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与 grandfather 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There were three Himmler brothers: Gebhard, Heinrich and Ernst, the author's grandfather.


Grandfather has a fever in hospital,brother and I will go to see him.


In his acceptance speech Locke cited his family's history in the United States, including his grandfather, who came from China 100 years ago to work as a houseboy in exchange for English lessons.


When I was a boy my grandfather said to me "the finest trait of character is humbleness".


Grandfather is quite old and a bit hunchbacked.


My grandfather came from Hungary and was the only one in his family who settled down in the United States.


This " opinion " point out, the Beijing since August 1 seeks profits the ability after sexual net inn must obtain business license first is managed, and operator should show identity information to grandfather, and the individual is not purpose net inn not to accept afore-mentioned agreements with seeking profits.


My grandmother died after a short illness and my grandfather was taken ill soon afterwards with high blood pressure and heart trouble.


Lin Huaimin grew up from the poetries which his great-grandfather preferred to reading, impressionistic paintings, Dream of Red Mansion and Farewell to Cambridge by Xu Zhimo, records of Beethoven and Mozart, as well as the Japanese books his father read. At his fourteen years old, he saw for the first time the performance by American modern dance group Jose Limon—it was one part of American cultural export during the period of Cold War......Adolescent enthusiasm, impetuousness and creativity to be released in the form of literature pursuing and novel writing finally was the easiest and most popular choice at that times.

林怀民是在曾祖父喜悦阅读的诗书,印象派的画作、《红楼梦》与徐志摩的《再别康桥》、贝多芬与莫扎特的唱片,还有他父亲读过的日本书籍中成长起来的,十四岁那年,他还第一次看到了美国现代舞蹈团Jose Limon的演出——它是冷战时代,美国文化输出的一部分……青春的热忱、躁动与创造力,最终以文艺追求和小说写作释放出来,这是那个时代最容易和普遍的选择。

Grandfather seems to be in fine feather after his recent illness.


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Ann Arbor Grandfather
My Grandfather's Clock
Grandfather's Clock
Grandfather's Clock

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objective:to explore the expression of survivin protein and its mrna in rectal cancer and their clinic significance.


9She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.(SBIII L65)Born means (10)The purpose of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a "dingo".
