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与 group by group 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

METHODS: Total 60 male Wistar rats were randomly divided into 6 groups, i.e., normal control group , DMN model group , large dose treatment group , middle dose treatment group, small dose treatment group and Dongbao gantai treatment group. The liver fibrotic model was induced by i.p. dimethylnitrosamine for 4wk. The relative herbs were given after model establishment in each treatment group and the administration lasted for 6 weeks. Decollate to get the blood and The serum hepatofibrosis indexes, hyaluronic acid, collagen IV, pro-collagen type III and laminin were measuredwith radioimmunoassay. SOD and MDA were measured with biochemistry method. The liver pathological changes were observed in each group of rats.


By using the group-chain, the wavefunctions of the 4f〓 configuration for RE ions are also expressed as linear combinations of group-chain basis functions in Butler's irreducible representation notation. The matrix elements of the CF Hamiltonian then are calculated by means of the Wigner-Eckart theorem and factorization lemma of the jm factors. Before the CF level fitting, a point-charge calculation of the conventional CF parameters B〓 has been performed by means of the lattice-sum technique from the known crystal structure data. The corresponding parameters in the group-chain are calculated by the conversion relationship between two schemes that proved identical in essence, which are usually used as initial values in the fit to the experimental levels. The ratios of the same k-value CF parameters are suggested as the constraint conditions in the fit, in order to utilize fully the symmetry distortion degree of the studied system.


Fifty female patients who were selected to schedule for mammary gland tumor excision surgery, were divided into 2 groups(n=25 in each group): group A: received propofol's half-effective concentration at 3.0 μg/ml in Marsh model by TCI; group B: received propofol's half-effective concentration at 4.0 μg/ml in Marsh model by TCI. All patients were given remifentanil in Minto model by TCI after being given propofol which reached the balance between effect-site concentration and blood plasma concentration. The target concentration of remifentanil was determined by a modification of Dixon's up-and-down method. Laryngeal mask insertion was attempted after 10 mins, the insertion condition and success rate were observed, then the suitable target concentration of remifentanil(ECe50) were calculated.

50例女性乳腺良性手术患者随机分为2组(n=25),A组:靶控输注丙泊酚效应室浓度3.0 μg/ml;B组:靶控输注丙泊酚效应室浓度4.0 μg/ml(均为Marsh药代模型),待其效应室浓度和血浆浓度达平衡后给予靶控输注效应室浓度瑞芬太尼,运用Dixon's序贯法确定喉罩置入时瑞芬太尼浓度,10分钟后置入喉罩并观察喉罩置入条件与成功率,计算出相应的瑞芬太尼适宜靶浓度(ECe50值)。

Some innovative results are listed below:1、According to the lithologic characters,lithofacies,genetic classification and the geomorphy,the Quaternary system is divided into piedmont-gully\'s and plain\'s. The piedmont-gully\'s Quaternary sediment,which is about 3~20 meters in thick,is in the western hills of the study area.The plain\'s Quaternary sediment is widely distributed in the study area,which is about 30~60meters thick and become thicker from southwest to northeast.2、The Quaternary sediments of plain can be divided into five sedimentary cycles.The Late Pleistocene series Quantan group,at the bottom of the Quaternary System,is constituted by a fluvial facies-river and lake facies sedimentary cycle. The Late Pleistocene series Jiashan group,at the middle of the Quaternary sediment, is constituted by two fluvial facies-neritic facies-river and lake facies sedimentary cycles.The Holocene series Binhai group,at the upper of the Quaternary sediment, is divided into three parts,the under layer and middle layer are constituted by two littoral facies-river and lake facies sedimentary cycles,the upper layer is constituted by paludal facies,which was deposited at the lower-lying land like West Lake, Jiangcun-Gu dang,Xianghu lake,and coastal-estuary facies in other area.3、Folding and fault activities were weak in Quaternary and the tectonic activity had little influence on the Quaternary sedimentation.The ancient landforms,the evolvement of the river system and transgression were the main elements which controlled the Quaternary sedimentation in Hangzhou.The ancient landforms formed the basis of the Quaternary sedimentation.The evolvement of the river system and transgression individually or jointly controlled the Quaternary sedimentation of this area.4、The alternation of the climate was the main reason for the evolvement of the river systems and transgression,and it\'s also the reason why the Quaternary system of Hangzhou has the special sedimentary structure which is called soft interbed with hard layers.


