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与 greenish-blue 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Large greenish June beetle of southern United States.


Fringed orchid of the eastern United States having a greenish flower with the lip deeply lacerate.


Achenes ovoid, obovoid, or slightly to strongly bilaterally compressed, smooth, sometimes tuberculate or spiny, sometimes marginate or winged along sutures, usually greenish, black in R. melanogynus. Seeds with a copious endosperm and small embryo.


A fish - eating duckMergus merganser,the male of which has a glossy greenish - black head and a white body.


Impressive benchmark white wine from top producer Nepenthe and another indication of the excellent wines from Adelaide Hills, this well-made Sauvignon Blanc wine has a clear pale yellow color with greenish tones, citrus, mineral and floral nose and generous flavors of tart grapefruit, peaches and grass with a touch of herbs; match this refreshing and stimulating wine with a variety of shellfish including Taiwanese deep-fried oysters, baby abalone and stewed eel; Nepenthe Wines specializes in high altitude viticulture and makes highly respected wines.

Nepenthe的高水准白酒之作,也是Adelaide Hills出产佳酿的另一指标。这支酿制相当好的白苏维浓拥有清澈的淡黄色泽且微带绿意,呈柑橘、矿物与花香,明显含有酸葡萄柚、水蜜桃、青草及些许香料草风味。可搭配多种有壳类水产,包括台式炸牡蛎、九孔及炖鳗。Nepenthe Wines酒庄致力於高海拔园区的葡萄种植,所出品的葡萄酒获得极高评价。

Upon processing to yield the food, which is known in Japan as nori, the red pigments are lost and the final product has a dark greenish color.


Any of various low-growing tufted plants of the genus Paronychia having tiny greenish flowers and usually whorled leaves; widespread throughout warm regions of both Old and New Worlds; formerly thought to cure whitlows (suppurative infections around a fingernail).


5 Mm. Female flower greenish, subglobose in bud, ca. 1 mm; perianth tube ca.


Sepals 4, greenish, not petaloid, inserted at base of ovary, sometimes persistent.


Sepals 4, greenish, not petaloid, persistent.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
