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与 greenish-blue 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

494 I seemed to be walking alone at the edge of a swamp at nightfall, the light around me glimmering, crepuscular, touched with the greenish hue presaging the onslaught of a summer storm.


Petals white or greenish white; flowers at least 15 mm, middle outer sepal and apical appendage of keel cucullate; stems with dense, raised leaf scars and lenticels; leaf blade slightly fleshy, elliptic-obovate to spatulate, 5-6 mm wide, apex obtuse.

花瓣白色或带绿色白色;花至少15毫米,中间外部萼片和龙骨瓣顶端附属物兜状;茎具紧密的,提高叶痕和皮孔;叶片稍肉质,椭圆状倒卵形的到匙形,5-6毫米宽,先端钝。 12 P。 dunniana 贵州远志

It is a toxic, corrosive, greenish yellow gas (as the diatomic molecule Cl2) that severely irritates the eyes and respiratory system (and was used for that purpose as a chemical-warfare agent in World War I).


It is a toxic, corrosive, greenish yellow gas (as the diatomic molecule Cl2) that severely irritates the eyes and respiratory system (and was used for that purpose as a chemical- war fare agent in World War I).


Early spring-flowering plant of eastern North America resembling the related jack-in-the-pulpit but having digitate leaves, slender greenish yellow spathe and elongated spadix.


The results as follow:1 Effect of Hg2 to the physiological and biochemical parameters of Egeria najasAfter 24h of exposure, the color of leaf of Egeria najas became greenish at 10mg/L Hg, the color of leaf of Egeria najas was not affected significantly under 10mg/L Hg.

现将主要结果总结如下: 1 Hg~(2 )对细叶蜈蚣草叶片叶绿素含量、超氧化物歧化酶和过氧化氢化酶的影响经过24h的处理,Hg~(2 )浓度为10.00mg/L的实验组中的细叶蜈蚣草叶片开始褪绿,Hg~(2 )浓度为1.00mg/L和2.00mg/L实验组中略微褪绿,而Hg~(2 )浓度为0.05mg/L和0.10mg/L实验组中未出现明显的褪绿现象。

After 48h of exposure, the color of leaf of Egeria najas became greenish badly and the leaf was conglutinated, and the chlorophyll content of leaf declined significantly when the Hg concentration were above 2.00mg/L.By the changes of chlorophyll content, the lethal concentration of Hg to Egeria najas was 0.10-2.00mg/L.

处理48h以后,Hg~(2 )浓度人于1.00mg/L实验组中的叶片褪绿严重而且叶片相互粘连,叶片叶绿素含量明显低于对照组,从中可以粗略看出Hg(2-)对细叶蜈蚣草的致死浓度为0.10-2.00mg/L。

Only the cassia at the wall corner,already decorated with a few tender pistils,golden in color and precious as well,hides itself carefully below the oval,greenish leaves,revealing some hopes of gemination.


Now we could stop here, but I want to get some greenish ocean colors in there too.


A greenish-brown resin obtained from this tree, used medicinally and in varnishes.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
