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与 group by group 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The execution, delivery , performance and completion of this agreement and the Investor Rights Agreement by each of the Warrantors do not and will not violate in any respect any provision of any law or regulation or any order or decree of any governmental authority, agency or court of any jurisdiction which is applicable to the Warrantor, any Group Company or any Associated Company; the laws and documents incorporating and constituting the Warrantor, any Group Company or any Associated Company prevailing as at the date of this agreement and as at Completion; or any mortgage, contract or other undertaking or instrument to which the Warrantor, any Group Company or any Associated Company is a party or which is binding upon it or any of its assets, and does not and will not result in the creation or imposition of any encumbrance on any of its assets pursuant to the provisions of any such mortgage, contract or other undertaking or instrument.


To realize this, dots for forming a test pattern are formed by different scannings by a nozzle group including a plurality of nozzles (N176~N192) positioned at one end side of a nozzle row and a nozzle group including a plurality of nozzles (N1~N16) positioned at the other end side of the nozzle row.


The effects and mechanism of GABAergic neurons, NOergic neurons, opioid peptide and cyclic adenosine monophosphate in the nucleus reticularis thalami on sleep-wakefulness cycle of rats and the effects and mechanism of the 5-HTergic nerve fibers project from the nucleus raphes dorsalis to RT on sleep-wakefulness cycle of rats were investigated with the methods of brain stereotaxic, nucleus spile, microinjection and polysomngraphy.1. The effects of GABAergic neurons in RT on sleep-wakefulness cycle of rats1.1 Microinjection of 3-mercaptopropionic acid (3-MP, a kind of glutamate decarboxylase inhibitor) into RT. On the day of microinjection, sleep only decreased a litter. On the second day, sleep marked decreased and wakefulness marked increased. On the third and fourth day, sleep and wakefulness stages resumed to normal.1.2 Microinjection of gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA 1.0μg) into RT enhanced sleep and reduced wakefulness compared with control; while microinjection of L-glutamate (L-Glu, 0.2μg) decreased sleep and increased wakefulness; microinjection of bicuculline (BIC, 1.0μg), a GABAA receptor antagonist, enhanced wakefulness and reduced sleep; microinjection of baclofen (BAC, 1.0μg), GABAB receptor agonist, had the same effects as GABA.2. The effects of NOergic neurons in RT on sleep-wakefulness cycle of rats2.1 Microinjection of L-arginine (L-Arg, 0.5μg) into RT decreased sleep compared with control, but there were on statistaical difference between L-Arg group and control; while microinjection of sodium nitroprusside (SNP, 0.2μg), a NO donor into RT, sleep marked decreased and wakefulness marked increased. Microinjection of nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, N-nitro-L-arginine (L-NNA, 2.0μg) into RT enhanced sleep and reduced wakefulness.2.2 After simultaneous microinjection of L-NNA (2.0μg) and SNP (0.2μg) into RT, SNP abolished the sleep-promoting effect of L-NNA compared with L-NNA group; after simultaneous microinjection of L-NNA (2.0μg) and L-Arg(0.5μg) into RT, we found that L-NNA could not blocked the wakefulness-promoting effect of L-Arg.3. The effects of opioid peptide in RT on sleep-wakefulness cycle of rats3.1 Microinjection of morphine sulfate (MOR, 1.0μg) into RT increased wakefulness and decreased sleep compared with control; while microinjection of naloxone hydrochloride (NAL, 1.0μg), the antagonist of opiate receptors, into RT, enhanced sleep and reduced wakefulness.3.2 After simultaneous microinjection of MOR (1.0μg) and NAL (1.0μg) into RT, the wakefulness-promoting effect of MOR and the sleep-promoting effect of NAL were not observed compared with control.4. The effects of cAMP in RT on sleep-wakefulness cycle of rats Microinjection of cAMP (1.0μg) into RT increased sleep and decreased wakefulness compared with control; microinjection of methylene blue (MB,1.0μg) into RT enhanced sleep and reduced wakefulness compared with control.5. The effects of the 5-HTergic nerve fibers project from DRN to RT on sleep-wakefulness cycle of rats5.1 When L-Glu (0.2μg) was microinjected into DRN and normal sodium (NS,1.0μg) was microinjected into bilateral RT. We found that sleep was decreased and wakefulness was increased compared with control; when L-Glu (0.2μg) was microinjected into DRN and methysergide (MS,1.0μg), a non-selective 5-HT antagonist, was microinjected into bilateral RT, We found that sleep was enhanced and wakefulness was reduced compared with L-Glu group.5.2 When p-chlorophenylalanine (PCPA, 10μg) was microinjected into DRN and NS (1.0μg) was microinjected into bilateral RT, We found that sleep was increased and wakefulness was decreased compared with control; microinjection of 5-hydroxytryptaphan (5-HTP, 1.0μg), which can convert to 5-HT by the enzyme tryptophane hydroxylase and enhance 5-HT into bilateral RT, could block the effect of microinjection of PCPA into DRN on sleep-wakefulness cycle.

