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group by group相关的网络例句

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与 group by group 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Different from the ordinary organized crime,heretical crime infringes the criminal law at least in four aspects: firstly,members of a heretic group are spiritually controlled and their freedom of religion is illegally restricted;secondly,by carrying out terrorist and violent activities,a heretic group disrupts public order and security;thirdly,the intentional homicide,suicide,self-burning and autotomy created by a heretic group deprive other people's right of life and health;fourthly,a heretic group crazily and illegally accumulate wealth and thus infringe other people's property right.


Methods 460 infants of infantile autumn diarrhea were divided ito a treatment group (n=270) and a control group (n=190). Patients in the treatment group were treated by acupoint-Zusanli-injection of 654-2 and taking Pikexin electuary orally. Patients in the control group were treated by routine medicine.


At this time, we have sent personnel to attend international IEC/TC111 activities. Under coordination by the Standard Administration of China, a technical committee is formed in corresponding to the TC111 WG3 (China WG3 working group). The task of forming a working group for test procedures of national standards for the density of toxic substances of electronic and electrical products is completed. The formation of a working group for industry standards for the prevention of pollution caused by electronic information products had been completed in October, 2004. This working group starts on the formation of standards for limits, test standards, leadless soldering standards, and certification and labeling standards.

目前,我们已经派员积极参与了国际 IEC/TC111的活动,在国标委的统一协调下,牵头组织了中国对应 TC111的 WG3的一个技术委员会(目前暂称为中国 WG3工作组);组建电子电气产品有害物质浓度检测程序国家标准工作组的工作已经完毕;电子信息产品污染控制行业标准工作组已经在2004年10月组建完成,已经开始了制定电子信息产品有毒有害物质的限量标准、检测标准、无铅焊接标准、认证与标识标准的工作

Methods 40 healthy adult mice were randomly divided into control group, CTX immune-suppressed group, Fb treated group, Fb combined with CTX treated group. The influences of Fb in NK cell activity were determined by the method of NK mediated cytotoxicity test;the multiplicative capacity of lymphocyte was assayed by lymphocyte transformation rate of T cell,and the mice spleen T lymphoblast multiplication analytical method was used to measure the IL-2 level.


Methods]By observing the cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration change of single cardiocyte in I/R status and the effect of Na+/H+ permutoid retarder to Ca2+ concentration in different phases (diabetes pure oxygen-lack deficit group called DM group,the oxygen deficit/reaeration on entire journey for medicine group called DM-EIPA group, the first group giringmedicine before reaeration on called DM-EIPA 1 group, and the second group giringmedicine before reaeration on called DM-EIPA 2 group) to detect the protection mechanism of Na+/H+ permutoid retarder to diabetic mouse cardiac muscle cell oxygen deficit/reaeration injury.

方法] 通过观察糖尿病鼠单个心肌细胞在缺氧/复氧时细胞胞浆Ca2+浓度的动态变化以及Na+/H+交换体阻滞剂在不同时相(糖尿病单纯缺氧组即DM组,缺氧/复氧全程给药组即DM-EIPA组,复氧前给药1组即DM-EIPA 1组,复氧前给药2组即DM-EIPA 2组)对Ca2+浓度的影响来研究Na+/H+交换体阻滞剂对糖尿病鼠心肌细胞缺氧/复氧损伤的保护机制。

The rabbits were feeded by estradiol valerate everyday as follows. Group A: E〓V 1. 8mg/d, group B: E〓V 3. 6mg/d, group C: E〓V 7. 2mg/d, group D: E〓V 3. 6mg/d+MPA 3. 6mg/d, group E was the untreated control group, group F was the untreated sham control group.

之后给予口服雌激素或联合应用孕激素共16周,给药方案如下:A组〓V 1.8mg/天,B组〓V 3.6mg/天,C组〓V 7.2mg/天,D组〓V 3.6mg/天+MPA 3.6mg/天,E组和F组均不用药。

Part II The experiment study on anti-tumour effect of dendritic cells derived from peripheral blood monocyte of patients with oral cancer after pulsed by tumour antigen in different ways. Collected 50ml peripheral blood from each patients and volunteers to induced DC in vitro. We parted the test group and control group into three subgroups respectively, untreated group A, freezed and thawn group B, RNA transfected group C. To group A, after induced DCs for five days , we added 200U/mlTNF-α in each hole and cultured on. To group B, we added protein antigen (DC/ tumor cells = 1 : 1 ,each hole) for 4h at 5d, and then added 200U/mlTNF-α in each hole and cultured on. To group C, transfected immature DC with tumor cell RNA(DC:RNA=1×105/ml: 5ug)at 5d, operated completely with the specification of invitrogen DMRIE-C reagents. After transfection we replaced transfection agent with complete medium, and then added 200U/mlTNF-α in each hole and cultured on.

