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与 grandfather 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

My grandfather went to the beach Gorge downstream of the Goddess of Mercy, to catch crabs.


When my grandfather Denton built it, it was the acme of fashion. It was finished in the 1890s, when Queen Victoria was still on the throe, but in spirit and in design it was an Eswardian house. There it is, huge, crenellated, opulent, and absurd, made for the long summer days before the first war, made for a procession of house parties, made for billiards and bridge-playing, for croquet matches, for shooting weekends, and the discreet diversions of leisured adultery: Winterscombe, my home. I never cared if it ate money, and neither, I suspect, in their heart of hearts, did my father and my mother. They loved it; I loved it; I loved them. When I think of it now, it is always autumn; there is always a mist over the lake; there is always woodsomke; I am always happy. Naturally.

我的祖父Denton造这所房子时,这里可以算作是时尚的尖端房子于19世纪90年代完工,当时维多利亚女王仍然在痛苦时期,但从灵魂和设计方面,这是一个Eswardian房子这里是巨大的,锯齿形,华丽的,荒谬的我的家Winterscombe,它为第一次世界大战前的漫长夏日,为家庭聚会,为台球和桥梁,为槌球比赛,为周末的拍摄,以及谨慎的转移私通而建造我从来不关心,这里是不是花了大把的钱,我怀疑,在内心深处,我父亲和俺滴母亲他们很喜欢这样,我也很喜欢这样,我很爱这样的生活现在回忆起来,想起的都是这里秋天,湖面上总是泛着薄雾;总有wood somke,我总是本能的开心着

But he did his best, made Budmouth permanently his home, took great trouble with his child's education, the expenses of which were defrayed by the grandfather, and throve as the chief local musician till her mother's death, when he left off thriving, drank, and died also.


After dinner they sat in a blissful silence, one so profound and serene that the grandfather clock could be heard vividly, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock...


The granddaughter can use the time dilation of relativity to understand why her grandfather has aged less; that's not a problem.


The Total American Debt graph above from Grandfather Economic Report shows total US debt rose to over $32 trillion.


"We'll do better than that," said my grandfather, we'll go and feed the pigeons in Trafalgar Square.

"( "我们会做的更好比说,"我的祖父,"我们去喂鸽子的特拉法加广场。

My grandfather would spend hours in front of the mirror trimming his beard.


Her parents' marriage had been arranged by Dangereuse with her paternal grandfather, the Troubadour.


My grandfather was from Turin and I have an Italian passport.


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Ann Arbor Grandfather
My Grandfather's Clock
Grandfather's Clock
Grandfather's Clock

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
