英语人>网络例句>gradient of scalar field 相关的网络例句
gradient of scalar field相关的网络例句

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与 gradient of scalar field 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Firstly, some basic concepts about ECC are introduced;then the scalar multiplication under affine coordinate is discussed, we make a research and analysis of the side channel attack of scalar multiplication used in portable device, give out a new scalar multiplication algorithm which has the advantage of efficiency over other protected algorithm; and an improvement of the standard scalar multiplication algorithm proposed by IEEE1363 is made with the efficiency increasing by about 10%; at last, we deal with the using of complex multiplication in scalar multiplication algorithm, we generalize the methods and deduce a complete computing procedure, with proposing a new method which used several different fast endomorphism ,we give out an approach to boost the scalar multiplication with fast endomorphism.

本文首先介绍了椭圆曲线密码的有关基本概念;其次介绍了椭圆曲线上点的标量乘法在仿射坐标下的计算,对一般便携设备上的椭圆曲线点的标量乘法的边信道攻击做了研究与分析,给出了一种在效率上优于其它可抵抗边信道攻击的标量乘法的新算法,并对IEEE P1363 标准给出的标量乘法做了改进,使得标量乘法的运算效率提高了近10%;最后介绍了利用复乘计算标量乘法的方法,对已有的方法进行总结归纳,得出完整的计算过程,并针对两类超奇异椭圆曲线给出了一种利用多个可快速计算的复乘的标量乘法,得出一类普遍的结果,并给出了进一步用复乘加快标量乘法的思路。

In Salsola passerina -Reaumuria soongorica community, the first ordination axes explains the salinization gradient, along the order of Caragana tibetica community,Salsola passerina-Oxytropis aciphylla community,and Reaumuria soongorica-Salsola passerine community,soil alkalization increases. The second ordination axis explains soil structure gradient, along the order of Caragana tibetica community, Reaumuria soongorica-Salsola passerina community and Salsola passerina community, soil texture becomes coarser. In the Stipa breviflora-Stipa grandis community, the first ordination axis indicates the soil water gradient, and the second ordination axes explains hydrothermal coupling gradient. In the Prunus mongolica-Ulmus glaucescens community, the first ordination axis explains the soil pH gradient, along the order of Ulmus glaucescens-Prunus mongolica community, Prunus mongolica-Potentilla fruticosa community, and Potentilla fruticosa-Prunus mongolica community, soil pH value reduces. The second ordination axis explains soil structure gradient, along the order Prunus mongolica-Ulmus glaucescens community, and Prunus mongolica-Potentilla fruticosa community, the contents of silt and clay increase, and soil texture suggests a fine trend.


In Salsola passerina-Reaumuria soongoriea community, the first ordination axes explains the salinization gradient. along the order of Caragana tibetica community, Salsola passerina-Oxytropis aciphylla community, and Reaumuria soongorica-Salsola passerine community, soil alkalization increases. The second ordination axis explains soil structure gradient, along the order of Caragana tibetica community, Reaumuria soongorica-Salsola passerina community and Salsola passerina community, soil texture becomes coarser. In the Stipa breviflora-Stipa grandis community, the first ordination axis indicates the soil water gradient, and the second ordination axes explains hydrothermal coupling gradient. In the Prunus mongolica-Ulmus glaucescens community, the first ordination axis explains the soil pH gradient, along the order of Ulmus glaucescens-Pnuius mongolica community, Prunus mongolica-Potentilla fruticosa community, and Potentilla fnuicosa-Prunus mongolica community, soil pH value reduces. The second ordination axis explains soil structure gradient, along the order Prunus mongolica-Ulmus glaucescens community, and Prunus mongolica-Potentilla fruticosa community, the contents of silt and clay increase, and soil texture suggests a fine trend.


In the chiral SU(3) quark model, we use the coupling between quarks and nonet scalar meson fields and nonet pseudo-scalar meson fields to describe the medium and long range interactions, and use one gluon exchange to describe the short range interaction. In the extended chiral SU(3) quark model, besides the nonet pseudo-scalar meson fields and the nonet scalar meson fields, the coupling between vector meson fields and quarks is also considered, the short range interaction can be dominately described by vector meson exchange. We investigate the nucleon-hyperon interaction in the extended chiral SU(3) quark model and study the S-wave phase shifts of N-Λ and N-Σ systems. Comparing to the results in chiral SU(3) quark model, we find that the short-range interaction could be described either by the one-gluon exchange or vector meson exchange.


Given a mesh, we first solve a Poisson equation to construct a scalar field and use it to generate some critical points. The cutting paths between the critical points and the boundaries are solved in the Poisson scalar field using the deepest descent method. For meshes with nonzero-genus, we construct a Harmonic scalar field, and connect the saddle points with the boundaries based on the Morse theory.


For the first time, we investigated the possibility of using non-minimal coupled scalar field (include Real and Complex scalar fields) as the candidate of dark energy---Quintessence or Phantom. A cosmological model droved by real scalar field with accelerating and decelerating, forever cycling and expanding was constructed. Classical and quantum wormholes with Tachyon fields were discussed in detail. The entropy of sphere symmetric black holes due to arbitrary spin fields was studied, and the proportional relations between entropy and fields degeneracy was derived. For the first time, we investigated the neutrino quasinormal modes of stationary black holes in the background of de Sitter space-time, and the quasinormal modes of Schwarzschild black holes with arbitrary spin fields. We also studied the quantum teleportation in the background of curved space-time for the first time.