本研究采用脑立体定位、核团插管、微量注射、多导睡眠描记等方法,研究丘脑网状核(nucleus reticularis thalami,RT)中γ-氨基丁酸(gamma-amino butyric acid ,GABA)能神经元、一氧化氮(nitrogen monoxidum,NO)能神经元、阿片肽类神经递质、环一磷酸腺苷(cyclic adenosine monophosphate,cAMP)及中缝背核(nucleus raphes dorsalis,DRN)至RT的5-羟色胺(5-hydroxytryptamine,5-HT)能神经纤维投射对大鼠睡眠-觉醒周期的影响及其作用机制。1 RT内GABA能神经元对大鼠睡眠-觉醒周期的影响1.1大鼠RT内微量注射GABA合成关键酶抑制剂3-巯基丙酸(3-MP,5μg),注射当天睡眠时间略有减少,第二日睡眠时间显著减少,觉醒时间明显增多,第三、四日睡眠和觉醒时间逐渐恢复至正常。1.2大鼠RT内微量注射GABA受体激动剂GABA( 1.0μg)后,与生理盐水组比较,睡眠时间增加,觉醒时间减少;而RT内微量注射L-谷氨酸(glutamic acid, L-Glu, 0.2μg)后,睡眠时间减少,觉醒时间增加;RT内微量注射GABAA受体阻断剂荷包牡丹碱(bicuculline,BIC,1.0μg)后,睡眠时间减少,觉醒时间增加;RT内微量注射GABAB受体激动剂氯苯氨丁酸(baclofen,BAC,1.0μg)后,产生了与GABA相似的促睡眠效果。2 RT内NO能神经元对大鼠睡眠-觉醒周期的影响2.1大鼠RT内微量注射NO的前体L-精氨酸(L-Arg,0.5μg)后,与生理盐水组对比,睡眠时间略有减少,但无显著性意义;而RT内微量注射NO的供体硝普钠(Sodium Nitroprusside,SNP,0.2μg)后可明显增加觉醒时间,缩短睡眠时间;微量注射一氧化氮合酶抑制剂L-硝基精氨酸(L-arginine,L-NNA,2.0μg)后,引起睡眠时间增多,觉醒时间减少。2.2大鼠RT内同时微量注射L-NNA(2.0μg)和SNP(0.2μg)后与L-NNA组比较发现SNP逆转了L-NNA的促睡眠作用;RT内同时微量注射L-NNA(2.0μg)和L-Arg(0.5μg)后,与L-NNA(2.0μg)组比较发现L-Arg可以增加觉醒而缩短睡眠,其促觉醒作用未能被NOS的抑制剂L-NNA所逆转。3 RT内阿片肽对大鼠睡眠-觉醒周期的影响3.1大鼠RT内微量注射硫酸吗啡(morphine sulfate,MOR,1.0μg)后与生理盐水组对比,睡眠时间减少而觉醒时间增加; RT内微量注射阿片肽受体拮抗剂盐酸纳洛酮(naloxone hydrochloride,NAL,1.0μg)后与生理盐水组比较,睡眠时间增加而觉醒时间减少。3.2大鼠RT内同时微量注射MOR(1.0μg)和NAL(1.0μg)后,与生理盐水组对比,原有的MOR促觉醒效果和NAL的促睡眠效果都没有表现。4 RT内环一磷酸腺苷信使对大鼠睡眠-觉醒周期的影响大鼠RT内微量注射cAMP(1.0μg)后与NS(1.0μg)组比较,睡眠时间增多而觉醒时间减少;RT内微量注射亚甲蓝(methylene blue,MB,1.0μg)后,与NS组比较,睡眠时间增多而觉醒时间减少。5中缝背核投射到丘脑网状核的5-羟色胺能神经纤维对大鼠睡眠-觉醒周期的影响5.1大鼠DRN内微量注射L-Glu(0.2μg),同时在双侧RT内微量注射NS (1.0μg)后,与对照组(DRN和双侧RT注射NS, 0.2μg)比较,睡眠时间减少,觉醒时间增多;大鼠DRN内微量注射L-Glu(0.2μg),同时在双侧RT内微量注射二甲基麦角新碱(methysergide, MS, 1.0μg )后,与对照组(DRN注射L-Glu 0.2μg,双侧RT注射NS 1.0μg)比较,睡眠时间增多,觉醒时间减少。5.2大鼠DRN内微量注射对氯苯丙氨酸(p-chlorophenylalanine,PCPA,10μg),同时在双侧RT内微量注射NS (1.0μg)后,与对照组(DRN和双侧RT注射NS, 1.0μg)比较,睡眠时间增多,觉醒时间减少;大鼠DRN内微量注射PCPA(10μg),产生睡眠增多效应后,在双侧RT内微量注射5-羟色胺酸(5-hydroxytryptaphan , 5-HTP, 1.0μg )后,与对照组(DRN注射PCPA 10μg,双侧RT注射NS 1.0μg)比较,睡眠时间减少,觉醒时间增多。

