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与 great-grandfather 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Then,the great amount of operation of square and trigonometric function is replaced by little amount of operation of square and trigonometric function and great amount of arithmetic operation.


Rose Troche was directing that episode and my daughter happened to be on set with my husband, and there were all these little babies around and she had a great little t-shirt on that said "Bush makes me cry", which Rose had given her, and we thought it would be great if she was in the scene.

Rose Troche是那集的导演,刚好我的丈夫带女儿到片场探班,那里有很多小婴儿,她穿了一件Rose送给她,写着"布什弄哭了我"的圆领汗衫,然后大家就说如果她也在那场戏里就好了。

Now expensive country already gained great victory, reach turn up one's nose at great progress of the whole world, I do it from · heart applaud "."


The ancient Great Wall very draws out the unyielding chest, galloping Yangtze River whirls around the crystal clear spray, the great distance prairie reverberation affection wharf tweedle, Lhasa forest card main story comes the herdsman to rush toward the well-off happy song joke.


We come nearest to the great when we are great in humili ty.


Long live that tzar who was great , and long live his boot, which was still great er!


People The Great Kremlin Palace The Great Kremlin Palace was formerly the Tzar 's Moscow residence and a unique and magnificent part of Russia's history .


No -- better still, he would join the Indians, and hunt buffaloes and go on the warpath in the mountain ranges and the trackless great plains of the Far West, and away in the future come back a great chief, bristling with feathers, hideous with paint, and prance into Sunday-school, some drowsy summer morning, with a blood-curdling war-whoop, and sear the eyeballs of all his companions with unappeasable envy.


No-better still, he would join the Indians, and hunt buffaloes and go on the warpath in the mountain ranges and the trackless great plains of the Far West, and away in the future come back a great chief, bristling with feathers, hideous with paint, and prance into Sunday-school, some drowsy summer morning, with a blood-curdling war-whoop, and sear the eyeballs of all his companions with unappeasable envy.


Great people in the ancient time have not only great talent but also unbendable will.


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Great Man
Great Is The Chorus
Great Bright Morning
Be Great
The Great Disappointment
The Great Disappointment (Demo Version)
Our Great God
Great God Great Praise
Great Nachos, Great Price
Great Great God

With Death guitarist Schuldiner adopting vocal duties, the band made a major impact on the scene.


But he could still end up breakfasting on Swiss-government issue muesli because all six are accused of nicking around 45 million pounds they should have paid to FIFA.


Closes the eye, the deep breathing, all no longer are the dreams as if......