The test was divided into three groups randomly as yh-16 - experiment group, pbs- blank control group and rpmi-1640 medium - positive group.③in the following 24h、48h and 72h interventions, the morphous of ec was observed by photology inverted microscope, the cytoactive was detected by method of mtt and the cell cycle was investigated by flow cytometry.the expression of vegf was dectected by real-time fluorescent quantitate polymerase chain reaction(real-time pcr).


A:Group1,widely opened by 20 μg·kg-1 of AD;B:Group 2,moderately opened by 10μg·kg-1 of AD;:Group 3,Slightly opened by 5μg·kg-1 of AD;D:Group 4,except a non-BBB area,pineal body,BBB was not opened in adjacent brain area by 3μg·kg-1 of AD.

a:第一组,AD 20 μg·kg-1引起的广泛开放;B:第二组,AD10 μg·kg-1引起的中度开放;C:AD 5 μg·kg-1引起的轻度开放;D:除缺乏BBB的松果体之外,AD3 μg·kg-1未引起其它脑区的BBB开放

First,the number of group members is not fixed in the setup phase and the group public key is unchanged.Second,an entity can join the group at any time and obtain a private signing key without refashioning other group members' private signing key.Third,the identity of the group signature can be open by the authority and the procedure of the tracing can be check by anybody.


Methods 60 HD patients were divided into venous group and oral group randomly and there were 30 patients in each group,100 mg CosmoFer were used one hour by vein point of dialyser before HD was completed in hemodialyses patients in venous group 200 mg amber acid subiron was taken by the patients in oral group three times a day and two months in total.

选择60例HD患者,分为静脉补铁组和口服补铁组,每组30例。静脉补铁组:每次透析结束前1 h注射100 mg右旋糖酐氢氧化铁,从透析器静脉端输入,时间维持1 h;口服补铁组:琥珀酸亚铁200 mg,每日3次,连续口服2个月。

Methods 60 HD patients were divided into venous group and oral group randomly and there were 30 patients in each group,100 mg CosmoFer were used one hour by vein point of dialyser before HD was completed in hemodialyses patients in venous group 200 mg amber acid subiron was taken by the patients in oral group three times a day and two months in total.

摘要] 目的比较静脉注射右旋糖酐氢氧化铁和口服琥珀酸亚铁治疗血液透析患者肾性贫血的疗效和不良反应。方法选择60例HD患者,分为静脉补铁组和口服补铁组,每组30例。

Methods: Twenty-four male SD rats were randomly divided into normal control (NC, n=6), protein C activator (PCA, n=6), lipopolysaccharide (LPS, n=6) and LPS+PCA group (n=6). NC group were given normal saline and PCA group were injected protein C activator (0.4 mg/kg) through vein of the tail. LPS group were administered lipopolysaccharide (10 mg/kg, 4h) by intraperitoneal injection method to make the model of septic shock rats. After the animal model was made, LPS+PCA group were injected protein C activator (0.4 mg/kg) through vein of the tail. 30 minutes after the injection, each rat was tested by Medlab biosignal analyzing system for observing mean arterial pressure and left ventricle function, the activity of LDH and iNOS in myocardium and the cuttings of myocardial tissues.

取SD雄性大鼠24只随机分成对照组、PCA组、LPS组和LPS+PCA组四组,对照组尾静脉注射生理盐水,PCA组尾静脉注射蝮蛇毒蛋白C激活物,LPS组腹腔注射LPS (10 mg/kg, 4h)的方法建立败血症休克的实验动物模型,在建立败血症的实验动物模型的基础上,尾静脉注射PCA (0.4 mg/kg)为LPS+PCA组,每只大鼠均于药后30 min时运用Medlab生物信号采集处理系统记录平均动脉压和左心室功能指标,并测定心肌中乳酸脱氢酶活性、诱导性一氧化氮合酶活性及心肌病理切片。

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A set of device for simulating naphthenic acid corrosion under high temperature and high flow rate was designed and set up based on the latest research progresses.

基于最新研究进展,设计并建立了一套模拟高温、高流速状态的环烷酸腐蚀模拟装置,可实现原油在450 ℃下以100 m/s的流速冲刷样品的试验条件。