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与 group by group 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This study attempts to use the statistical techniques of multilevel confirmatory factor analysis to model the measurement of learning school. The analyses follow the four initial steps proposed by Muthèn: conventional CFA of total structure, estimation of between-group variation, estimation of within-group structure, and estimation of between-group structure.


Experiments were performed in three groups of mice,20 minutes later ,mice in control group were treated with 2ml PBS by ultrasonic nebulization for 20 minutes, mice in treatment group were treated with rhIL-10(10ng) by ultrasonic nebulization for 20 minutes.


The four fluorescence peaks are generated separately by the combined actions of the methyl parathion and the acetone. In methyl parathion molecule, there are the transition of n electrons in nitryl, the transition of π electronic structure formed by the oxygen atom and the benzene ring and the transition of n electrons in P=O group. In acetone molecule, there is the transition of n electrons in C=O group.


Apoptosis was induced by hypoxia injury in the NSCs, the amount of apoptosis in the group treated with NYA serum was significantly lower than that of model group and normal-serum group. It suggested that NYA serum can inhibit the NSCs apoptosis.


objective to discover the therapeutic effect on herpes zoster treated by orpiment and earthworm in compound tinclura.methods oet was externally used on 43 cases in treatment group,phthiobuzonum liniment and 1% chinese goldthread calamine lotion were externally used on 41 cases in control group,and in addtion the two groups were intravenous injected by drip acyclovir 500mg qd.results the comparison of observation index between the two groups had diversity on significance of statistics(p<0.01 or p<0.05).conclusion oet external used on herpes zoster patient get a better curative effect.

目的 观察复方雄黄地龙酊治疗带状疱疹的疗效。方法治疗组43例外用oet,而对照组41例外用酞丁安搽剂和1%黄连炉甘石洗剂,两组均静滴阿昔洛韦500mg,每日1次。结果两组在观察指标(止痛、止疱、结痂、痊愈、后遗神经痛发生率)的比较中,差异有统计学意义(p<0.01或p<0.05)。结论外用复方雄黄地龙酊治疗带状疱疹,效果良好。复方雄黄地龙酊;带状疱疹

Methods 58 cases patients needing endocardiac orthoptic surgery were enrolled in this study, they are divided into control group and SFI group randomly. Injecting of SFI 1ml/kg by intravenous before CPB was performed in group SFI, tidal volume, Pmax , Pmean and calculating Crs and RI during 10 min , 30 min , 60 min after the trachea intubating, in the beginning of CPB and during 10min, 60min, 120min after CPB were recorded.

选择临床心内直视手术病人58例,随机分为对照组和SFI组,SFI组于CPB前予SFI 1ml/kg静注,记录气管插管后10、30、60 min,CPB手术开始时,CPB停止后10、60、120min时的潮气量、气道峰值压、平均气道压并计算肺顺应性和呼吸指数。

He type of ossein in group B was mainly type Ⅰ collagen while that in group A type Ⅱ and it exhibited as a process of fiber formation in group C. The reason for why TGF-β〓 can promote ossification induced by BMP is that can promote the differentiation and proliferation of mesenchymal cells to supply more target cells for BMP, promote the differentiation and proliferation of mature osteocytes and chondrocytes, inhibit metalloproteinase to decrease the destruction of bone tissue and promote calcification of bone matrix.


On the base of applied tech. and system structure, the key tech. are expressed in detail. It includes:Knowledge representation technology: it is described in two stages by "Depictive frame + Rule group"."Depictive frame" is used to reflect the factors concerning question field."Rule group" reflects the son-question in question field; knowledge management system: it is made up of knowledge-base editing component, factor classifying component, knowledge inspecting component and extractive knowledge component; uncertainty reasoning adopt method of elicitation search strategy and data drive controlled by member knowledge. It take reliability of compound proof at first. That can resolve the matching contradiction. Reasoning explanation introduce pre-text and followed method of resolving path. Knowledge discovery component take SLIQ as basic arithmetic. It provides classification model in two stage forms which aim at training suit. That is decision tree and productive rule.


Firstly, based on literature review and qualitative surveys, the modified risk factors that affecting the effect of hypertension management in the underdeveloped rural area were identified, the specific questionnaire and SIPHF were developed, and the first cross-sectional study was conducted. Secondly, the surveyed population were then divided into intervention group and control group, and periodic health education and following up were conducted to the intervention group for six months; Thirdly, the second cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate the effect of intervention by qualitative and quantitative survey, the indicators include the knowledge awareness rate and the right belief rate for hypertension control, and the behavior prevalence related to hypertension intervention, the disease burden, the life quality and clinical outcomes resulted from hypertension, the dynamic tendency of blood pressure and the patients\' satisfaction. And the factors related to the effect of hypertension management was evaluated; Finally, SWOT analysis was conducted to evaluate the factors affecting the intervention process and effect, based on the results of qualitative and quantitative surveys on the factors related to effect of the intervention, and to provide evidence-based suggestions for SIPHF improvement and policy-making in the underdeveloped rural area in China.


The wound surfaces in the experimental group were treated by arnebia root oil and those in control group were treated by petrolatum gauze.


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The visit of all these marauders must be anticipated, and measures taken to prevent their depredation .


It is no effect of him whatever threaten or speak the sense.


From "Down the Zambezi," October 1997, National Geographic magazine
