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与 group by group 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

MethodsStochastically divided the 77 patients diagnosed ulcerative colitis by colonoscopy into two groups,one group of 38 patients are give a clyster with the mixture of no-1 and no-2 based on the conventional therapy except hormone,another group of 39 patients as the control group take the conventional therapy and hormone,both of the courses last four weeks.


Supported by the Bank of Communications, the largest joint-stock commercial bank in China, the YUD Group was established in September, 1992 initiated by the municipal government of 4 cities in the upper, middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang River--Shanghai , Nanjing, Wuhan and Chongqing. The YUD Group raised the equity capital totally amounted at RMB 650 million with the efforts of 30 coastwise city authorities and 386 big enterprises.


One hundred and eighty 14-days-old chickens were divided randomly into coccidia primary infection group (I1),coccidia secondary infection group (I2),and control group.Immune indexes were examined by using immune staphytococcal protein A rosette test,indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay,cellular culture technique and MTT method.


In thisstudy, we sought to determine the number of injections neededto provide a reasonably complete anesthesia of the upper limbwith this approach. Seventy-five patients were randomly assignedto receive a coracoid block guided by nerve stimulator with42 mL of 1.5% mepivacaine with a single-injection (Group 1),dual-injection (Group 2), or triple-injection (Group 3) technique.

在本研究中,我们拟探讨为提供完善的上肢麻醉效果所需要的锁骨下臂丛神经阻滞的注射次数。75例病人用神经刺激器指导喙突旁臂丛神经阻滞,随机用1.5%的甲哌卡因42ml 行单次注射(组1)、分两次注射(组2)或分三次注射(组3)。

The serum cretonne, serum BUN and uric acid in the patients were measured during 8 weeks. The model of CRF was induced by 5/6 nephrectomy in SD rats. Rats were divided into three groups: Sham group, 5/6 nephrectomized group, 5/6 nephrectomized and calcium dobesilate therapy group.


Sell a data at reduced prices: The index is divided into group according to kind , is summed up as , assembles to diversity, curtate concrete method is: Height , weight , chest measurement , pulse , systolic pressure , the diastolic pressure index are divided into group according to age , sex , the sight index is not divided into group then according to the grade , the eye, eight indices and data that the at last examines and approves, handle by that 180 P calculators secretly scheme against, get the corresponding statistics blip.


In Chapter 3, by using the technique of finite dimensional approximation of Seiberg-Wittentheory, the equivariant K-theory and some other methods, we study the problem of topologicalrestriction when there are smooth groups acting on Spin 4-manifolds such as the alternatinggroup A_5, cyclic group Z_6 and symmetric group S_3 with actions of odd type, consequently weimprove Furutas 10/8 theorem under the condition of group actions.

第三章运用Seiberg-Witten理论的有限维逼近技巧和等变K-理论等工具,研究了Spin 4-流形X上分别存在光滑交错群A_5、循环群Z_6和奇型三阶对称群S_3作用时,X的拓扑限制问题,在群作用下改进了Furuta的10/8定理。

Methods Twenty guinea pigs with gentamicin-induced hearing loss were randomized equally into IGF-1 group and control group. In both groups, scala tympani fenestration was performed for injection of IGF-l (10μ1) or artificial perilymphatic fluid (10μl). Auditory brainstem responses test was performed before and 7 and 14 days after surgery, respectively, and the cochlea was removed by decollation of 3 guinea pigs from each group after ABR test for observing the changes in the hair cells using scanning electron microscope.


The results showed that the preoxidation of PPESK was a free radicals reaction,which was initiated by the decomposition of proton in aromatic ring and sulfone functional group and the removal of H_2O and SO_2.When the preoxidation temperature was above 460℃,the radical reaction was initiated by the decomposition of ketone functional group and the removal of CO_2.At last,the three-demensional cross-linking structure containing polyaromatic ether and biphenyl was formed.


Results Punctiform erosion, hemorrhage were observed by nake eyes in each groups. Epithelium cellular necrosis, defluxion, neutrophil being dominant in propria lamina and intact glandular were observed with microscopy. The erosion became severe with the successive stimulate of ethanol. There is no difference between distillate spirit and sodium chloride rats in Guth in 7th day, but Guth in distillate spirit rats was higher than that in sodium chloride rats in 30th day. PGE2, TGF-α contents in gastric mucosa of treated group increased significangly compared with control group. PGE2 showed no difference between each group in 7th and 30th day; TGF-α in gastric mucosa of distillate spirit and sodium chloride rats decreased after 1 month.

结果 茅台组、乙醇组、生理盐水组胃黏膜均肉眼可见程度不同的点状糜烂、出血;光镜下黏膜部分上皮坏死脱落,固有层以中性粒细胞为主炎性细胞浸润,腺体结构基本完整,病变随时间延长有所加重,Guth积分1周茅台组与生理盐水组差异无统计学意义,1月两者相比差异有统计学意义;茅台组、乙醇组胃黏膜组织内PGE2水平与生理盐水组相比明显增高,同时TGF-α表达增强;但PGE2水平各组间1周与1月相比差异无统计学意义;TGF-α表达强度在茅台组、生理盐水组1月后逐渐降低,差异有统计学意义。

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The visit of all these marauders must be anticipated, and measures taken to prevent their depredation .


It is no effect of him whatever threaten or speak the sense.


From "Down the Zambezi," October 1997, National Geographic magazine
