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与 governors 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After RI President Wilfrid J. Wilkinson talked about RI President-elect Dong Kurn Lee's new emphases, Lee and his wife, Young, wave to the crowd of district governors-elect.


The 2008-09 theme challenge to reduce the child mortality rate is a tall order, RI President Wilfrid J. Wilkinson told incoming district governors at the International Assembly yesterday, but by working within the framework of Rotary's emphases set by RI President-elect Dong Kurn Lee, it's a goal worth achieving.


Unavoidably, these rules brought about a sharp debate, which reflected the diversity of economic structures and development levels in various regions and the different administerial concepts of governors.


In the el Amarna letters(~1350 BC) sent by governors and princes of Canaan to their Egyptian overlord Akhenaten in the 14th century BC - commonly known as the Tel-el-Amarna tablets - we find, beside Amar and Amurru, the two forms Kinahhi and Kinahni, corresponding to Kena' and Kena'an respectively, and including Syria in its widest extent, as Eduard Meyer has shown.

公元前14世纪,由迦南的统治者和省长发给他们的至高统治者阿赫那吞的艾尔-亚马拉书信中(公元前1350 年)——一般地被称为艾尔-亚马拉石版——我们发现,阿玛和阿姆茹之间相比,有Kinahhi和Kinahni两种形式分别地相应于Kena'和 Kena'an,包括了叙利亚及其最宽阔的扩展领土,正如爱德华·梅耶所展示的一样。

Even under the appointive system the selection of judges is not immune from political influence and appointees are usually of the Presidents or governors own party.


Group of Seven finance ministers and central bank governors have warned against artificial efforts to shield consumers from the price of higher energy costs, saying that price caps and subsidies on fuel could end up backfiring.


1 But some of the local governors, Timothy and Apollonius, son of Gennaeus, as also Hieronymus and Demophon, to say nothing of Nicanor, the commander of the Cyprians, would not allow them to live in peace.


Mr Halls says, heretically:"If you set up a school in Beijing and it wasn't that good, no one in Wimbledon would be that troubled, except for maybe the governors."


Governors should consult informally with appropriate directors about such matters as interpretation of Board action, serious district or interdistrict problems, or possible formal communication to the Board.


Speaking at the meeting of governors in Veanna,Austria says that Iran has not opened its nuclear facilities to more thorough inspections.He also notes that Iran is not complaining with UN's Security Council's demand to stop reaching Iranism.


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All these Governors

The good news is that after formatting from the command line to FAT32 (format /fs:fat32 /a:4096 drive:) all but one of the problematic games that I tested work perfectly.


In Amsterdam. He is a Dutch painter, draftsman, and etcher of the 17th century, the greatest artist of the Dutch school, a master of light and shadow whose paintings, drawings, and etchings made him a giant in the history of art.


Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved.
