英语人>网络例句>grey 相关的网络例句
与 grey 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Love's Fidelity Set me whereas the sun doth parch the green, Or where his beams do not dissolve the ice: In temperate heat, where he is felt and seen; In presence prest of people mad or wise; Set me in high, or yet in degree; In longest night, or in the shortest day; In clearest sky, or where the clouds thickest be; In lusty youth, or when my hairs are grey: Set me in heaven, in earth, or else in hell, In hill or dale, or in the foaming flood; Thrall, or at large, alive whereso I dwell, Sick or in health, in evil frame or good, Hers will I be; and only with this thought Content myself although my chance be nought.


Of hair grey or white with age.2.old and tritenational selfsatisfaction, guided by the principle that everything must be slick,*(superficially or pretentiously smooth and dexterous) trivial, and predigested, and culminating in that false optimism which puts the basest interpretation on the dictum that "truth will prevail."


In this paper, we research the feasibility of using the Walsh and Ranktransformation characters as match primitivity in replace of gray character of image. Theexperiment results indicate that the approach is feasible and got a better result comparedwith using grey character as primitivity.


In the image processing , the noise filter principal of the digital logical circuit is used to enhance the image background characteristics . And the average of grey-leveland standard deviation are also adopt to increase the contrast of image , such that the identification rate is improved .


A complete set of collection centered on the principal series of jeans with mixed colors of jean blue, grey, white and black.

JEANS 是以牛仔为主线延伸出的完整系列。色彩上采用了牛仔兰、灰、白、黑相搭配。

Dolohov, attired by now in the grey overcoat of a private soldier, did not wait to be called up.


And grey theory also are applied to appraisal and prognosticate in this course.


These results preliminarily showed that these detected loci of PRLR gene had no significant effect on prolificacy of Jining Grey goats.


In the grey zone, PSAT was more significance than PSAD between BPH group and PCa group.


The thermal distribution of objects can be transformed into the visual pictures by the infrared thermal imaging system and displayed on the monitor in grey level or pseudocolor, thus the temperature distribution of objects can be obtained.


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Girl's Not Grey
Shades Of Grey
Shades Of Grey
Girl With Grey Eyes
White Turns To Grey
Shades Of Grey
Grey Smoke

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
