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与 golden 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

According to Navica company presiding apparitor Bernard Golden says, the growth momentum of contact center already slow down.

据Navica公司首席执行官Bernard Golden说,联络中心的增长势头已经减缓了。

In order to investigate the performance of Iterative Detection in Golden Code system and reduce the complexity of the Iterative Detection algorithm, the Gaussian Approximation and Minimum Mean Square Error methods are proposed to obtain the soft information of each bit.


"There stood the house of the Golden Flower who bare a rayed sun upon their shield, and their chief Glorfindel bare a mantle so broidered in threads of gold that it was diapered with celandine as a field in spring; and his arms were damascened with cunning gold."

Golden Flower家族盾牌上是放射光芒的太阳标记,Glorfindel本人则穿着用金线绣出celandine花纹的披风,那披风看上去就像春天的原野;他的护腕上也装饰着漂亮的金色波浪形花纹。

We've been really excited for Christie Golden to get on board and begin constructing much of this story.

有幸的是,我们请到了Christie Golden加入我们的团队并开始组织这个故事的情节。

In eastern Europe the Yellow Pages telephone directory is called the Golden Pages to connote an image of quality.

在东欧"黄页"电话号码簿被称为"金页",而Golden Pages传达给了顾客高质量的品牌形象。

Waiting in the wings is Golden Northwest, which has two smelters: the 168,000tpy Goldendale smelter in Washington and the 82,000tpy Dalles plant in Oregon.

处于观望态度的还有Golden Northwest,它拥有两家冶炼厂:地处华盛顿的年产168,000吨的Goldendale冶炼厂和俄勒冈州年产82,000吨的Dalles冶炼厂。

Neither has the Quest of the Golden Fleece, nor Orpheus and Eurydice, nor many another.

探寻金羊毛Quest of the Golden Fleece》和《俄耳甫斯和欧律狄斯Orpheus and Eurydice 》以及许多其他的故事都是如此。

Three, tools projects: IDEAL-TEK swiss precision tweezers; WELLER Soldering Units; LEISTER hot air gun; vacuum suction pen; USA GOLDEN four anti-static brush and so on, equipment category: V-CUT cutting plate machine, the buffer feeder Units; monolithic heater, vacuum packaging machine and so on ......, equipment repair.


That golden sea with dazzling waves,mountain-high-an immensity of wheat field for t hree days fly,where my fat her stands sho ulder high,my elder brot herexpo sing only his head,my granny falling into t he sea up2o n her t read,above me golden billows surging like a crestof a hundred feet and I hold my breat h,jumping twotimes and t hree,which ends in a failure to reach t he earsof wheat.

这是一段关于麦田的生动描写。作者使用夸张的修辞手法把人在麦浪中的情景描绘得出神入化。在此段的一开始,作者就用&golden sea&描绘出麦田的色彩,用&mountain high&比喻麦子的高度,紧接着又用了&for three days&的数字夸张手法描绘出麦田的浩瀚无垠。

Golden Saguenay is the first ship delivered by Rongsheng Heavy Industries and also the first of the six ships of the same type signed between Rongsheng Heavy Industries and Golden Ocean of Norway.

&Golden Saguenay&号是熔盛重工交付的首条船舶,也是熔盛重工与挪威 Golden Ocean 集团签订的6条同类型船舶的第一条。

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The Golden Ratio
True Love Is A Golden Ring
Man With The Golden Gun
The Golden Rule
All In The Golden Afternoon
Pretty Golden Hair
Sister Golden Hair
Once Sent From The Golden Hall

I am accused of being overreligious," she said in her quiet, frank manner,"but that does not prevent me thinking the children very cruel who obstinately commit such suicide.""


Designed by French fashion house Herm è s, this elegant uniform was manufactured in our home, Hong Kong, and was the first without a hat.

由著名品牌 Herm è s 设计,这件高贵的制服是香港本土制造,是我们第一套不配帽子的制服。

Do not 'inflate' your achievements and/or qualifications or skills .

不要 '夸大' 你的业绩或成果,条件或者技能。