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与 get over 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And Borowski says "Let's all go to Brussels tomorrow," and we agree, and when we get back to the hotel I vomit all over the place, in the bed, in the washbowl, over the suits and gowns and the galoshes and canes and the notebooks I never touched and the manuscripts cold and dead.


Party ah'ou'' yo wow wrong wanna a chair super negro wanna said hanging out man negro show will love some of a faggot you are murd when i dread to make a connect to yo babies dont try helicopter pipe-check we'll be smoking a cigar so as bad as sharper rocking down somebody everywhere of a party over there man sweetie homie sot all the danstroll mad all train the city cause we the best droll size the rockies to flat by a squash like a super star try to right up at the top whoever say no way, check it out the quality's down whoever like it or moaning out turning our stuff around last night a jewel saved my life, now that all you want last night a jewel saved my life, there's a party going on last night a jewel saved my life, now is bergy time last night a jewel saved my life, there's a party going on now should get down jungle fibre getting tie boogy night we'll be the one and the male smoothy is looking for kill we'll be the top place wrong place raping the world cause we would have top place now start the pub we'll be the hard too, shaking everybody what a tough shit bar man rocks for its tale beating me in the dance and never tell mine too, my thingy got to swing it with me my moving making everybody dance i'll be the dance keep surprising everybody with a jet you taking over your mind cause where the jackets were the baseline checking it hard cause we'll be the place sudden start bald day last night a jewel saved my life, now that all you want last night a jewel saved my life, there's a party going on last night a jewel saved my life, now is bergy time last night a jewel saved my life, there's a party going on now bergy time,bergy time bergy time,bergy time damn number rare yo, yeah, come on ,come on ,come on, come on damn number rare yo moving w yo yo 怎么 boorgy

落某人 为情人 homie 醉鬼配备人手所有的 danstroll 疯狂的所有的训练城市引起我们最好人好笑的对褶皱不堪的公寓按规定尺寸制作岩石者喜欢一个超级星尝试到正确地增加在顶端任何人没有说方法,检查出它质量的下来任何人喜欢它或呻吟出将我们的东西转回头昨晚,一些珠宝节省了我的生活,现在全部你想要昨晚,一些珠宝节省了我的生活,有一个宴会继续昨晚,一些珠宝节省了我的生活,现在是 bergy 时间昨晚,一些珠宝节省了我的生活,有一个宴会现在继续应该拿下来丛林纤维得到领带 boogy 夜晚 smoothy 正在找寻杀我们将会是那一和男性我们将会是最上面的地方错误的地方轻敲世界引起我们会有最高的地方现在开始酒馆我们将会是那努力地也,摇动每个人什么强硬的粪除为它的故事的男人岩石打我在跳舞方面我的感人的使每个人都跳舞我将是跳舞用喷气式飞机保存令人惊讶每个人而且也不再告诉我的,被开始的我的 thingy 和我摇摆它你接管你的思想引起夹克是基线的地方努力地检查它引起我们将会是地方突然开始秃头日子昨晚,一些珠宝节省了我的生活,现在全部你想要昨晚,一些珠宝节省了我的生活,有一个宴会继续昨晚,一些珠宝节省了我的生活,现在是 bergy 时间昨晚,一些珠宝节省了我的生活,有一个宴会现在继续非常的数字稀有的 yo,是的,发生,发生,发生,发生诅咒数字稀有的 yo 迁出 yo 摇摆二十折层取出 yo 飞行 yo 昨晚,一些珠宝节省了我的生活,现在全部你想要

I get bord with the guesses in the public, I get bord of being so sad, I will say to you, only weakness always find excueses to refuse miving on, only weakness always drown in deep sadness, I was sad for long long time, but I'm happier that I had passed over.


It was the turn next of the other new arrival, Domoraud, to get in the action when, seizing on a flicked header from Matt Pattison, he strode through on the Woking left to test the Lewes keeper with a left-footed strike. On the quarter hour mark Danny Bunce tried an ambitious effort from 30 yards, the ball passing a foot or so over the bar. A minute later a good move involving Domoraud and Lambu ended in a scramble in the box. The ball reared up but wouldn't come down quickly enough to allow Gez Sole to get the ball on target.