The experimental group has various changes in the different density of potentill anserine extract. the small rat pulmonary tissue surface ofⅰgroup can see sporadic petechia of different degree; pulmonary alveolus cavity can see sporadic erythrocyte under the microscope. the small rat pulmonary tissue surface of ⅱ group is no obvious abnormality by naked eye; pulmonary alveolus cavity can see sporadic erythrocyte and thin powder color liquid under the microscope.


More efficient than that of traditional acupuncture control group significant difference was found by comparing the two groups(P.01).2 The assessment of FMA FIM- Pahu Oedemas Skin temperature and ROM were all improved significantly after the acupuncture therapy(P.01 ) All above measured items were some increased in the control group, but the degree of improvement were significantly higher in the treatmeat group that in the control one0 There was significantly difference between them .3 The therapeutic effects of the acupuncture were negative interrelation with clinical phrase of SHS.The treatment in phase I was better than that of phase II ,and the phase II was better than III.

结果如下: 1、&开关通脉,祛瘀消肿&针法治疗中风后SHS具有较高疗效(显效率76.67%),优于传统针刺对照组(显效率36.67%),两组有非常显著性差异(P<0.01) 2、实验组FMA、FIM以及对疼痛、肿胀、皮温、关节活动度的测评均有显著提高,对照组在以上观察指标有一定程度提高,但改善程度不如实验组,两组间有显著性差异(P<0.01或P<0.05) 3、开关通脉针刺疗效与临床分期呈显著相关。

Methods A total of 80 CRF in-patients in our hospital from June to December 2007 who need low protein diets therapy were divided into control group and intervention group in random. Patients in intervention group accepcted healthy education by clinical nursing pathways while the controls were used traditional methods. All patients were give questionnaire about their cognition of dietary therapy and degree of satisfaction to nursing when they leave hospital.


According to science of Yo of complete state religion the program heads group office " teach science about whole nation of make known to lower levels " 915 " the announcement of program task "(teach division program to handle case [2008]003 date), by prexy Professor Cheng Jianlong, doctor is chaired those who declare " the demonstration of managerial mode of school of traffic high post studies " education of classics whole nation plans scientificly to lead series of group course program to evaluate, science of Yo of complete state religion plans to lead a group to approve, education of the whole nation that be labelled is scientific " 915 " 2008 year of program plan task.

概要: 根据全国教育科学规划领导小组办公室《有关下达全国教育科学&十一五&规划课题的通知》(教科规划办函[2008]003号),由学院院长盛建龙教授、博士主持申报的《交通高职院校办学模式的实证探究》经全国教育科学规划领导小组学科规划组评审,全国教育科学规划领导小组批准,被列为全国教育科学&十一五&规划2008年度规划课题。

Methods: One hundred and twenty teeth with curved root canals were randomly divided into 2 groups: 74 curved root canals in group PT were prepared by ProTaper rotary Nickel-Titanium file with crown-down technique, and 75 curved root canals in group SS were prepared by K-files with step-back technique.


The control group(42 cases)was treated by routine treatment and sodium nitroprusside; the treatment group(39 cases) by the above treatment adding with Injectio Ginseng.


Pue group is more formation of cartilage cells,cartilage cells,necrotic degeneration of the surface than the model group and the Sodium Chloride group with light rare exudation of inflammatory cells by microscope,we could see new blood vessels and fibroblasts.


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Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
