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ground electrode相关的网络例句

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与 ground electrode 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After anesthesia, the guinea pigs'scalp surface was exposed and two stainless screws (5 mm length and 1.2 mm diameter) were implanted at 6 mm in front of and 10 mm behind bregma, as reference electrode and recording electrode. In the middle, a third stainless screw was implanted as ground electrode. 3 days later, awaked guinea pigs were fixed in multifunctional head-body apparatus. RETI-port system was used to record PVEP of control group and experiment group.

麻醉后,在前囟前6 mm、后10 mm及矢状缝正中处钻孔,均植入长5 mm、直径1.2 mm的不锈钢螺钉作为参考电极、记录电极和地极。3 d后,将清醒状态下的豚鼠固定于自制多功能头身一体化固定台面上,采用RET I-port系统(Roland Consult,德国)分别记录对照组和实验组图形视觉诱发电位的变化。

There is a effect area of high voltage electrostatic field formed with a needle electrode connected with negative voltage and a stainless steel plate connected with ground.


To produce an RF lesion there must be a circuit with an active lesion electrode and a dispersive ground plate for return of current.


The soil model determines fundamental rule of site selection, HVDC ground electrode design and surface potential distribution. It is important to analyze the influence of HVDC monopolar operation with ground return on transformers.


Increasing the dimensions and burying depth of the grounding electrode, as well as the ground conductivity can effectively decrease the grounding impedance. In terms of the FDTD algorithm, an unsplit formulation of the Berenger''s PML and MPML and the modified difference equation near the sharp metal edge in FDTD grid are presented.

在FDTD算法方面,提出了Berenger PML及MPML场分量非分裂形式的公式;对金属薄板边缘场差分方程进行了修正,取得与实测数据一致的计算结果。

The detection circuit shall be sufficiently sensitive to indicate a fault when the electrode is arced to ground through a 0.5 mω resistor and shall be capable of detecting a fault which lasts for the duration of only one impulse.

报警电路的灵敏度要十分的高,当电极电对地电阻达到0.5 mω形成电弧时,电路必须发出报警信号。并且在一个脉冲只发出一个错误信号。

The detection circuit shall be sufficientlysensitive to indicate a fault when the electrode is arced to ground through a0.5 M Ω resistor andshall be capable of detecting a fault which lasts for the duration of only oneimpulse.

报警电路的灵敏度要十分的高,当电极电对地电阻达到0.5 M Ω形成电弧时,电路必须发出报警信号。并且在一个脉冲只发出一个错误信号。

Tesla coil electrode from the current release will be adopted in the form of half his body, and then to foil insulation conduction current services, and ultimately released through the soles of the feet safely to the ground.


Connect the earthing conductor coming from the ground electrode - preferably via a metering point with the green-yellow wire (not less than 16 mm2 )- to the main earthing bar of the switchgear.


Analysis on influence of ground electrode current in HVDC on AC power network.


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The good news is that after formatting from the command line to FAT32 (format /fs:fat32 /a:4096 drive:) all but one of the problematic games that I tested work perfectly.


In Amsterdam. He is a Dutch painter, draftsman, and etcher of the 17th century, the greatest artist of the Dutch school, a master of light and shadow whose paintings, drawings, and etchings made him a giant in the history of art.


Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved.