Dealcoholization temperature markedly influences the surface area and porosity of the resultant MAO-supports. When the support was pretreated at lower or higher temperature, the corresponding MAO-support shows very low surface area;2.XRD and IR analyses indicate that MAO has reacted with the residual ethanol in the supports, which is an important manner to get MAO fixed on the carrier. Morever, XPS analyse indicates that MAO can also be coordinated with MgCl_2, which is another way to get MAO fixed on the support;3.ICP and EDX analyses indicate that dealcoholization temperature not only determined the element content on the solid catalyst, but also influences the element distribution on the carrier;4.The activities of the supported phenoxy-imine catalysts and the properties of resultant polymers are strongly dependent on the dealcoholization temperature. The support (MSP-5) obtained by treating MgCl_2·2.56C_2H_5OH at 160℃for 4 h, then modified by MAO is very effective for immobilizing complex 3, the resultant solid catalyst (MSPC-5) shows very high activity in ethylene polymerization, and its kinetics of polymerization is stable during the reaction process. Finally, PEs with spherical morphology and high bulk density (over 0.35g/ml) were obtained, without reactor fouling;5.In this work, polymerization conditions such as alkylaluminums, Al/Zr ratio, temperature and H_2 had a pronounced effect on the activity of MSPC-5 and properties of PE;(3). New MgCl_2-Supported Single-Site Catalysts for Ethylene PolymerizationIn this work, a kind of new MgCl_2 support was obtained by anhydrous MgCl_2 co-milled with solid MAO, and it is a creative contribution. Then some single-site catalysts were supported on the new MgCl_2 support, and the resulted solid catalysts were tested in ethylene polymerization, the results indicated that:1.XRD and IR analyses indicate that MAO does be coordinated with MgCl_2, which is in good agreement with the results obtained by XPS;2.co-mlling time had no obvious effect on the texture of support after 12 hours;3.In this work, MgCl_2 was co-milled with solid MAO for different hours, and then complex 3 was supported on these co-milled supports. It was found that co-milling time markedly influences the activity of solid catalysts, but it had negligible effect on the kinetic profile and the properties of resultant PE.


Dealcoholization temperature markedly influences the surface area and porosity of the resultant MAO-supports. When the support was pretreated at lower or higher temperature, the corresponding MAO-support shows very low surface area; 2.XRD and IR analyses indicate that MAO has reacted with the residual ethanol in the supports, which is an important manner to get MAO fixed on the carrier. Morever, XPS analyse indicates that MAO can also be coordinated with MgCl_2, which is another way to get MAO fixed on the support; 3.ICP and EDX analyses indicate that dealcoholization temperature not only determined the element content on the solid catalyst, but also influences the element distribution on the carrier; 4.The activities of the supported phenoxy-imine catalysts and the properties of resultant polymers are strongly dependent on the dealcoholization temperature. The support (MSP-5) obtained by treating MgCl_2·2.56C_2H_5OH at 160℃for 4 h, then modified by MAO is very effective for immobilizing complex 3, the resultant solid catalyst (MSPC-5) shows very high activity in ethylene polymerization, and its kinetics of polymerization is stable during the reaction process. Finally, PEs with spherical morphology and high bulk density (over 0.35g/ml) were obtained, without reactor fouling; 5.In this work, polymerization conditions such as alkylaluminums, Al/Zr ratio, temperature and H_2 had a pronounced effect on the activity of MSPC-5 and properties of PE;(3). New MgCl_2-Supported Single-Site Catalysts for Ethylene Polymerization In this work, a kind of new MgCl_2 support was obtained by anhydrous MgCl_2 co-milled with solid MAO, and it is a creative contribution. Then some single-site catalysts were supported on the new MgCl_2 support, and the resulted solid catalysts were tested in ethylene polymerization, the results indicated that: 1.XRD and IR analyses indicate that MAO does be coordinated with MgCl_2, which is in good agreement with the results obtained by XPS; 2.co-mlling time had no obvious effect on the texture of support after 12 hours; 3.In this work, MgCl_2 was co-milled with solid MAO for different hours, and then complex 3 was supported on these co-milled supports. It was found that co-milling time markedly influences the activity of solid catalysts, but it had negligible effect on the kinetic profile and the properties of resultant PE.

