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与 greens 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the world, become world the biggest fruit to produce a country, but long-term since because take crop seriously, negligence quality, take measure of the increase production before collecting seriously, negligence collects an aftertreatment, store up treatment, the decay after causing fruit greens product to collect is degenerative and serious, loss is great, main show is in these problems the following respects: 1Structure of breed of product of.1 fruit greens is unreasonable although the crop of fruit greens product of our country is tall, but quality is poorer, market price is low, breed structure is unreasonable, early, medium scale of ripe, late-mature breed is undeserved, do not have especially comfortable the high grade breed at treatment, restricted our country fruit to machine the development of course of study apparently.

因此提高果蔬产品的质量,发展贮藏加工业,是我国果蔬产业发展亟待解决的问题。1 目前我国果蔬产业发展中存在的问题自 1993年以来,我国果品产量跃居世界第 1位,成为世界第一大水果生产国,但是长期以来由于重视产量,忽视质量,重视采前增产措施,忽视采后处理、贮藏加工,造成果蔬产品采后腐烂变质严重,损耗极大,这些问题主要表现在以下几个方面:1.1 果蔬产品品种结构不合理我国的果蔬产品产量虽高,但质量较差,市场售价低,品种结构不合理,早熟、中熟、晚熟品种比例不当,非凡是没有适于加工的优质品种,明显制约了我国果品加工业的发展。

Why: It's almost impossible to meet your nutritional needs without eating dark leafy greens, from spinach and romaine to collard greens and chard .

原因: 几乎不可能满足你的营养需求脱离吃绿叶蔬菜,从菠菜和莴苣到羽衣甘蓝和菜。

Thenecessary internal relationships arelack between the residential greensand the urban space, the internalcenter greens and the group greens,which causes the closing space andindirectly affects the streetlandscape in the residential area.


Q: Edging grooves, which are about three inches deep and one-quarter to one-half inch wide, are cut at the perimeters of the putting greens to control the creeping of bermuda grass onto the greens.


Cooked Greens: Cooked greens, including cabbage, collards, kale, and chard, are consumed at New Year's in different countries for a simple reason — their green leaves look like folded money, and are thus symbolic of economic fortune.


" The course should be equally good during winter and summer, the texture of greens and fairways should be perfect, and the approaches should have the same consistency as the greens."


Cool colors are based on blues, greens, pinks, purples, blue-greens, magentas, and blue-reds.


They have large, paddle-like leaves, resembling banana leaves and coming in greens, blue-greens, variegations and stripes.


Since the fact that bamboo acid's pH is in the range of 2.6~3.2,the worth of bamboo acid is to let drop. If directly sprinkleing to the flora greens stalks, the subsance will be able to cause the flora disease.


When the grass is taken away and the aftergrowth appears, and the mountain greens are gathered in


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They keep on smashing on the shore and then subsiding.


Image of the differential operator.


Sometimes the gelt is in the form of real coins - the equivalent of stocking stuffers - and larger gifts of money from grandparents.

有时候 gelt 会被包装成真正的钱币---相等于贩卖假货的人---和来自祖父母更大的现金礼物。