英语人>网络例句>grey 相关的网络例句
与 grey 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this new algorithm, 2-D X-ray images are collected for Ca, Si, Al, Fe, S, K, Mg, and grey-level value of the same point in these images are normalized and arranged as a vector in a particular order. In this paper, the vector is named as character vector, for it can be used to characterize each point in cement pastes 2-D image.


Let the combination of weighted grey relevancy analysis and fuzzy C-mean valued clustering algorithm be applied to the wear pattern evaluation system of diesel engine, taking the Bezdek criterion and the fuzzy entropy value as the measuring target to enhance the search ability in overall situation and determined the weighted exponent value m, the wear patterned fuzzy analysis model was established by means of the clustering centre and the normalized standard vector.

将加权灰色关联分析与模糊C-均值聚类(fuzzy center-means clustering)算法相结合应用到柴油机磨损模式评价体系中,以Bezdek准则和模糊熵值为度量指标加强全局搜索能力并确定了加权指数m值,通过聚类中心和归一化的标准向量建立了磨损模式的模糊分析模型。

1255Stephen's mother, emaciated, rises stark through the floor, in leper grey with a wreath of faded orangeblossoms and a torn bridal veil, her face worn and noseless, green with gravemould.


We will send you a creditnote for 50 % for the grey color nr 10 you received.

我们将寄给你一张价值你所收到的灰色nr 1050%的支票。

A diver gets a close look at Georgie, an overweight grey nurse shark at the Melbourne Aquarium.


Oilcan is a kind of typical rigid target with big backscattering coefficient, which takes on point figure if the resolution of SAR image is not very high; these point targets to be recognized gather together, and form a target region with some distribution area; the center of the region appears as a beeline, and the speckle noise appears scattered, therefore, considering the different grey distributions between point target and speckle noise region and the space geometry distribution, these point targets can be recognized by this algorithm.


Furthermore, my sort-of whitish-grey oilskin trench has forced me into a bit of wardrobe rethink, because although looking like Dusty Springfield seemed a genius idea when my brain was addled by too much catwalk exposure, the reality of looking like Dusty Springfield (particularly, later Dusty, complete with a Vera Duckworth perm, when frankly she wasn't her best) is a bit scary.

而且,我这件算是白灰色防水布的短大衣也强迫自己重新考虑自己的衣橱,因为尽管在我的脑子让猫步的表演弄得糊里糊涂时,觉得打扮得像达斯蒂·斯普林菲尔德(注:Dusty Springfield,英国乐坛的常青树)看来是个好主意,真的看来像达斯蒂的念头(尤其是晚年的她,头上是维拉·达科沃斯式的烫发,说老实话,那时她看来真不算好)还是有点吓人的。

He seemed to be fairly old for his moustache was ashen-grey.


Yesterday, some girls take the initiative to increase space for my friends, I seem to you in the space of her often there, although I do not understand why she had to raise me, but I still accepted This two-day vacation, but not your old-line, the feeling of the heart air-to-air, in front of the head can you grey hair half-day stay, who can tell me how I had in the end.


There friend, and oldish, grey-headed man who was growing bald, lived in town.


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Girl's Not Grey
Shades Of Grey
Shades Of Grey
Girl With Grey Eyes
White Turns To Grey
Shades Of Grey
Grey Smoke

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
