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Although the ancient sects did not survive, aspects of the Gnostic world view have periodically reappeared in many forms: the ancient dualistic religion called Manichaeism and the related medieval heresies of the Albigenses, Bogomils, and Paulicians; the medieval Jewish mystical philosophy known as Cabala; the metaphysical speculation surrounding the alchemy of the Renaissance; 19th-century theosophy; 20th-century existentialism and nihilism; and the writings of the 20th-century Swiss psychologist Carl Jung.

虽然古老的教派没有生存,方面的gnostic的世界观,有定期重新出现在许多形式:古代二元宗教所谓的摩尼教和相关的中世纪的异端邪说的比根斯派,波果米尔人,和paulicians ;中世纪的犹太神秘哲学称为cabala ;形而上的投机周围的炼金术的文艺复兴;十九世纪的theosophy ;二十世纪的存在主义和虚无主义;著作20世纪的瑞士心理学家卡尔容。

Certain of the Gnostic sect - possibly, for example, Marcion and his followers, in their antithesis of the Old and New Testament, or the Carpoeratians, in their doctrine of the indifference of good works and their contempt for all human laws - held Antinomian or quasi-Antinomian views.

一定的gnostic节-可能,例如,马西和他的追随者,在他们的对立面,旧的和新约圣经,或c arpoeratians,他们的学说的冷漠态度好的作品和他们的蔑视,所有人类的法律-举行an tinomian或准antinomian的意见。

It is remarkable that so little is known of the Gnostic substitute for the Eucharist.


DM Scholer, Nag Hammadi Bibliography 1948 - 1969; J Robinson, ed., The Nag Hammadi Library in English; RM Grant, ed., Gnosticism: A Source Book of Heretical Writings from the Early Christian Period; W Foerster, Gnosis: A Selection of Gnostic Texts; B Aland, Gnosis: Festschrift fur Hans Jonas; GL Borchert,"Insights into the Gnostic Threat to Christianity as Gained Through the Gospel of Philip," in New Dimensions in New Testament Study, ed.

马克scholer ,拿哈玛书目1948 -1 969年j罗宾逊,教育署,该拿哈玛图书馆在英语;室补助金,教育署,诺斯底主义:源图书邪教的著作,从早期基督教时期;瓦特属A pantelesF oerster,预后:一选择gnostic的文本B期奥兰,预后: festschrift毛皮汉斯的Jonas ; GL的博尔歇特",深入探讨gnostic威胁基督教获得通过的福音弘,"在新的层面,在新约圣经的研究,教育署。

This definition, based on the etymology of the word (gnosis "knowledge", gnostikos,"good at knowing"), is correct as far as it goes, but it gives only one, though perhaps the predominant, characteristic of Gnostic systems of thought.

这个定义的基础上,语言的Word (预后"知识", gnostikos ,"好,在明知"),是正确的,据这是不言而喻,但它给人只有一个,虽然也许是优势,特点gnostic系统的思路。

In this sense Mani was a true Gnostic, as he brought salvation by knowledge.

在这个意义上的摩尼是真正的gnostic ,因为他所带来的救恩知识。

DM Scholer, Nag Hammadi Bibliography 1948 - 1969; J Robinson, ed., The Nag Hammadi Library in English; RM Grant, ed., Gnosticism: A Source Book of Heretical Writings from the Early Christian Period; W Foerster, Gnosis: A Selection of Gnostic Texts; B Aland, Gnosis: Festschrift fur Hans Jonas; GL Borchert,"Insights into the Gnostic Threat to Christianity as Gained Through the Gospel of Philip," in New Dimensions in New Testament Study, ed.

马克scholer ,拿哈玛书目1948 -1 969年j罗宾逊,教育署,该拿哈玛图书馆在英语;室补助金,教育署,诺斯底主义:源图书邪教的著作,从早期基督教时期;瓦特属A pantelesF oerster,预后:一选择gnostic的文本B期奥兰,预后: festschrift毛皮汉斯的Jonas ; GL的博尔歇特&,深入探讨gnostic威胁基督教获得通过的福音弘,&在新的层面,在新约圣经的研究,教育署。

It is true that these are more often classed under Judaistic than under strictly Gnostic literature, but their affinity to Gnostic speculations is at least a first sight so close and their connection with the Book of Elxai (cf. ELCESAITES) so generally recognized that they cannot be omitted in a list of Gnostic writings.

这是事实,这些都是更经常地归入下judaistic比下,严格gnostic文学,但他们的亲和力gnostic揣测,至少是第一次看到如此接近和他们涉嫌与这本书的elxai (参见elcesaites ),所以普遍认识到,他们不能省略在名单gnostic著作。

Within the last few years these Gnostic vowels, so long a mystery, have been the object of careful study by Ruelle, Poirée, and Leclercq, and it may be considered proven that each vowel represents one of the seven planets, or archons; that the seven together represent the Universe, but without consonants they represent the Ideal and Infinite not yet imprisoned and limited by matter; that they represent a musical scale, probably like the Gregorian 1 tone re-re, or d, e, f, g, a, b, c, and many a Gnostic sheet of vowels is in fact a sheet of music.

在过去几年中这些gnostic元音,只要是一个谜,已对象仔细研究ruelle , poirée ,勒克莱尔,它可被视为证明,每个元音代表之一的七个行星,或执政官;表示,七一起代表宇宙,但没有辅音他们所代表的理想和无限尚未被监禁的和有限的问题;他们所代表的一出音乐剧的规模,大概想阳历一月的语气再转口,或D ,电子商务,男,克,, B , C和许多gnostic资产负债表元音,其实是一张音乐。

Much scholarly knowledge of Gnosticism comes from anti-Gnostic Christian texts of the 2nd and 3rd centuries, which provide the only extensive quotations in the Greek of the original Gnostic texts.


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