多为平坦型,短增量敏感指数得分在1kHz较高,而4kHz音衰值较低;肝火上扰型的耳鸣频率较高,听力损失以高频为主,听力图多为陡降型,4kHz SISI得分及TD值均较高;痰火郁结型的自觉耳鸣响度较大,听力图以陡降型或缓降型为主,4kHz SISI得分及TD值均较低;肾精亏损型的耳鸣频率较高,而自觉耳鸣响度较低,听力图以显降型或山型为主,4kHz SISI得分及TD值均较高;脾胃虚弱型的平均听力损失较小,听力图无一定规律性,但以陡降型或切迹型为主,4kHz SISI得分较低。

You can use a prerecorded audiotape to help you go through all the muscle groups, or you can just learn the order of muscle groups and work through them from memory.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
