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And every time the matrons of Atlanta gathered together to gossip, his reputation grew worse, which only made him all the more glamorous to the young girls.


"Lettie's bad for custom," she told the bonnet, pleating away at the mushroom-colored silk. She would make even you look glamorous, you dowdy old thing.


On to a lighter note, though. I was excited to learn that the producer behind cult television hits like Absolutely Fabulous, Little Britain, and The Office is turning Simon Doonan's (creative director at Barneys New York) memoir - Nasty: My Family and Other Glamorous Varmints - into a comedy series called Beautiful People due to air on BBC2 in the UK later this year.


He is Hong Kong's glamorous, tearaway pop star-with a police record to prove it-and everyone wants a piece of him, from Japanese electronics companies and French fashion labels, to movie directors, music producers and the media.


Designers are rejecting the whites, ecrus and taupes that have dominated bathrooms for nigh-on a decade in favour of something richer, more suggestive and more glamorous: black.


How's my favorite glamorous supermodel?


It may help explain how some of the world's most glamorous women are able to maintain their slimline figures so easily. Superslim models Naomi Campbell and Kate Moss both have skinny mothers.


She is the most glamorous, shrewdest and most calculating golddigger in America and, when he chosen foolish husband lapses, she takes him to the cleaners. Well, until she meets Clooney.


From well- heeled mobsters and glamorous showgirls, fantastical mega-casinos and dazzling displays of neon -- Las Vegas is the world's most famous monument to reckless abandon and unbridled excess.


Gogol at first turns his back on his immigrant family, finding it much more glamorous to hang out with his girlfriend's family in Manhattan and Oyster Bay, before rediscovering his Bengali roots when his father dies.


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Glamorous Life
Glamorous Lifestyle
Glamorous Indie Rock & Roll
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Glamorous Life

With Death guitarist Schuldiner adopting vocal duties, the band made a major impact on the scene.


But he could still end up breakfasting on Swiss-government issue muesli because all six are accused of nicking around 45 million pounds they should have paid to FIFA.


Closes the eye, the deep breathing, all no longer are the dreams as if......
