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You name as the greatest conductor of your time?


For this challenge, to buy their own game full of confidence, he said: I have the greatest record of the gradient is 28 , I would like to challenge 39 , it is a limit.

对于这次挑战,赛买提对自己充满了信心,他说:目前我的最大坡度纪录是28 ,我要挑战39 ,这是一个极限。

He exuded the calm confidence of a man who has won his greatest victory.


The universal social republic, in which, after the overthrow of every kind of spiritual and political tyranny", of "theocratical and dynastical powers and class privileges, reigns the greatest possible individual liberty and social and economical equality conformably to French Masonic ideals, the real ultimate aims of this social work.

在普遍的社会共和国,其中被推翻后的每一种精神和政治暴政"的" theocratical 和dynastical权力和特权阶级,统治尽可能最大的个人自由和社会和经济平等conformably法国共济会理想,真正的最终目的是这个社会的工作。

It was one of his greatest strengths (and for critics, one of his most confounding attributes).


In the "History of the Roman Breviary" by Batiffol, 15, we read: In proportion as the Church in extending itself had grown colder, there had taken place within its bosom a drawing together of those souls which were possessed of the greatest zeal and fervour. These consisted of men and women, alike, living in the world without severing themselves from the ties and obligations of ordinary life, yet binding themselves by private vow or public profession to live in chastity all their life, to fast all the week, to spend their days in prayer. They were called in Syria Monazonites and Parthenae, ascetics and virgins. They formed, as it were, a third order, a confraternity. In the first half of the fourth century, we find these associations of ascetics and virgins established in all the great Churches of the East, at Alexandria, Jerusalem, Antioch, Edessa.

, 15 ,我们读到:"在比例作为教会在扩大本身增加了寒冷,有发生在其bosom图纸一起,这些灵魂,其中拥有最大的热情和热潮,这些构成的男人和女人,无论是生活在世界上没有切断自己从关系和义务的普通生活,但自己有约束力的由私人或公共的誓言界人士住在贞节所有他们的生活,快速所有的一周内,用他们的天在祈祷中,他们被称为在叙利亚monazonites和parthenae ,修道和处女,他们形成的,因为它被,第三个命令, confraternity ,在上半年的第四个世纪,我们找到这些协会的修道者和处女成立于所有伟大的教堂东,在亚历山大,耶路撒冷,安提阿,伊得撒"。

Confucius is the world's greatest philosophers, one of the founder of Confucianism in China.


For example ,Confucious , one of the most greatest educators of the world .


Confucious, our greatest philosopher in Chia history, was a teacher too.


E.g. Confucius is one of the greatest teachers in China's history.


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The Greatest Love
The Greatest Pac-Man Victory In History
Greatest Time Of Year
The Greatest Story Never Told
Greatest Gift
The Greatest Story
The Greatest Sum
I'm The Greatest Star
The Greatest Performance Of My Life
The Greatest Light Is The Greatest Shade

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