第二部分口腔癌患者外周血来源的树突状细胞体外负载抗原后抑瘤作用的实验研究无菌采集20例口腔癌患者和20例健康志愿者外周血50ml,分离单个核细胞体外诱导培养DC,并将实验组和对照组细胞各分为三组,A组为未处理组,B组为冻融组,C组为RNA转染组。A组DC在培养5d后,每孔加入TNF-α200U/ml;B组DC培养第5d后,每孔中加入癌细胞蛋白抗原,使DC/肿瘤细胞=1:1,继续培养4h后,每孔加入TNF-α200U/ml;C组将培养至第5d的未成熟DC用肿瘤细胞RNA进行转染(DC:RNA=1×105/ml: 5ug,按照invitrogen DMRIE-C试剂说明书进行操作),转染结束后用完全培基取代转染剂,每孔加入TNF-α200U/ml。

In this project, we have prepared conveniently Si-Mg 1,1-difunctional group reagents-α-silylvinyl Grignard reagents by hydromagnesiation of alkynylsilanes; Se-Br 1,1-difunctional group reagents-α-bromovinylselenides by hydrobromination of alkynylselenides; Sn-Br and Sn-I 1,1-difunctional group reagents by hydrozirconation of alkynylstannanes followed by halogenating reaction.

本项目通过炔基硅烷的镁氢化反应,方便地制得了Si-Mg 1,1-双官能团试剂-α-硅基烯基镁化物;通过炔基硒醚的溴氢化反应,方便地制得了Se-Br 1,1-双官能试剂-α-溴代烯基硒醚;通过炔基锡烷的锆氢化反应,继而卤代方便地制得了Sn-Br和Sn-I 1,1-双官能试剂。

Results By incubating cardiomyocytes with bFGF, ERKs was activated and the cellular viability 〔(70.0±4.6)%in bFGF 10 ng group vs.(53.0±4.5)%in H/R group, P<0.01) and the ATP content 〔(23.1±2.3) nmol/106 cells in bFGF 10 ng group vs.(12.3±2.1) nmol/106 cells in H/R group, P<0.01〕 were increased, also the LDH leakage 〔(257.3±51.0) U/L in bFGF 10 ng group vs.(372.5±69.2) U/L in H/R group, P<0.05〕, was decreased, then attenuation of H/R injury to cardiomyocytes was observed. PD098059, an inhibitor of upstream kinase of ERKs completely abolished the protective effects 〔viability (57.0±5.8)%,ATP content (15.1±2.6) nmol/106 cells,LDH activity in medium (325.5±59.0)U/L in PD098059 group vs. bFGF 10 ng group, P<0.01, respectively〕.

结果 bFGF激活ERKs,并呈剂量依赖性减轻H/R所致心肌细胞损伤,表现为细胞存活率〔bFGF 10 ng组(70.0±4.6)%,H/R组(53.0±4.5)%,P<0.01〕和细胞内ATP含量〔bFGF 10 ng组(23.1±2.3)nmol/106细胞,H/R组(12.3±2.1)nmol/106细胞,P<0.01〕升高,细胞浆酶LDH漏出〔bFGF 10 ng组(257.3±51.0)U/L,H/R组(372.5±69.2)U/L,P<0.05〕减少;ERKs上游激酶抑制剂PD098059完全消除上述保护作用〔PD098059组细胞存活率(57.0±5.8)%,ATP含量(15.1±2.6)nmol/106细胞,培养液中LDH活性(325.5±59.0)U/L,与bFGF 10 ng组比较均为P<0.01〕。

Bender Group of industries covered by flooring, wood research and development, dissemination, logistics, education, real estate and other fields, the Group owns Del Flooring Co., Ltd. Xuzhou, Xuzhou Bender Group Hi-Tech Flooring Co., Ltd., Del Wood Industry Co., Ltd. distinguished Group of Xuzhou, Xuzhou wood Bender Group Industry Research Institute Co., Ltd., Xuzhou ads Bender Group Culture Communication Co., Ltd., Xuzhou Bender Group Logistics Management Limited. Bender Group Flooring Co., Ltd.


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When trading exclusives with media for positive stories, make sure the deal stays


We are nine and fifty-nine, and one of us is good at guessing plots—not me!


A set of device for simulating naphthenic acid corrosion under high temperature and high flow rate was designed and set up based on the latest research progresses.

基于最新研究进展,设计并建立了一套模拟高温、高流速状态的环烷酸腐蚀模拟装置,可实现原油在450 ℃下以100 m/s的流速冲刷样品的试验条件。