Among used machine learning methods, the gradient descent method is widely used to train various classifiers, such as Back-propagation neural network and linear text classifier. However, the gradient descent method is easily trapped into a local minimum and slowly converges. Thus, this study presents a gradient forecasting search method based on prediction methods to enhance the performance of the gradient descent method in order to develop a more efficient and precise machine learning method for Web mining.However, a prediction method with few sample data items and precise forecasting ability is a key issue to the gradient forecasting search method. Applying statistic-based prediction methods to implement GFSM is unsuitable because they require a large number of data items to model a prediction model. In the contrast with statistic-based prediction methods, GM(1,1) grey prediction model does not need a large number of data items to build a prediction model, and it has low computational load. However, the original GM(1,1) grey prediction model uses a mathematical hypothesis and approximation to transform a continuous differential equation into a discrete difference equation in order to model a forecasting model.

其中梯度法是一个最常被使用来实现机器学习的方法之一,然而梯度法具有学习速度慢以及容易陷入局部最佳解的缺点,因此,本研究提出一个梯度预测搜寻法则(gradient forecasting search method, GFSM)来改善传统梯度法的缺点,用来提升一些以梯度学习法则为基础的分类器在资讯探勘上的效率与正确性;而一个所需资料量少、计算复杂度低且精确的预测模型是梯度预测搜寻法能否有效进行最佳解搜寻之关键因素,传统统计为基础之预测方法的缺点是需要较大量的数据进行预测,因此计算复杂度高,灰色预测模型具有建模资料少且计算复杂度低等优点,然而灰色预测理论以连续之微分方程式为基础,并且透过一些数学上的假设与近似,将连续之微分方程式转换成离散之差分方程式来对离散型资料进行建模及预测,这样的作法不尽合理,且缺乏数学理论上的完备性,因为在转换过程中已经造成建模上的误差,且建模过程仅考虑相邻的两个资料点关系,无法正确反应数列未来的变化趋势。

The main contributions of the second part of this dissertation are focused on the cryptographic properties of logical functions over finite field, with the help of the properties of trace functions, and that of p-polynomials, as well as the permutation theory over finite field: The new definition of Chrestenson linear spectrum is given and the relation between the new Chrestenson linear spectrum and the Chrestenson cyclic spectrum is presented, followed by the inverse formula of logical function over finite field; The distribution for linear structures of the logical functions over finite field is discussed and the complete construction of logical functions taking on all vectors as linear structures is suggested, which leads to the conception of the extended affine functions over finite field, whose cryptographic properties is similar to that of the affine functions over field GF (2) and prime field F〓; The relationship between the degeneration of logical functions and the linear structures, the degeneration of logical functions and the support of Chrestenson spectrum, as well as the relation between the nonlinearity and the linear structures are discussed; Using the relation of the logical functions over finite field and the vector logical functions over its prime field, we reveal the relationship between the perfect nonlinear functions over finite field and the vector generalized Bent functions over its prime field; The existence or not of the perfect nonlinear functions with any variables over any finite fields is offered, and some methods are proposed to construct the perfect nonlinear functions by using the balanced p-polynomials over finite field.


This new method mainly comprises three steps: firstly, normalize the point-gradient vectors and calculate the block-gradient vectors and the corresponding block-coherence; then detect the noisy areas to eliminate the side effect of noise diffusing; finally, re-estimate all block- gradient vectors based on iteration and transform the gradient field to orientation field.


The IIA property might not be satisfied in human decision-making of realistic complexity because the scalar preference ranking is effectively derived from the weighting—not usually explicit—of a vector of attributes (one book dealing with the Arrow theorem invites the reader to consider the related problem of creating a scalar measure for the track and field decathlon event—eg how does one make scoring 600 points in the discus event "commensurable" with scoring 600 points in the 1500 m race) and this scalar ranking can depend sensitively on the weighting of different attributes, with the tacit weighting itself affected by the context and contrast created by apparently "irrelevant" choices.

该协会的财产可能不能满足人类的决策现实的复杂性,因为标偏好排名实际上是来自加权,通常没有明确的载体的属性(一本书处理的箭定理请读者考虑有关问题创造一个标措施,田径十项全能比赛,例如如何使一个得分600分,铁饼事件"公"与得分600分, 1500米比赛)和本量排名可以依靠敏锐的加权不同的属性,与默契加权本身受影响的范围和所创造的对比显然是"无关"的选择。

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Field Of Love
Karl Lagerfield
Love Field
We Do It In A Field
Lovers' Field
Da' Durty
Field Below
Diamond Field
Play The Field

And in the seventeenth catechesis on the Holy Ghost, speaks of the visit of Peter and John to communicate to the Samaritans the gift of the Holy Ghost by prayer and the imposition of hands.


Under the help of maths tools, the authors induct Poincare sphere and Stokes son space unit sphere to express the stations of polarization, and study their connection.

本文借助数学工具,引入 Poincare球与Stokes子空间单位球表示光的偏振态,并对二者关系进行了研究。

By the study, after the tunnel is timbered as the original designation, the plastic scope of the surrounding rock's distortion is controlled obviously, and the stability of surrounding rock is strengthened.
