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ground wire相关的网络例句

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与 ground wire 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The breakage of conductor/ground wire seriously affects the secure operation of transmission line.


When designing the system of the grading of the building, I define the level of grounding for lightening of the building. Then I design the lightning conductor of the roof and the ground wire.


Provided with ground wire and fuse for safety .

4.1.4 电源线路中必须接上地线和技安保险。

To solve this problem, the powerfrequency shunt function of t h e overhead ground wire and the leadin cable jacket can be used to reduce the e a rth shortcircuitcurrent.


Membership card before publishing network system of nurses'needle, the main engine room is the room of some basic security protection, such as: installation configured fire protection, lightningproof, theftproof, also install good room power supply system, the device has been configured, the best ground wire to all of the computers are configured to a UPS power, and so on.


Don Harmony , the chief honcho at the small company making Ecospheres, was familiar with this tendency of tiny glass Gaia, and half in jest suggested that perhaps fusing an electrical ground wire onto the globe might keep the precipitates from forming.




Apparently, when I had assembled the wiring harness, I had not managed to get the bolt through the ground wire's ring connector, and had only pinched it in place.


5 Degree display tray open Balance Valves and close valves ① valves open and close levels of scale line should be cast in the gearbox cover or change the direction of the display after the disc casing, all for the ground wire brush on a scale phosphor to show striking;② direct needle plate material in the case of better management of available stainless steel, or steel plate for the painting, do not use the aluminum skin production;③ direct drive needle eye-catching, stable fixation, accurate adjustment when opening and closing after the lock should rivet.

4.5 阀门启闭程度的显示盘①阀门启闭程度的刻度线,应铸造在变速箱盖上或转换方向后的显示盘的外壳上,一律面向地面,刻度线刷上荧光粉,以示醒目;②指示盘针的材质在管理较好的情况下可用不锈钢板,否则为刷漆的钢板,切勿使用铝皮制作;③指示盘针醒目,固定牢靠,一旦启闭调节准确后,应以铆钉锁定。

5 Degree of valve opening and closing valves open and close the display plate ① degree of scale line should be cast in the gearbox cover or change the direction of the display after the disc casing, all for the ground wire brush on the phosphor scale to show striking;② direct needle plate material in the case of better management of available stainless steel, or steel plate for the painting, do not make use of aluminum skin;③ direct drive needle eye-catching, stable fixation, accurate adjustment when opening and closing after Rivets should be locked.

4.5 阀门启闭程度的显示盘①阀门启闭程度的刻度线,应铸造在变速箱盖上或转换方向后的显示盘的外壳上,一律面向地面,刻度线刷上荧光粉,以示醒目;②指示盘针的材质在管理较好的情况下可用不锈钢板,否则氧气专用阀、铜阀门为刷漆的钢板,切勿使用铝皮制作;③指示盘针醒目,固定牢靠,一旦启闭调节准确后,应以铆钉锁定。

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I bought a nice wrist watch as a surprise for my wife's birthday.


We don t expect students to be sponges. You can t expect to absorb everything and not have any questions to ask.


He built the "airport for no one"—a boondoggle that made his commute to Washington, DC, a lot easier but was otherwise a huge waste of money.
