英语人>网络例句>grey 相关的网络例句
与 grey 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Georgian dogs are divided into the large, longhaired and often multicoloured Mkinvartsveri Kazbek type and the slightly smaller wolf-grey Nagazi dogs of medium-length coat with longer muzzles, but there is also a separate breed known as Tushetian Nagazi or Georgian Caucasian Sheepdog in Georgia, which represents the original Georgian population of the breed, with the pure white dogs being the most valued.

格鲁吉亚犬分为大,五彩缤纷的长发,经常Mkinvartsveri卡兹别克类型和狼略小的中灰色Nagazi狗长大衣较长的枪口,但也有一个单独的品种作为Tushetian Nagazi或格鲁吉亚高加索牧羊犬已知格鲁吉亚代表的原始品种的格鲁吉亚人,与纯白色是最有价值的狗。

It was not dull grey as distance had suggested, but a mottle of khaki and black and olive-green.


At the northern end of the coast you'll find Flinders Island, the place to dive shipwrecks, climb to the top of the pink and grey cliffs of Mount Strzelecki and fossick for diamonds at Killiecrankie.


You break of some of both colors and knead it between your finger until it's uniformly grey.


They are becoming as big a pest in Britain as the grey squirrel or Japanese knotweed, and seemingly impossible to control.


The man who growled out these words, was a stoutly-built fellow of about five-and-thirty, in a black velveteen coat, very soiled drab breeches, lace-up half boots, and grey cotton stockings, which inclosed a bulky pair of legs, with large swelling calves;---the kind of legs, which in such costume, always look in an unfinished and incomplete state without a set of fetters to garnish them.


The galleries, designed by Jean-Michel Wilmotte from Paris, France feature dark grey porphyry stone and Louro Faya, a Brazilian lacewood that was brushed and treated to create a metallic appearance, which contrast with the light-coloured stonework of the rest of the Museum.

画廊由来自巴黎的Jean-Michel Wilmotte设计。法国特有的灰黑色斑岩石和巴西产的尼斯木被刷成金属质感,与博物馆的其余浅色石材形成鲜明对比。

They are in grey gauze with dark bat sleeves that flutter in the land breeze.


Either white or black Childishly I always think Everything we should unconsciously to make Nothing in reality is to like Adamancy makes exhaustion Embrace lover and sleep without intension Beauty lies in storm's presentation Death is the nature without any question Who am I in grey nothingness Couldnt memorize feeling of happiness Who are you without choices Sobbing for me with sadness Lighting plain in dreams Go back to langsyne after hurts Leave smoothly as hate flies Nights always remain endless nights Weep with me in your arms


Then it seemed to Tuor that Ulmo parted his grey mantle, and cast to him a lappet, and as it fell about him it was for him a great cloak wherein he might wrap himself over all, from head to foot.


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Girl's Not Grey
Shades Of Grey
Shades Of Grey
Girl With Grey Eyes
White Turns To Grey
Shades Of Grey
Grey Smoke

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