XPS研究结果表明,MAO不仅仅只和乙醇作用,MAO还与MgCl_2本身有一定的作用,这是一个极为重要的发现; 3、通过ICP和EDX表征,发现载体的脱醇温度直接影响着元素在固体催化剂中的含量及分布; 4、脱醇温度极大地影响着负载苯氧基亚胺类催化剂的活性和聚合物的性能,特别是原始载体经160℃活化4小时制备得到的固体催化剂MSPC-5的活性明显高于其他脱醇温度条件下制得的固体催化,并且催化剂寿命长,表现出稳定的动力学行为,最终获得了高堆密度(大于0.35g/ml)的球形聚乙烯颗粒; 5、本文选择MSPC-5为研究对象,考察了聚合反应参数对催化剂的活性及其聚合物的影响,研究发现:不同的烷基铝对催化剂具有非常重要的影响,特别足TIBA对MSPC-5的助催化活性最高,烷基铝的加入量有一个较佳值,聚合温度为80度时活性最高,H_2的加入使催化剂的活性明显降低且聚合物的分子量也减小;、新型氯化镁载体负载单活性中心催化剂催化乙烯聚合本文创造性采用固体MAO与无水氯化镁直接进行共研磨,制备出了一种的新型的氯化镁载体,并将该载体用于多种单活性中心催化剂的负载化研究,研究表明: 1、通过BET、XRD的表征,再次证实了MAO与MgCl_2之间具有直接作用,与XPS的研究结果相一致; 2、当研磨时间高于12小时时,延长研磨时间对载体的结构没有显著的影响; 3、将配合物3负载于共研磨时间不同的一系列载体上,乙烯聚合结果表明,尽管共研磨时间对负载催化剂的活性具有明显的影响,但是它对聚合物的性能以及催化剂的影响不明显。

But I was not content with this Discovery; but having now more Courage, and consequently more Curiosity, I takes my Man Friday with me, giving him the Sword in his Hand, with the Bow and Arrows at his Back, which I found he could use very dextrously, making him carry one Gun for me, and I two for my self, and away we march'd to the Place, where these Creatures had been; for I had a Mind now to get some fuller Intelligence of them: When I came to the Place, my very Blood ran chill in my Veins, and my Heart sunk within me, at the Horror of the Spectacle: indeed it was a dreadful Sight, at least it was so to me; though Friday made nothing of it: The Place was cover'd with humane Bones, the Ground dy'd with their Blood, great Pieces of Flesh left here and there, half eaten, mangl'd and scorch'd; and in short, all the Tokens of the triumphant Feast they had been making there, after a Victory over their Enemies; I saw three Skulls, five Hands, and the Bones of three or four Legs and Feet, and abundance of other Parts of the Bodies; and Friday, by his Signs, made me under stand, that they brought over four Prisoners to feast upon; that three of them were eaten up, and that he, pointing to himself, was the fourth: That there had been a great Battle between them, and their next King, whose Subjects it seems he had been one of; and that they had taken a great Number of Prisoners, all which were carry'd to several Places by those that had taken them in the Fight, in order to feast upon them, as was done here by these Wretches upon those they brought hither.


But I was not content with this Discovery; but having now more Courage, and consequently more Curiosity, I takes my Man Friday with me, giving him the Sword in his Hand, with the Bow and Arrows at his Back, which I found he could use very dextrously, making him carry one Gun for me, and I two for my self, and away we march'd to the Place, where these Creatures had been; for I had a Mind now to get some fuller Intelligence of them: When I came to the Place, my very Blood ran chill in my Veins, and my Heart sunk within me, at the Horror of the Spectacle: indeed it was a dreadful Sight, at least it was so to me; though Friday made nothing of it: The Place was cover'd with humane Bones, the Ground dy'd with their Blood, great Pieces of Flesh left here and there, half eaten, mangl'd and scorch'd; and in short, all the Tokens of the triumphant Feast they had been making there, after a Victory over their Enemies; I saw three Skulls, five Hands, and the Bones of three or four Legs and Feet, and abundance of other Parts of the Bodies; and Friday, by his Signs, made me under stand, that they brought over four Prisoners to feast upon; that three of them were eaten up, and that he, pointing to himself, was the fourth: That there had been a great Battle between them, and their next King, whose Subjects it seems he had been one of; and that they had taken a great Number of Prisoners, all which were carry'd to several Places by those that had taken them in the Fight, in order to feast upon them, as was done here by these Wretches upon those they brought hither.


As for the first, which was so vastly big, as I made it without considering before-hand, as I ought to do, how I should be able to launch it; so never being able to bring it to the Water, or bring the Water to it, I was oblig'd to let it lye where it was, as a Memorandum to teach me to be wiser next Time: Indeed, the next Time, tho' I could not get a Tree proper for it, and in a Place where I could not get the Water to it, at any less Distance, than as I have said, near half a Mile; yet as I saw it was practicable at last, I never gave it over: and though I was near two Years about it, yet I never grutch'd my Labour, in Hopes of having a Boat to go off to Sea at last.


I thought it was very scarce for me to get a chance, may be the only one chance in my life, to tramp over the jokul, that was also tramping over my life, to sleep in my tent in snowfield where there is snow throughout entire year.


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You'll Never Get Over Me
I Will Get Over You
She'll Get Over It
Can't Get Over You
Gotta Get Over You
Never Get Over You
Get Over It
I'll Never Get Over You Getting Over Me
Get Up And Get Over
When Will I Get Over You (Getting Over Me)

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
