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At the same advanced angle, the emission quan tities of CO, HC u nder rated speed were greater than those under maximal torque speed; Increasing app ropriately the inlet air...

同一进气动压,标定转速下所生成的CO ,HC要多于最大转矩转速情况;冷却水温对于排放的影响不能孤立考虑,要结合缸内温度同时进行。

Results 500fold enrichments were observed by tittering phages in the cell lysate after five rounds of selection. A signal significantly greater than background binding was observed from the third to the fifth round of selection on CHOEGFRGFP1 and CHOK1 cell, but a part of polyclonal scFv bound EGFR specially. About 45% of the selected clones contained a fullsized insert of 1 kb. One unique human antiEGFR scFv (F4scFv) was isolated by analyzing with cell ELISA and DNA sequencing.

结果 经过5轮筛选,细胞裂解液中洗脱出噬菌体效价有500倍以上增长;细胞ELISA结果显示多克隆pscFv与CHOEGFRGFP1细胞和CHOK1细胞均有明显结合,但有部分特异性结合EGFR;菌落PCR显示约45%克隆中含有完整的1kb scFv片断;经细胞ELISA、 DNA测序检测共获得1株EGFR特异性单链抗体,命名为F4scFv。

All segments of the tremie should be of the same inner diameter, with the allowable deviation not greater than ±2mm.


Animals in each group growth were good. No abnormal phenomenon was observed. ConclusionThe Trollius Beverrage's MTD of mice and rats was greater than 20000mg/. It was concluded that the product had no toxicity. The result of mutagenic test was negative and no abnormal phenomenon was observed after feeding for 30 days.

结论金莲花露对两种性别的大、小鼠的MTD均大于20 000 mg/,说明该产品属实际无毒物;三项致突变实验结果阴性;大鼠30 d喂养实验各项指标均无明显异常。

However, the value of magnetoresistance increased apparently after annealing and was 1.74 times the unannealed sample. XRD structural analysis shows that peak intensity of the annealed sample is greater than that of the unannealed one which demonstrated an increase of crystallinity.


Soil water content in fenced undegraded meadow is greater than that of artificial pasture.


A carrying amount is not recoverable if it is greater than the sum of the undiscounted cash flows expected from the asset's use and eventual disposal.


A carrying amount is not recoverable if it is greater than the sum of the undiscounted cash flows expected from the asset's use and eventual disposal.


If future undiscounted cash flows were greater than carrying value, North Bay would recover the carrying value by using the asset group and would not recognize an impairment.


The elements detected by EDAX revealed that the content of Cu, Fe and Cr in etched region was obviously greater than that in an unetched region where the Cu and Fe were segregated from the foils as the impurity and the Cr was induced from formed conversion coating.


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Greater Than 84
Grace Greater Than Our Sin
Thy Burdens Are Greater Than Mine
Greater Than All
There Is Nothing Greater Than Grace
Greater Than / Less Than
Greater Than / Less Than
Greater Than
Greater Than

It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
