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与 governors 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The governor general and lieutenant governors represent the Queen, who is Canada's head of state.


Or an Honorary Award may take the form of a Life Membership, a scroll, a medal or any other design chosen by the Board of Governors.


One of them was Lillie Hardin, the Arkansas woman who had so impressed my fellow governors ten years earlier when she said the best thing about leaving welfare for work was that when my boy goes to school and they ask him, What does your mama do for a living?


After we adjourned, the Democratic governors went to Mackinaw Island, where Governor Jim Blanchard brought us together to meet with all our presidential candidates, including Senator Al Gore, Senator Paul Simon, Senator Joe Biden, Congressman Dick Gephardt, the Reverend Jesse Jackson, former governor Bruce Babbitt of Arizona, and Governor Mike Dukakis.


He had numerous governors, Janissaries, and officials arrested and executed for bribery and malfeasance.

他曾多次省长, Janissaries ,官员被逮捕和处决贿赂和渎职行为。

Egypt was then subject to the authority of a Turkish representative, the pasha, but actual power remained in the hands of Mameluke beys, or governors of districts or minor provinces.

埃及当时受到权威的一个土耳其代表,帕沙,但实际权力仍掌握在马穆鲁克beys ,或省长的地区或轻微的省份。

Mrs Lee-Jones says school governors, including the proprietor of the Yang Sing restaurant, a Mancunian institution, welcomed the plan.


But it is a fact, in spite of the mildness of their governors, the people are ground to powder by the vices of the form of government.


The Monarchist League of Canada said the .10 pays for the expenses of the Governor General, the Queen's representative in Canada, and for the expenses of lieutenant governors in Canadian provinces.


Mustafa was put back on the throne; but provincial governors refused to recognize him or send in taxes.


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All these Governors

This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
